Feb. 25, 2025

The Flow: Episode 100 - How to Create an Eye-Catching Podcast Set

100 : The Flow: Episode 100 - How to Create an Eye-Catching Podcast Set

Ecamm Network

Listen to The Flow

Podcasting, especially video podcasting, can be a great way to share your message with the world. There are so many things to learn and do, but it's hard to know where to start if you've never done it before.

Producing a podcast can initially seem daunting; it's easy to feel overwhelmed when starting something new. Using a Video First approach with Ecamm Live will make it much easier and save you lots of time.

The Flow is here to help. We'll take you step-by-step through creating a video podcast, from planning and production to promotion and monetization. You'll learn how to build an efficient workflow that will make your content shine, leaving you to focus on creating great content.

💡 FREE Podcasting Course: https://ecamm.tv/freepodcastcourse

Want your video podcast to stand out? A well-designed set can make a huge difference in how professional and engaging your show looks. In this episode of The Flow, we’ll show you how to create an eye-catching podcast set that enhances your brand, keeps viewers engaged, and makes your content look next-level—without breaking the bank.

You'll learn:

✅ The key elements of a visually appealing podcast studio

✅ How to choose the right background, lighting, and camera angles

✅ Budget-friendly ways to upgrade your podcast setup

✅ Common design mistakes to avoid

Whether you're setting up a home studio or refining your existing space, this episode is packed with tips to help your video podcast shine!

🎧 Listen & Subscribe


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Welcome to The Flow. Created by Ecamm and hosted by Doc Rock and Katie Fawkes, this weekly video podcast will take you step-by-step through the process of video podcasting.

Want to see behind-the-scenes? Join the studio audience of our live recordings every Tuesday at 12 pm Eastern on YouTube.

This video podcast is powered by Ecamm. With Ecamm, you can plan, produce, and record your podcast, bring on co-hosts and interview guests, add graphics and animations, and much more. Ecamm makes podcasting easy. Try it today for free at https://ecamm.live

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Ecamm Network

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Copyright 2025 Ecamm Network


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<v Music>

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<v Doc>Aloha Flow Riders and welcome to The Flow. I am your host, Doc Rock,

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<v Doc>along with my awesome co-host.

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<v Katie>Hey everyone, it's Katie.

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<v Doc>Yay! Alright, today we are going to flow it up. It is episode 99.

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<v Katie>No, it's episode 100. Wait, really?

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<v Doc>How do I keep missing? You know what? It's Hawaii time.

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<v Katie>Today's the day. Even in Hawaii, it's still episode 100.

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<v Doc>Episode 100 episode. I just went mad German just now. It's episode.

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<v Doc>Wow, that's crazy. Can you imagine when we started this? Like,

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<v Doc>oh, yeah, we should take like 10 episodes. We'll be good.

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<v Katie>We have a lot to say.

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<v Doc>Oops. Oops. It turned out that it was a lot of fun.

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<v Doc>And, yeah, it's kind of cool to watch it grow over the times.

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<v Doc>We've done them, like, now in remote locations.

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<v Doc>We've done them in the same place. We've done them from a hotel room in Albany

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<v Doc>and where was the other one? Was it Texas?

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<v Doc>Yes, it was Dallas. We did what had done with the crickets.

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<v Doc>We did it in Dallas. We even did one on the pool deck in Orlando,

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<v Doc>Florida at the resort that they paved over now.

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<v Doc>So we had the Flofa episode, which is still my favorite. That was just absolute fun.

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<v Doc>So yeah, it's kind of crazy. We've been, wow, it's been a happy 100.

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<v Doc>I feel like I should take a shot, but it's 7 in the morning.

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<v Katie>Yeah, like an espresso shot for right now, and then other shots later.

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<v Katie>Espresso shots for the moment.

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<v Doc>All right, so what are we kicking off today for the hundy?

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<v Katie>Well, I thought today we would talk a little bit about podcast sets.

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<v Katie>And I specifically want to phrase it in that way, podcast sets,

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<v Katie>instead of talking about,

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<v Katie>studio because we have a bunch of episodes in our hundred all about the gear

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<v Katie>and the tech and kind of all of the camera equipment and lights and microphones

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<v Katie>and all that great stuff, which we will cover a little bit of today.

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<v Katie>But I wanted everyone to have a good understanding of all of the different options

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<v Katie>that come with a studio set.

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<v Katie>So that includes the flofa.

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<v Katie>Maybe you want a flofa. That includes whether or not you're remote or in person,

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<v Katie>whether you're on location, or you have just a really simple solo shot.

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<v Katie>So I want everyone, as we always do, to think about what the content and the

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<v Katie>structure of your show is or what you plan it to be.

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<v Katie>And then through that lens, we're going to talk through all the different options

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<v Katie>available to you as you think about building out your space.

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<v Katie>So what the show will look like to everyone watching on the other side.

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<v Katie>So sets, not fully studio, but a little bit studio.

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<v Doc>All right, cool. So I, listen, this is really good. I love this idea.

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<v Doc>And, um, it's just the idea that I think there is a lot of overthinking when

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<v Doc>it comes to this kind of thing.

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<v Doc>And I think part of it is people are still like, I legit just had this conversation

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<v Doc>on my video yesterday and, uh, the thought process was, was triggered by my buddy, Kurt.

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<v Doc>I love Kurt, but I'm going to disagree with him hardcore on this one.

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<v Doc>Kurt said that podcast video is different from regular video.

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<v Doc>I'm like, no, it's not. That's why everybody keeps overthinking it.

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<v Doc>Because if you were to do a show and I'm going to review frying pans,

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<v Doc>something as mundane as frying pans, and

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<v Doc>I'm going to go from the standard issue Walmart $12

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<v Doc>joint to the hexaclad joint to the Lodge stable $25 large cast iron that will

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<v Doc>last you your entirety of your life to the Martha Stewart knockoff lodge to

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<v Doc>these artisanal brands that are made in like Portland and Seattle.

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<v Doc>There's a couple of really cool ones that are, you know, people are trying to bring back the art.

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<v Doc>And I ended up with 30 10

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<v Doc>minute a piece videos talking about the merits and

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<v Doc>well demerits of each one of those particular frying

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<v Doc>pans I could put those in the playlist and call it everything you need to know

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<v Doc>about frying pans in more podcasts I could have shot them as YouTube videos

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<v Doc>and at the end go wow I got 30 dope videos and the people are loving it It gets the people going.

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<v Doc>I can literally just throw in a 3,000 by 3,000 square, write a description and call that a podcast.

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<v Doc>I can then in turn strip the audio for all of those and upload it to Lip Sync,

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<v Doc>Captivate, Buzzsprout, whatever.

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<v Doc>And that's a podcast. So the podcast is only the container that makes it not

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<v Doc>episodic necessarily, but episodic style where I can watch them in a collection. It's a box set.

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<v Doc>So people need to stop it with the crazy definitions. And I understand why people

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<v Doc>do that because the industry has kind of done that.

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<v Doc>And that's the reason why brand new people get a little bit lost because they

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<v Doc>get caught in labels that don't mean jack.

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<v Doc>Yeah. So sorry, Kurt. I love you. We can fight about this in person.

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<v Katie>This actually, though, raises, I guess, a couple of questions I've been thinking

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<v Katie>about recently. And I'm sure that many other people have these kinds of thoughts in mind.

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<v Katie>Right. So if you are a video creator and you also have a podcast,

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<v Katie>or maybe you have a couple podcasts, so Doc and I are great examples of this,

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<v Katie>you might want to think about your space and your set a little differently based

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<v Katie>on the different kinds of content that you're creating.

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<v Katie>So I have this space right now.

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<v Katie>I'm in my home studio. So I have my mushroom backgrounds and my woobles and

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<v Katie>my chickens and whatever, all my personality stuff.

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<v Katie>I have my I have, I go into the Amesbury studio, which I haven't been into it

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<v Katie>for a while because I've been loving the internet connection here.

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<v Katie>I'm a little bit better, but there is an incredible studio there,

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<v Katie>right? And that feels very Ecamm, right?

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<v Katie>It's got all of the branded Ecamm things in the background. It's been very much

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<v Katie>intentionally set up to be very Ecamm.

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<v Katie>But I have this podcast that I do for fun where I'm reviewing movies, right?

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<v Katie>And so I've been thinking more about like, oh, maybe I should have like a background

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<v Katie>specific for my show that has a little bit more of the movie personality, right?

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<v Katie>So it's good to think through, like Doc was just saying, like your content,

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<v Katie>but you might also be thinking like about different,

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<v Katie>you know, creating different spaces, whether it's in the same room,

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<v Katie>maybe it's just a really simple space, maybe you're carrying your brand through

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<v Katie>to all the different shows and content that you do, and that's fine.

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<v Katie>Or maybe you want, like, I'm honestly thinking I have a flofa over there off camera.

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<v Katie>And it's got movie posters all behind it. So maybe in my case,

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<v Katie>like, this is Ecamm Katie just coming to you.

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<v Katie>And this is all the pieces behind me that the flair that make up who I am and are identifiable.

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<v Katie>But maybe when I'm doing my movie podcast, I'll be on my sofa with my movie posters background.

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<v Katie>And that creates a different, welcoming people into a different space and setting

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<v Katie>the intention that, hey, in

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<v Katie>this episode, in this video, we're actually talking about movies, right?

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<v Katie>So I think, again, understanding your content,

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<v Katie>knowing that it can be used in all of these different ways, it's really important

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<v Katie>as you're thinking about your set and your studio spaces to think about how

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<v Katie>are you welcoming people into the content that you're about to talk to,

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<v Katie>what story and message are you telling by what you have behind you,

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<v Katie>what space you're in, what you're wearing potentially,

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<v Katie>all of these different things that kind of make up the set and the studio space.

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<v Doc>What's really cool about your setup is for people who don't like,

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<v Doc>okay, I desk it. So my camera is against the wall at the desk.

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<v Doc>It is a little bit more work for me to flip the room. But what I have been working

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<v Doc>on in the last couple of days is building something that's going to allow me to flip the room.

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<v Doc>Yeah. Right. So I, the other day I opened up a brand new, what do you call it? Softbox.

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<v Doc>Because I'm going to do what we did in Amesbury and I'm going to put camera on a pole.

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<v Doc>So that way, if I want to change the set, all I got to do is go to the DJI Osmo

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<v Doc>Pocket or the Osmo Action 5 or the phone against that pole and then shoot this

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<v Doc>way. So you're looking into the edit bay, right?

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<v Doc>So yours would be super cool because you could flip the room.

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<v Doc>And honestly, this sounds crazy.

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<v Doc>I know it'd be impossible because there's no way that the kids are going to

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<v Doc>be quiet that whole time.

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<v Doc>But I would love to see you shoot in the library.

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<v Doc>Your library is dope. Like it's what I've always dreamed I could have,

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<v Doc>but square footage in Hawaii is crazy expensive.

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<v Doc>Your library would cost me 300 grand just in square feet alone. So I can't do that.

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<v Doc>So it's a vicarious situation, but I think it would be so dope to get like a

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<v Doc>high back chair with the brass doohickeys, you know, like that kind of red Corinthian lead.

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<v Doc>And then you're sitting there like Nick Offerman in your cable sweater because the fire is right there.

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<v Doc>The books are right there that smell of the books and

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<v Doc>then you know i think that'd be dope to talk about movies because most of the

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<v Doc>movies come from books yeah right yeah now now then scarlet would run and be

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<v Doc>like mom and he'd be like damn it there goes the podcast so there is i mean

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<v Doc>but you know i mean i think that what you just said is is dope because it allows

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<v Doc>you to put some personality

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<v Doc>in it and not just be a talking head

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<v Doc>And a great example of that is Alec, because Alec started with the backdrop

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<v Doc>and then he was like, yeah, I'm not really feeling this because everyone always

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<v Doc>comes to us. Well, how do we do the backdrop? How do we do the backdrop?

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<v Doc>And I'm like, yo, the backdrop. Look, you got to do what you got to do.

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<v Doc>I'm not I'm not a hater, but it is stealing your personality because that backdrop is not you.

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<v Doc>And I think you should avoid it unless you have no choice. And there are definitely

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<v Doc>times where you have no choice. I started on the backdrop and I totally felt

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<v Doc>a difference. And I hate this word.

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<v Doc>I felt a difference in, I wouldn't want to call it confidence,

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<v Doc>but I call it delivery. I felt a difference in my delivery.

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<v Doc>Once I got rid of the virtual backdrop and started using a regular space.

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<v Katie>Yeah, absolutely. All right, let's start.

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<v Katie>Let's dive in. Cause I know you, everyone in our team helped research some different

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<v Katie>examples so we can show people.

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<v Katie>So Louise, if you want to swing on over to our examples scene,

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<v Katie>we can talk through because there's there's lots of i think a really important

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<v Katie>thing for people to understand is that there are lots of options available for

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<v Katie>you and there's oh because video is so visual like you literally just have to

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<v Katie>go over to youtube and start taking a look at what people are doing this face

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<v Katie>right we're gonna start with this face real.

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<v Doc>Quick uh dj right on beat has something very important to say and i agree with

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<v Doc>it he said it's hard to stay motivated if you have to set it up and take it

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<v Doc>down all the time yes you just need to sit down and record and i 100 percent

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<v Doc>agree with that i 100 agree with that boom

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<v Katie>That's actually really great. So in the conversation about sets and studios,

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<v Katie>if you are at all able to, having a defined space goes a really long way.

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<v Katie>We do have examples, and we've mentioned this a lot of times before, but just a reminder,

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<v Katie>if you are in a place where it is a shared space, you can't build out a defined

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<v Katie>space, there are more and more these days studio spaces available for rent or to borrow.

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<v Katie>So there are options that are still a defined space, even if it's not in your

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<v Katie>home, or even if it's something that you're borrowing or renting.

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<v Katie>Many libraries in major cities have podcasting labs now built within them that are cool spaces.

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<v Katie>Kit.com is building out studios for their customers in a number of different

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<v Katie>cities, which is incredible that all of their customers can use to record their

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<v Katie>shows. And then there are just companies,

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<v Katie>more and more companies that are offering podcast studio spaces.

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<v Katie>So there are options outside a room in your home.

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<v Katie>There are options outside a room in your office. There are mobile different solutions.

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<v Katie>So it really, there's so many different places that are available to you.

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<v Katie>You just need to think through what makes sense. And as Doc was saying,

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<v Katie>to think through like that it is way easier to be motivated when you step into

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<v Katie>a space that allows you to be creative and that has everything ready to go.

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<v Katie>So whatever that means, whether it's a borrowed space or your own space.

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<v Doc>Carolyn says she's struggling because the recording space is also the craft

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<v Doc>space. So you have to clean up all the projects before filmmaking.

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<v Doc>I'm going to push back against that because that's an excuse. Here's why.

00:13:22.182 --> 00:13:26.102

<v Doc>No good crafters space is cute like those people on Pinterest.

00:13:26.942 --> 00:13:32.182

<v Doc>The people on Pinterest that have really cute spaces with the pegboard and everything

00:13:32.182 --> 00:13:33.742

<v Doc>is in order, they're not crafting.

00:13:34.122 --> 00:13:37.742

<v Doc>People who are actually doing crafts, they're crafting. My grandma's sewing

00:13:37.742 --> 00:13:40.482

<v Doc>room was clean when she's not sewing, but when she was sewing,

00:13:40.862 --> 00:13:41.842

<v Doc>yo, there's stuff everywhere.

00:13:42.242 --> 00:13:45.782

<v Doc>And I think if you became the first person to show up

00:13:46.285 --> 00:13:52.325

<v Doc>With a in-progress crafting room, people will vibe with you more because you'd

00:13:52.325 --> 00:13:54.065

<v Doc>be the first person telling the truth.

00:13:54.725 --> 00:14:00.005

<v Doc>Everybody else is lying. You cannot craft and be perfectly clean the whole time.

00:14:00.125 --> 00:14:01.405

<v Doc>It doesn't work. I'm sorry.

00:14:01.865 --> 00:14:05.545

<v Doc>Yeah. So I think you just don't overthink it.

00:14:05.965 --> 00:14:09.045

<v Doc>Anyway. Yeah, the wood shop is spotless, bro. No one's buying any furniture

00:14:09.045 --> 00:14:11.605

<v Doc>from us. When they come in and they got a step over sawdust,

00:14:11.745 --> 00:14:12.865

<v Doc>they know we actually do work.

00:14:14.365 --> 00:14:20.125

<v Katie>All right. so this this video luis um feel free to to pop on screen as well

00:14:20.125 --> 00:14:25.685

<v Katie>to talk through it a little bit but this is a this is an on location podcast studio space right.

00:14:25.685 --> 00:14:28.405

<v Doc>Yes this is something that i was able to

00:14:28.405 --> 00:14:32.265

<v Doc>do and i'm just gonna switch over to the previous scene this

00:14:32.265 --> 00:14:35.025

<v Doc>is a behind the scenes of exactly what i had

00:14:35.025 --> 00:14:38.705

<v Doc>it was just my macbook air my rode wireless

00:14:38.705 --> 00:14:42.665

<v Doc>uh microphones connected directly via usbc

00:14:42.665 --> 00:14:45.505

<v Doc>and then my camera connected via

00:14:45.505 --> 00:14:51.345

<v Doc>usbc just the same a simple little light and this was just in the eating area

00:14:51.345 --> 00:14:57.945

<v Doc>like the dining area of the hotel and then i was able to do this on the live

00:14:57.945 --> 00:15:02.825

<v Doc>stream and uh just hit play on that real speak i don't think any of the audio

00:15:02.825 --> 00:15:05.225

<v Doc>is coming through right no

00:15:05.225 --> 00:15:06.185

<v Katie>Perfect no which is.

00:15:06.185 --> 00:15:09.865

<v Doc>Great no no and that's good but this is the quality that

00:15:09.865 --> 00:15:15.365

<v Katie>You can get. What makes it really... Exactly. And what makes it really nice

00:15:15.365 --> 00:15:19.105

<v Katie>is that it's still the same overall feel of your show, right?

00:15:19.205 --> 00:15:23.925

<v Katie>So it's still you, front and center, your microphone in front of you.

00:15:23.985 --> 00:15:28.665

<v Katie>And I love that you still have your animated kind of background around it.

00:15:28.725 --> 00:15:31.205

<v Katie>So you still are pulling in the kind of the branding and the consistency of

00:15:31.205 --> 00:15:34.085

<v Katie>the show, even though your set is on location.

00:15:34.325 --> 00:15:37.885

<v Katie>And honestly, I would say, if you are going to be on location,

00:15:38.125 --> 00:15:42.965

<v Katie>quote unquote, for all it for here and there in a pop-up, double down into that.

00:15:43.025 --> 00:15:46.045

<v Katie>It's totally fine to let your people know, hey, I'm on location today.

00:15:46.265 --> 00:15:50.685

<v Katie>I'm actually, hilariously, I'm in a hotel and I found this quiet space to be

00:15:50.685 --> 00:15:52.125

<v Katie>able to still come to you.

00:15:52.225 --> 00:15:56.665

<v Katie>I think that this is an instance when you have a mobile setup that you're going

00:15:56.665 --> 00:15:58.825

<v Katie>to be popping up into different places here and there.

00:15:59.065 --> 00:16:01.185

<v Katie>It's totally fine for it to be a little bit,

00:16:01.706 --> 00:16:04.546

<v Katie>you know, a little bit less polished than what you would normally have.

00:16:04.666 --> 00:16:07.846

<v Katie>But again, Luis has made it really easy to bring all that gear and equipment

00:16:07.846 --> 00:16:11.546

<v Katie>with him. And it's made it really easy to still get a consistent look. Right. So.

00:16:11.946 --> 00:16:16.606

<v Doc>Yeah. He hides it underneath the stroller with nips in it. So you got wheels.

00:16:18.686 --> 00:16:21.886

<v Doc>You know, what's really, what's really cool about this setup is,

00:16:22.306 --> 00:16:25.826

<v Doc>look, it's so realistic that I'm looking for Michael in the comments,

00:16:25.826 --> 00:16:28.326

<v Doc>but he was on the comments and videos thing. I was like, Hey Mike.

00:16:28.426 --> 00:16:31.286

<v Doc>Oh, he's not here. He's on luis's video so i'm trying to comment

00:16:31.286 --> 00:16:35.106

<v Doc>to people that's not here yeah exactly super

00:16:35.106 --> 00:16:38.186

<v Doc>super cool i really like this and um i

00:16:38.186 --> 00:16:40.766

<v Doc>don't know i i sent it to luis sort of last minute so i don't know if he

00:16:40.766 --> 00:16:43.786

<v Doc>had a chance to pull it up but there's a really cool cat

00:16:43.786 --> 00:16:48.406

<v Doc>named jefferson fisher his whole podcast come from his car oh man that's why

00:16:48.406 --> 00:16:52.486

<v Doc>we got a good producer look here yeah you talk about mobile studio jefferson

00:16:52.486 --> 00:16:59.326

<v Doc>fisher is a highly accomplished individual okay when i mean highly accomplished

00:16:59.326 --> 00:17:01.646

<v Doc>I'm a highly accomplished individual.

00:17:01.926 --> 00:17:08.126

<v Doc>And I think it's funny because there are so many people that will hide behind

00:17:08.126 --> 00:17:12.226

<v Doc>their professionalism, their doctoral degrees or whatever not.

00:17:12.666 --> 00:17:16.706

<v Doc>Jefferson shoots a whole bunch of his shows from the whip.

00:17:16.906 --> 00:17:20.646

<v Doc>I got to pick up my kids. And this is the pickup line.

00:17:20.666 --> 00:17:26.386

<v Doc>This is my best information I got while I'm in the pickup line waiting to pick up my kids.

00:17:26.886 --> 00:17:29.366

<v Doc>Like, this is, to me, brilliant.

00:17:30.135 --> 00:17:34.435

<v Katie>It is brilliant. It is 100% a podcast set, right?

00:17:34.675 --> 00:17:40.775

<v Katie>So he is there in the car. And I would say, we got a question in from Ed asking

00:17:40.775 --> 00:17:42.235

<v Katie>about green screen backgrounds.

00:17:42.495 --> 00:17:49.895

<v Katie>I will say, Ed, that being physically in the car or in the past example that

00:17:49.895 --> 00:17:51.495

<v Katie>we gave of Luis in that area,

00:17:51.735 --> 00:17:57.695

<v Katie>that is actually less distracting and more interesting for a viewer than a virtual

00:17:57.695 --> 00:18:02.435

<v Katie>background, which has the potential to look fake, or God forbid.

00:18:02.895 --> 00:18:08.735

<v Katie>Your hair disappears or your arm disappears, or there are just so many things

00:18:08.735 --> 00:18:12.975

<v Katie>that can go wrong with a virtual background that unless you're in a very controlled

00:18:12.975 --> 00:18:16.535

<v Katie>space and you have tested and practiced a lot with it,

00:18:16.815 --> 00:18:19.655

<v Katie>it actually ends up being a lot more distracting for your viewers.

00:18:19.815 --> 00:18:22.575

<v Katie>And the entire time they're sitting there going, wait a second,

00:18:22.695 --> 00:18:27.735

<v Katie>where are Like, you're changing their thought patterns, and you're getting in

00:18:27.735 --> 00:18:31.555

<v Katie>the way of their receiving of the actual content that they showed up to hear.

00:18:31.715 --> 00:18:36.635

<v Katie>So I would say, like, in this instance is a great example of he does not look

00:18:36.635 --> 00:18:38.995

<v Katie>any less professional being in his car.

00:18:39.255 --> 00:18:43.095

<v Katie>In fact, people, I'm sure, are thinking like, oh, that's really cool.

00:18:43.195 --> 00:18:49.575

<v Katie>The sound is still great because he's in it, like, because he's in a closed space, right?

00:18:49.575 --> 00:18:54.755

<v Katie>So I would challenge you and say that you actually are more kind of authentically

00:18:54.755 --> 00:19:00.755

<v Katie>yourself and also a better creator by just owning the space that you're in and

00:19:00.755 --> 00:19:04.095

<v Katie>instead of trying to fake it or to pretend.

00:19:05.495 --> 00:19:12.055

<v Doc>I hate to say this out loud, Katie. I just got super excited by what Steven just put in.

00:19:12.315 --> 00:19:13.315

<v Katie>Yeah, right.

00:19:13.315 --> 00:19:17.655

<v Doc>I would much rather you go to Vistaprint. Make sure you get Matt.

00:19:17.655 --> 00:19:19.975

<v Doc>Matt, the keyword is Matt, M-A-T-T-E, Matt.

00:19:20.495 --> 00:19:27.435

<v Doc>I would rather you get your logo or the Owens Mill twirly gray,

00:19:27.695 --> 00:19:32.555

<v Doc>you know, with all the splotches on it, or like Kelly used to use, the Nebula.

00:19:32.875 --> 00:19:35.435

<v Doc>I would rather you get a pull-up backdrop

00:19:36.626 --> 00:19:40.726

<v Doc>And put it behind you to hide your kids running around naked in the back or

00:19:40.726 --> 00:19:42.966

<v Doc>whatever than to use a green screen.

00:19:43.326 --> 00:19:45.966

<v Doc>And again, nothing wrong. If you got to use it, you got to use it.

00:19:46.086 --> 00:19:50.786

<v Doc>But just understand, if you go on, remember there used to be a TV show,

00:19:50.906 --> 00:19:53.946

<v Doc>normally played after the Super Bowl or a playoff when the timing is messed

00:19:53.946 --> 00:19:56.326

<v Doc>up. They would show you the greatest TV bloopers.

00:19:57.106 --> 00:20:00.766

<v Doc>The majority of the bloopers come from the weatherman. Why?

00:20:01.186 --> 00:20:05.226

<v Doc>Because of chroma key or green screen. Sorry, I'll use the mogul word.

00:20:05.486 --> 00:20:06.026

<v Katie>It's chroma key.

00:20:06.846 --> 00:20:11.366

<v Doc>The majority of them would come from that because there's so many things that can go wrong.

00:20:11.946 --> 00:20:15.946

<v Doc>So I fully understand why people do it. They have a limited space.

00:20:16.106 --> 00:20:19.766

<v Doc>Like I live in Hawaii, dude. I have a thousand square foot apartment and I used

00:20:19.766 --> 00:20:25.426

<v Doc>to have my studio in apartment and I used to use a black backdrop because going

00:20:25.426 --> 00:20:27.706

<v Doc>to edit the green screen actually took more work.

00:20:27.706 --> 00:20:35.526

<v Doc>So I swapped my green screen for a black fabric, which was just twill,

00:20:36.006 --> 00:20:39.846

<v Doc>you know, like Huskies, you know, I don't know what twill. I don't know how

00:20:39.846 --> 00:20:41.106

<v Doc>to describe twill. You know what it is.

00:20:41.286 --> 00:20:46.686

<v Doc>I just went to Walmart and I got yards of twill because it doesn't have any shine on it.

00:20:46.726 --> 00:20:51.506

<v Doc>And I would just hang that on a set of crappy cowboy studio backdrops.

00:20:51.586 --> 00:20:54.666

<v Doc>And I would just sit in front of that because I didn't have to fight lighting.

00:20:54.666 --> 00:20:57.906

<v Doc>It wasn't so hard to set up and it would just, it just looked better.

00:20:58.046 --> 00:21:02.246

<v Doc>And honestly, if you don't wear black clothes, you could actually key that out

00:21:02.246 --> 00:21:04.746

<v Doc>just as easy as you can key out green or blue.

00:21:04.906 --> 00:21:08.986

<v Doc>So I'm going to, I can't believe I'm gonna say this out loud in public on the

00:21:08.986 --> 00:21:13.346

<v Doc>internet to be recorded. I'm going to grieve with SL and say,

00:21:13.726 --> 00:21:19.426

<v Doc>get a pop-up, get like a legit pop-up or a matte whiteboard.

00:21:19.646 --> 00:21:23.146

<v Doc>Like if you can get a big rolling matte whiteboard, All of the above,

00:21:23.546 --> 00:21:25.346

<v Doc>V-flat is what we call it in photography.

00:21:26.246 --> 00:21:30.686

<v Doc>It's just a folding set of plywoods, like a book, and you just open it and you

00:21:30.686 --> 00:21:32.046

<v Doc>sit in the middle of it and shoot at it.

00:21:32.186 --> 00:21:34.546

<v Doc>All of those, to me, would be better than a green screen because I just think

00:21:34.546 --> 00:21:38.046

<v Doc>green screen steals your personality. I just do, and I'll stand by that.

00:21:39.012 --> 00:21:41.472

<v Doc>I think Jefferson looks so good in his car.

00:21:41.672 --> 00:21:46.432

<v Katie>He really does. I also, like, it tells a story, right?

00:21:46.532 --> 00:21:49.992

<v Katie>So people are watching your content, but they are also paying attention to what's

00:21:49.992 --> 00:21:54.632

<v Katie>behind you and what you're doing, right? I will say this.

00:21:54.852 --> 00:21:55.572

<v Doc>Yeah, smart Jeremy said that.

00:21:55.932 --> 00:22:01.672

<v Katie>People who are watching any of my videos ask me all the time about mushroom

00:22:01.672 --> 00:22:06.132

<v Katie>wallpaper, about the little crocheted guys I have behind me, about everything.

00:22:06.132 --> 00:22:10.492

<v Katie>It is giving them a talking point. It is giving them a familiarity.

00:22:10.492 --> 00:22:12.052

<v Katie>It's building a story, right?

00:22:12.132 --> 00:22:14.832

<v Katie>You're building a story. And I wish we had an example of this.

00:22:15.252 --> 00:22:19.652

<v Katie>We can definitely share this another time or with people or just encourage people

00:22:19.652 --> 00:22:26.012

<v Katie>to go back over and watch Mary Lou Mandel's videos from a year or two ago.

00:22:26.012 --> 00:22:29.352

<v Katie>So she's since changed her set and her studio space around.

00:22:29.532 --> 00:22:34.532

<v Katie>But she used to come at us all with literally just like a plain,

00:22:34.812 --> 00:22:40.212

<v Katie>I think it was a white wall behind her and she popped two different colored lights.

00:22:40.352 --> 00:22:43.832

<v Katie>So it was just two simple colors behind her.

00:22:43.972 --> 00:22:48.632

<v Katie>And because she was so great with her content and so great with her confidence

00:22:48.632 --> 00:22:52.992

<v Katie>and her personality on screen, after a while, you would see that and see those

00:22:52.992 --> 00:22:56.992

<v Katie>videos and they would be recognizable as her content, right?

00:22:57.112 --> 00:23:01.852

<v Katie>It's like, so she created a set with literally just a white wall and a couple of colored lights.

00:23:02.132 --> 00:23:06.372

<v Katie>So it, it does tell a story. People do notice it and pay attention to it,

00:23:06.372 --> 00:23:12.872

<v Katie>but you don't need to be worried about letting people into your space. Right.

00:23:13.072 --> 00:23:15.472

<v Katie>So I think it's really super important.

00:23:15.972 --> 00:23:18.652

<v Katie>Um, all right, let's switch to the next one, Luis.

00:23:19.592 --> 00:23:20.032

<v Doc>Yes.

00:23:23.393 --> 00:23:26.133

<v Katie>Now that we've seen him jump in and out of his car.

00:23:26.553 --> 00:23:30.093

<v Doc>That means that Luis had to bend down and get Aiden real quick.

00:23:31.573 --> 00:23:36.113

<v Doc>Who's this dork on the screen? I mean, Leo, not me. So let me explain you this.

00:23:36.233 --> 00:23:37.773

<v Doc>This is incredible to me, people.

00:23:39.953 --> 00:23:45.053

<v Doc>Because so in this studio, we used to always do this from a very elaborate studio

00:23:45.053 --> 00:23:46.973

<v Doc>in the Bay Area in California.

00:23:46.973 --> 00:23:51.773

<v Doc>And what happened is with the pandemic and some changes and things like that

00:23:51.773 --> 00:23:56.573

<v Doc>and just going through the way shows are changing over time leo is now in his

00:23:56.573 --> 00:24:00.393

<v Doc>house uh davindra is calling from his home

00:24:00.993 --> 00:24:06.253

<v Doc>and um oh my god my brain just went dumb stacy called from her place and i'm

00:24:06.253 --> 00:24:11.453

<v Doc>here so i'm in honolulu so we're all spread over but the mac is in mac co-location

00:24:11.453 --> 00:24:13.733

<v Doc>which i believe is in nevada somewhere.

00:24:14.033 --> 00:24:19.273

<v Doc>So the Mac studio is not even in a room and the producer, in this case,

00:24:19.473 --> 00:24:22.173

<v Doc>John is producing from his house somewhere else.

00:24:22.213 --> 00:24:30.933

<v Doc>So we all remoted into this machine, but we're running one of the longest running, right?

00:24:31.093 --> 00:24:33.313

<v Doc>That is episode 1008.

00:24:33.533 --> 00:24:34.873

<v Doc>We're episode 100.

00:24:35.213 --> 00:24:41.913

<v Doc>This is episode 1008 from two months ago, right? This show is going to be old

00:24:41.913 --> 00:24:43.093

<v Doc>enough to drink this year.

00:24:45.053 --> 00:24:48.993

<v Doc>Like the one of the long that's why people say well video podcasting is new

00:24:48.993 --> 00:24:54.913

<v Doc>i'm like nah fam we've been doing that mess since 2008 see and look at his but

00:24:54.913 --> 00:24:58.073

<v Katie>Look at his his set and his background here right so.

00:24:58.073 --> 00:25:02.693

<v Doc>And it started with just a wall and every week we've added a different thing

00:25:02.693 --> 00:25:08.513

<v Doc>and so that glowing twit logo behind was the newest piece yeah and it's just

00:25:08.513 --> 00:25:12.353

<v Doc>a bookshelf and then just adding some unique pieces.

00:25:12.653 --> 00:25:15.893

<v Doc>So finding an old mag, finding an old, what do you call it?

00:25:15.953 --> 00:25:20.653

<v Doc>Like nuclear clock type situation, but it literally just started out as a plain room.

00:25:20.993 --> 00:25:24.833

<v Doc>And if you flip that thing around, you'd be like, wow, I can't believe that's

00:25:24.833 --> 00:25:27.213

<v Doc>the same studio. Sorry, Leo, I'm gonna stop snitching.

00:25:27.553 --> 00:25:31.553

<v Katie>Well, and what's neat about this, and we do this obviously with our show as

00:25:31.553 --> 00:25:37.313

<v Katie>well, but you have like, again, like camera switching, you have people that are calling in remote.

00:25:37.313 --> 00:25:41.633

<v Katie>So like when everyone like Doc or Leo are full screen, you see their entire

00:25:41.633 --> 00:25:45.673

<v Katie>set in their space and it feels, you know, uniquely them, uniquely the show.

00:25:45.833 --> 00:25:49.013

<v Katie>But then when they're all together, you just have the simple branding around

00:25:49.013 --> 00:25:50.873

<v Katie>it. Everyone's video quality looks good.

00:25:51.333 --> 00:25:55.993

<v Katie>Their faces are all about the same size. Everything is framed and produced really well.

00:25:56.133 --> 00:26:01.293

<v Katie>So again, like each one of these people who are joining this four-person panel

00:26:01.293 --> 00:26:04.833

<v Katie>discussion, this show, right, they all have their own podcast set and their

00:26:04.833 --> 00:26:08.233

<v Katie>own podcast background. So I think it's, again...

00:26:09.089 --> 00:26:13.409

<v Katie>Thinking through like in-person versus remote versus on location right here's

00:26:13.409 --> 00:26:16.209

<v Katie>an example of they know that their show is going to have a ton of guests on

00:26:16.209 --> 00:26:19.369

<v Katie>so they need to look consistent across the board but they need to have a defined

00:26:19.369 --> 00:26:23.489

<v Katie>space for their home base and for where leo is which they really did a very.

00:26:23.489 --> 00:26:28.649

<v Doc>Good important thing about this particular show and i i was talking about stacy

00:26:28.649 --> 00:26:33.429

<v Doc>higginbotham it was jennifer patterson uh one of the things that she's one of

00:26:33.429 --> 00:26:37.129

<v Doc>the things that she said in the show, which I thought was very important.

00:26:37.509 --> 00:26:40.869

<v Doc>And again, she is a editor at The Verge.

00:26:40.969 --> 00:26:45.309

<v Doc>She says, I'd rather watch people that just are like normal people in their

00:26:45.309 --> 00:26:49.229

<v Doc>house, having a conversation with us instead of these hyper polished shows.

00:26:49.389 --> 00:26:52.149

<v Doc>She legit said that in this particular show. So I

00:26:52.149 --> 00:26:55.869

<v Doc>just want to let that sort of dive in to your

00:26:55.869 --> 00:26:58.909

<v Doc>brain that everyone's trying

00:26:58.909 --> 00:27:02.329

<v Doc>to be perfect and the the general population

00:27:02.329 --> 00:27:05.469

<v Doc>is over the hyper polished shows like they

00:27:05.469 --> 00:27:09.429

<v Doc>just are because they don't seem real they don't seem human they don't seem

00:27:09.429 --> 00:27:15.329

<v Doc>attainable and they don't seem relatable so be relatable right one of my favorite

00:27:15.329 --> 00:27:19.529

<v Doc>things and and honestly why i fell in love with stephanie back in the day is

00:27:19.529 --> 00:27:24.089

<v Doc>my my niece's name is emma garcia stephanie's daughter's

00:27:25.129 --> 00:27:29.149

<v Doc>So when a little kid, Emma would always run into her show and interrupt her.

00:27:29.569 --> 00:27:33.929

<v Doc>I was like, I remember that when my Emma was not old enough to talk back and

00:27:33.929 --> 00:27:35.069

<v Doc>keep asking me for money.

00:27:36.249 --> 00:27:42.529

<v Doc>Yeah, like it like brought a little like to the throat every time Emma running. Mom, I want a snack.

00:27:42.849 --> 00:27:46.429

<v Doc>Right. Because I just it's something that I related to her.

00:27:46.789 --> 00:27:50.669

<v Doc>Stephanie are like best friends at this point. But it's one of those things

00:27:50.669 --> 00:27:52.669

<v Doc>where that was the connection.

00:27:52.889 --> 00:27:57.389

<v Doc>She could have just been some other marketing lady on TV talking smack about how to do content.

00:27:57.669 --> 00:28:01.389

<v Doc>But when every time Emma would interrupt her, I would run bets in the chat.

00:28:01.389 --> 00:28:05.929

<v Doc>Okay what time stamp will emma run in and then we would all crack jokes and

00:28:05.929 --> 00:28:08.789

<v Doc>like okay someone's gonna get the five dollar starbucks card for winning that

00:28:08.789 --> 00:28:15.629

<v Katie>So oh my gosh but i important to note though in everything that doc just said

00:28:15.629 --> 00:28:19.129

<v Katie>the one thing that is consistent across the board with all of these is that

00:28:19.129 --> 00:28:24.649

<v Katie>the actual video quality and the audio quality which i know we're not listening

00:28:24.649 --> 00:28:26.609

<v Katie>to right now are solid, right?

00:28:26.789 --> 00:28:31.869

<v Katie>So like the background and the set can be more personalized,

00:28:31.869 --> 00:28:38.909

<v Katie>can be messy in some cases, can be very specific or general.

00:28:39.269 --> 00:28:44.869

<v Katie>Like there's a lot of flexibility there. And what keeps it professional is the

00:28:44.869 --> 00:28:51.089

<v Katie>actual like content itself and as good quality as you can get in your camera and in your audio,

00:28:51.089 --> 00:28:54.789

<v Katie>the background and kind of the set of it,

00:28:54.969 --> 00:28:57.169

<v Katie>you have a ton of flexibility with.

00:28:57.409 --> 00:29:03.949

<v Katie>So really keep that in mind is that sometimes I think we need for our set to

00:29:03.949 --> 00:29:07.469

<v Katie>look professional. And I don't think our set needs to look professional.

00:29:07.749 --> 00:29:12.309

<v Katie>I think our set needs to express who we are, what the show is,

00:29:12.509 --> 00:29:15.649

<v Katie>what the content is, our personality and that might be

00:29:15.649 --> 00:29:18.589

<v Katie>messy you probably aren't like unless you're like

00:29:18.589 --> 00:29:21.889

<v Katie>i don't know a laundry specialist selling washing machines you

00:29:21.889 --> 00:29:24.909

<v Katie>probably don't want piles of laundry behind you but that doesn't mean that you

00:29:24.909 --> 00:29:29.589

<v Katie>don't want some of your personality or you know maybe it's like your you know

00:29:29.589 --> 00:29:34.309

<v Katie>your kid pops in and that's okay like i think it is the opportunity to allow

00:29:34.309 --> 00:29:38.189

<v Katie>people to come into our space and to welcome people into our space so whatever

00:29:38.189 --> 00:29:40.729

<v Katie>that means for you is what your podcast set should look like.

00:29:41.578 --> 00:29:45.318

<v Doc>Yeah, that's super funny because I was just thinking about our other Paul,

00:29:45.478 --> 00:29:47.738

<v Doc>who is the appliance repair guy.

00:29:47.998 --> 00:29:50.658

<v Doc>For him, laundry in the set might actually be good.

00:29:51.598 --> 00:29:54.638

<v Katie>Tons of laundry on your set, Paul. Tons of laundry on your set.

00:29:54.658 --> 00:29:56.778

<v Doc>Oh my God, that's super funny. That's super funny. All right,

00:29:56.838 --> 00:29:58.998

<v Doc>let's go to the next one. Let's go to the next one. Let's see what else we got.

00:29:59.178 --> 00:30:00.958

<v Doc>This is cool. Well, this one

00:30:00.958 --> 00:30:07.698

<v Katie>Is great because Doc just redid this studio space, but I really wanted to include Liz in here.

00:30:07.818 --> 00:30:11.798

<v Katie>So shout out to Liz Wilcox, an incredible email specialist. You should absolutely

00:30:11.798 --> 00:30:16.178

<v Katie>check out her show, The Email Sound Booth, which is absolutely incredible.

00:30:16.418 --> 00:30:21.338

<v Katie>But what's really neat about this is that Liz has a very distinct personality.

00:30:21.678 --> 00:30:27.298

<v Katie>And Liz does not want to be professional. She notably wants to be semi-professional.

00:30:27.518 --> 00:30:31.058

<v Katie>She wants to come across as approachable. She wants for it to feel very real.

00:30:31.298 --> 00:30:34.558

<v Katie>And so, you know, but she's got a personality.

00:30:34.718 --> 00:30:37.418

<v Katie>And so she's really welcomed this personality into her space.

00:30:37.418 --> 00:30:41.818

<v Katie>And Doc helped her put all of those pieces behind.

00:30:41.998 --> 00:30:47.398

<v Katie>So this set looks really simple, but it's really intentional with everything

00:30:47.398 --> 00:30:52.358

<v Katie>from the colors to each individual piece of artwork hanging on the walls to everything, right?

00:30:52.538 --> 00:30:57.018

<v Katie>But it's also easy enough that she can just walk in, turn everything on, and go.

00:30:58.438 --> 00:31:02.618

<v Katie>And it was a child's bedroom beforehand with wallpaper and everything else.

00:31:02.838 --> 00:31:07.578

<v Katie>So anything else you want to add here, Doc? I mean, each thing is so personal.

00:31:08.398 --> 00:31:15.218

<v Doc>Again, what is so incredible about this particular setup in general is when

00:31:15.218 --> 00:31:20.658

<v Doc>you see what she came away with, what she started with, let me be dead serious.

00:31:20.778 --> 00:31:24.078

<v Doc>Honestly, we didn't have to do anything to this. We could have left it the way

00:31:24.078 --> 00:31:30.678

<v Doc>it was because she had a 2017 Core i5 iMac.

00:31:31.802 --> 00:31:38.442

<v Doc>That sure is new, but everything else, a Logitech C910, not 2010.

00:31:39.062 --> 00:31:41.902

<v Doc>We're talking like 2014.

00:31:42.722 --> 00:31:43.042

<v Katie>Yeah.

00:31:44.182 --> 00:31:50.602

<v Doc>With that two pieces of equipment and Ecamm Live, she produced over a half a

00:31:50.602 --> 00:31:52.162

<v Doc>million dollars in revenue.

00:31:55.262 --> 00:31:58.442

<v Doc>I am a half a million dollars in debt in this studio. though.

00:32:00.202 --> 00:32:04.662

<v Doc>So thanks for the raise, Cates. Ken, Glenn, thank you guys.

00:32:05.422 --> 00:32:09.662

<v Doc>Listen, like legit, I just want people to get that through your head.

00:32:10.082 --> 00:32:16.862

<v Doc>She had a Core i5. That means one person, don't move, no overlays,

00:32:17.702 --> 00:32:22.982

<v Doc>run Ecamm, record, and out earned everybody that we know, just about.

00:32:22.982 --> 00:32:25.642

<v Doc>So don't get crazy but now that we

00:32:25.642 --> 00:32:28.322

<v Doc>made it cute and we got her a new iMac and it

00:32:28.322 --> 00:32:31.222

<v Doc>matches her personality and the biggest thing was

00:32:31.222 --> 00:32:34.022

<v Doc>we didn't want to mess with her personality so did

00:32:34.022 --> 00:32:37.162

<v Doc>i feel weird rolling in the home depot buying a gallon of yellow paint

00:32:37.162 --> 00:32:40.462

<v Doc>absolutely but it's her deal and we

00:32:40.462 --> 00:32:43.142

<v Doc>we almost nailed the color perfectly and it was just

00:32:43.142 --> 00:32:45.922

<v Doc>one wall and then we did the accent and the paint by we

00:32:45.922 --> 00:32:50.442

<v Doc>i mean caleb caleb painted the high parts i can't reach up there so liz

00:32:50.442 --> 00:32:53.482

<v Doc>painted the low parts because i can't reach down there but it's just really

00:32:53.482 --> 00:32:57.902

<v Doc>nice and we put her posters because she's all about nsync and you know her the

00:32:57.902 --> 00:33:01.382

<v Doc>the big ass calendar was very important to her because it's how she explains

00:33:01.382 --> 00:33:05.202

<v Doc>to people how to plan out their stuff and it's very simple and it's on a rolling

00:33:05.202 --> 00:33:09.902

<v Doc>stand family it is legit living on the rolling stand and i just think it is

00:33:11.022 --> 00:33:14.902

<v Doc>incredible it's absolutely incredible and it's so her and she says it has to

00:33:14.902 --> 00:33:17.322

<v Doc>be me i have to feel like me when I'm in here.

00:33:17.802 --> 00:33:21.342

<v Doc>And that's why I think going back to what we said, and again,

00:33:21.502 --> 00:33:23.302

<v Doc>no hate on the green screen people.

00:33:23.642 --> 00:33:26.742

<v Doc>It's not you. It's the green screen. This is her.

00:33:27.702 --> 00:33:32.442

<v Katie>Yeah, it absolutely is. And I love that you told that story because I think

00:33:32.442 --> 00:33:37.402

<v Katie>it's really, again, this is a great example of the gear doesn't matter in this space.

00:33:37.402 --> 00:33:41.802

<v Katie>What makes her feel creative and allow her to come to the next level of her

00:33:41.802 --> 00:33:43.442

<v Katie>business isn't the gear.

00:33:43.682 --> 00:33:48.122

<v Katie>It's making a space that she feels creative in, that she feels like she can

00:33:48.122 --> 00:33:49.622

<v Katie>come in and create and spend time.

00:33:49.702 --> 00:33:52.602

<v Katie>And she was already making the content. It was already working,

00:33:52.602 --> 00:33:56.782

<v Katie>but being able to infuse it with her personality and kind of creating this set

00:33:56.782 --> 00:34:01.242

<v Katie>space, it is only going to help her get better and is only going to help make

00:34:01.242 --> 00:34:04.402

<v Katie>her feel and be much more creative, right?

00:34:04.502 --> 00:34:07.362

<v Katie>So I think it's hugely important to call that out.

00:34:08.422 --> 00:34:10.302

<v Katie>All right, over to the next one.

00:34:11.182 --> 00:34:11.982

<v Doc>That's so good

00:34:13.231 --> 00:34:19.611

<v Katie>So I love these examples. And Doc was kind enough to introduce me to Brandon

00:34:19.611 --> 00:34:25.011

<v Katie>and to Uncensored, S-E-N-S-O-R-E-D, Uncensored.

00:34:25.231 --> 00:34:25.791

<v Doc>Camera censored.

00:34:25.851 --> 00:34:29.951

<v Katie>Camera censored. But I have been noticing, and I'm sure many of you have as

00:34:29.951 --> 00:34:38.591

<v Katie>well, this trend of really beautiful, really well-produced in-person studio spaces, right?

00:34:38.591 --> 00:34:44.211

<v Katie>So these are spaces where they are not just bringing remote people in using Ecamm.

00:34:44.311 --> 00:34:50.331

<v Katie>They're actually welcoming guests and co-hosts and partners physically into their space.

00:34:50.411 --> 00:35:00.951

<v Katie>So everything here is expensive, is intentional, but it is creating a very welcoming space, a vibe.

00:35:00.951 --> 00:35:06.911

<v Katie>Like every single detail is captured so that the audience watching and listening

00:35:06.911 --> 00:35:10.651

<v Katie>feel like they're in like a television production, right?

00:35:10.751 --> 00:35:14.551

<v Katie>And you can see like as this is playing out, they're using, their producer is

00:35:14.551 --> 00:35:17.251

<v Katie>using camera switching and camera angles, right?

00:35:17.411 --> 00:35:23.131

<v Katie>So this is a full production, but again, makes sense for their show.

00:35:23.251 --> 00:35:31.051

<v Katie>And the entire set is a studio, right? It feels like you're being welcomed into a TV studio.

00:35:31.291 --> 00:35:36.831

<v Katie>So there's a lot of intentionality that goes into this, not only in the actual

00:35:36.831 --> 00:35:40.531

<v Katie>physical elements of things that are behind them, but also in how the show is

00:35:40.531 --> 00:35:43.751

<v Katie>structured, the camera switching, the flow of the show, all of it.

00:35:43.891 --> 00:35:47.011

<v Katie>So again, this makes sense for some people.

00:35:47.071 --> 00:35:51.791

<v Katie>It may not make sense for you, but there are lots of options out there for how

00:35:51.791 --> 00:35:56.131

<v Katie>to do these kinds of things, both in painting your room, bringing in furniture,

00:35:56.291 --> 00:35:59.671

<v Katie>but also even in the production aspects of this show, right?

00:35:59.831 --> 00:36:03.771

<v Katie>So what they're doing with the, with each of the scenes that they're showing

00:36:03.771 --> 00:36:07.391

<v Katie>is very different than a lot of the shows like ours, where it's a straight up,

00:36:07.651 --> 00:36:11.851

<v Katie>you know, for the most part, it's either screen sharing or camera sharing and whatever else.

00:36:11.951 --> 00:36:14.391

<v Katie>So worth, worth highlighting.

00:36:16.913 --> 00:36:20.413

<v Doc>You know, listen, Jeremy just brought up a really good question,

00:36:20.433 --> 00:36:25.053

<v Doc>and it has to do sort of, in a way, if you look at JP and Brandon,

00:36:25.053 --> 00:36:27.113

<v Doc>or like even Marshall, they see me.

00:36:27.473 --> 00:36:30.973

<v Doc>So Marshall loves a warm tone. I prefer cool tones.

00:36:31.293 --> 00:36:36.213

<v Doc>Also, I like a darker studio. They like a brighter studio. And I have an intention

00:36:36.213 --> 00:36:37.553

<v Doc>behind my darker studio.

00:36:37.673 --> 00:36:40.633

<v Doc>I don't know if I've ever shared this with anybody, but I'll give you my intention

00:36:40.633 --> 00:36:42.073

<v Doc>behind having a darker studio.

00:36:42.653 --> 00:36:47.853

<v Doc>I am six hours behind you guys. so nine times out of ten when you're watching

00:36:47.853 --> 00:36:55.993

<v Doc>me at what is my say one o'clock it's 8 p.m to you 9 p.m to you guys so my room

00:36:55.993 --> 00:37:00.453

<v Doc>is nighttime because the majority of my audience is watching me at night you're

00:37:00.453 --> 00:37:03.993

<v Katie>Also removing the time from your space completely right so even if it is daytime.

00:37:03.993 --> 00:37:10.573

<v Doc>We don't have any windows yeah i don't have any windows right so um also jeremy

00:37:10.573 --> 00:37:14.613

<v Doc>this is because I did this for a profession, so I understand these things.

00:37:14.833 --> 00:37:19.993

<v Doc>This space is an 8x8 with very crappy ventilation.

00:37:20.313 --> 00:37:25.153

<v Doc>So if I make it camera bright, I will melt in here.

00:37:25.293 --> 00:37:28.853

<v Doc>I am a fat dude. I will be just liquid sweat.

00:37:29.273 --> 00:37:37.073

<v Doc>So I intentionally have a 200-watt that is about 50 inches away from me at a

00:37:37.073 --> 00:37:39.413

<v Doc>45-degree. I have a 60 watt.

00:37:39.613 --> 00:37:43.253

<v Doc>That's about 30 something inches away from me at a 45 degree.

00:37:43.453 --> 00:37:45.673

<v Doc>And I have that right there.

00:37:45.973 --> 00:37:51.433

<v Doc>Believe it or not, that is a thousand watt light, but it's on like 1%.

00:37:52.173 --> 00:37:54.553

<v Doc>And then there's another one right here above me.

00:37:55.493 --> 00:37:59.433

<v Doc>That's a 60 watt and it's on 10%. The purple one is a 60 watt.

00:37:59.593 --> 00:38:02.873

<v Doc>And then there's a bunch of lights. And then I have my Gobi lights are accidentally

00:38:02.873 --> 00:38:06.113

<v Doc>turned off i mean scream deck it but um i

00:38:06.113 --> 00:38:08.993

<v Doc>have over 18 lights in here and most people would

00:38:08.993 --> 00:38:12.153

<v Doc>never know that because i have everything properly

00:38:12.153 --> 00:38:14.913

<v Doc>controlled because i come from video world like

00:38:14.913 --> 00:38:18.313

<v Doc>i know how to i film for movies so like i know what i'm doing but

00:38:18.313 --> 00:38:21.793

<v Doc>you don't have to get that crazy i'm not telling anyone i have lights inside

00:38:21.793 --> 00:38:26.913

<v Doc>my tool chest like i don't expect people to go that psycho um but if you want

00:38:26.913 --> 00:38:31.473

<v Doc>and i realized i had a blackout because normally the mixer is on back there

00:38:31.473 --> 00:38:34.733

<v Doc>just so that it provides a little additional lighting. But yeah,

00:38:34.833 --> 00:38:35.973

<v Doc>you don't have to go that crazy.

00:38:36.193 --> 00:38:40.373

<v Doc>It's just something to let people know that hopefully that turns on.

00:38:41.153 --> 00:38:46.673

<v Doc>Anyway, so yeah, I did it dark on purpose so that way I could be anywhere in

00:38:46.673 --> 00:38:49.073

<v Doc>the world at any time and then it feels like it's normal.

00:38:49.353 --> 00:38:54.413

<v Doc>So yeah, that was the position in behind me doing it this way. Yeah. I have a dark soul.

00:38:55.013 --> 00:38:55.613

<v Katie>I have a dark soul.

00:38:56.559 --> 00:39:02.659

<v Katie>But again, like it just speaks to the intention. There is no right or wrong.

00:39:02.839 --> 00:39:06.079

<v Katie>There is only what is right and wrong for you, for your show,

00:39:06.339 --> 00:39:10.699

<v Katie>your audience, and your content, right? What you're creating.

00:39:10.939 --> 00:39:13.859

<v Katie>So what makes sense for Doc isn't going to make sense for me,

00:39:14.039 --> 00:39:17.219

<v Katie>isn't going to make sense for Marshall, isn't going to make sense for Luis.

00:39:17.399 --> 00:39:22.539

<v Katie>Like it's all different, which is why it's important to know what your options

00:39:22.539 --> 00:39:26.919

<v Katie>are. And it's also important to not just directly copy what someone else is

00:39:26.919 --> 00:39:30.079

<v Katie>doing, but think through the like why behind what they're doing and the why

00:39:30.079 --> 00:39:31.479

<v Katie>behind what you're trying to do. Right.

00:39:31.659 --> 00:39:37.039

<v Katie>So like I think personalizing it and but also making it really practical and

00:39:37.039 --> 00:39:40.499

<v Katie>really easy for you to create in that space, I think are important.

00:39:40.499 --> 00:39:46.819

<v Doc>And also, if you look at my studio or DJ Rob's studio, we are the right level

00:39:46.819 --> 00:39:53.459

<v Doc>of high yellow that warm studio would make us look like we have jaundice or spray tan like 47.

00:39:54.379 --> 00:39:59.459

<v Doc>So I can't really do the warm tone thing. If I was a shade darker or a shade

00:39:59.459 --> 00:40:00.999

<v Doc>lighter, I might be able to pull it off.

00:40:01.319 --> 00:40:05.279

<v Doc>But Puerto Rican and warm tones can go wrong.

00:40:05.519 --> 00:40:08.719

<v Doc>And Rob and I are about the same temperature of Puerto Rican.

00:40:08.719 --> 00:40:14.259

<v Doc>So it just doesn't match right like even Brandon is

00:40:15.459 --> 00:40:18.539

<v Doc>golden looking because of the warm tone right

00:40:18.539 --> 00:40:23.319

<v Doc>so again that's his choice and it matches with the red so if he went cool he

00:40:23.319 --> 00:40:27.519

<v Doc>would look purple which would look odd so yeah it's just really a matter of

00:40:27.519 --> 00:40:34.339

<v Doc>choice it kind of looks like casino well in Hawaii people call Vegas the ninth

00:40:34.339 --> 00:40:38.519

<v Doc>island so that would be close that makes sense No, I'm a DJ,

00:40:38.859 --> 00:40:41.879

<v Doc>so to me, it just brings out my DJ vibes.

00:40:43.479 --> 00:40:46.399

<v Katie>Awesome. All right, let's swing into the next one.

00:40:48.959 --> 00:40:50.879

<v Doc>It's right when we get on Nikon Noobs.

00:40:52.699 --> 00:41:00.959

<v Katie>So this is another creator that, again, has an incredible in-person studio set, right?

00:41:01.099 --> 00:41:06.259

<v Katie>So this is David Chance, and his podcast, again, is done in studio.

00:41:06.259 --> 00:41:10.279

<v Katie>And all of the elements that are in and around him are intentional and they

00:41:10.279 --> 00:41:12.119

<v Katie>make sense for the show and they make sense for him.

00:41:12.299 --> 00:41:16.639

<v Katie>And when he has people join him on the show, they don't call in remotely.

00:41:16.639 --> 00:41:18.559

<v Katie>They physically come into the studio.

00:41:18.819 --> 00:41:22.179

<v Katie>I think Ken and Glenn were like the one of the few that actually just called

00:41:22.179 --> 00:41:23.219

<v Katie>in remotely to join them.

00:41:23.319 --> 00:41:27.219

<v Katie>But the mass majority of people are there in the same space with him.

00:41:27.379 --> 00:41:29.359

<v Katie>And that is like how the show functions.

00:41:29.639 --> 00:41:33.279

<v Katie>And there is an intentionality behind it. Again, he's using colored lighting.

00:41:33.499 --> 00:41:37.459

<v Katie>His set is darker, like what yours is like, Doc, So it, um,

00:41:38.168 --> 00:41:41.888

<v Katie>I think it really does like a nice job. And we're seeing more and more of this now.

00:41:42.028 --> 00:41:46.308

<v Katie>Like people are really investing in these very, in many cases,

00:41:46.488 --> 00:41:51.288

<v Katie>like expensive, but well-defined really like television sets is what we're really like.

00:41:51.568 --> 00:41:52.328

<v Doc>I have a question, Kate's.

00:41:52.368 --> 00:41:56.908

<v Katie>Really looks that way. I mean, fair. I, I'm just saying like.

00:41:57.108 --> 00:41:59.628

<v Doc>I'm not picking, I mean, seriously, because I want to know what you think that

00:41:59.628 --> 00:42:04.528

<v Doc>means because I want to see what, okay. You think differently than me.

00:42:04.568 --> 00:42:08.188

<v Doc>I come from the studio space. so everything that's available to consumers right

00:42:08.188 --> 00:42:12.668

<v Doc>now is super cheap to me yeah right so i'm just curious and it wasn't even a slight

00:42:12.668 --> 00:42:15.508

<v Katie>I guess i guess what i'm what i'm trying to say

00:42:15.508 --> 00:42:18.228

<v Katie>is like look so like what i am

00:42:18.228 --> 00:42:24.628

<v Katie>i am doing right now in my home studio is costing me maybe five hundred dollars

00:42:24.628 --> 00:42:29.468

<v Katie>at the absolute max right so like i'm using an existing room i like i have the

00:42:29.468 --> 00:42:33.148

<v Katie>room decorated how i want the room to be it also happens to look good on camera

00:42:33.148 --> 00:42:36.728

<v Katie>i have pretty affordable like like, cheaper, quote-unquote,

00:42:36.908 --> 00:42:39.308

<v Katie>gear, like, I have kind of simplified it down.

00:42:39.628 --> 00:42:44.248

<v Katie>Whereas the Amesbury studio space, you know, that was certainly a few thousand

00:42:44.248 --> 00:42:45.588

<v Katie>dollars, right? Like, we had— Oh.

00:42:45.588 --> 00:42:46.088

<v Doc>Yeah, we spent money.

00:42:46.228 --> 00:42:49.228

<v Katie>We spent money, right? So, like, and that's not even in counting the gear.

00:42:49.368 --> 00:42:52.968

<v Katie>That's, like, we hired an interior designer to come in and, like,

00:42:52.988 --> 00:42:54.248

<v Katie>help us think through the space.

00:42:54.648 --> 00:42:58.708

<v Katie>There's, like, elements outside what you see on video that, you know,

00:42:58.848 --> 00:43:00.288

<v Katie>that are part of that room itself.

00:43:00.288 --> 00:43:05.888

<v Katie>And similarly, if you are going to be building out an in-person recording studio

00:43:05.888 --> 00:43:11.528

<v Katie>like this, you need to think through that the furniture,

00:43:12.108 --> 00:43:17.008

<v Katie>the lighting, the gear, everything that comes into it.

00:43:17.028 --> 00:43:22.028

<v Katie>Plus, this is probably in a separate space from any of their homes,

00:43:22.088 --> 00:43:23.808

<v Katie>right? This is like a separate defined space.

00:43:23.948 --> 00:43:27.508

<v Katie>It's similar to an office. so there's a lot of additional costs that go into

00:43:27.508 --> 00:43:32.488

<v Katie>this above and beyond turning one of your rooms or a shared space into a recording

00:43:32.488 --> 00:43:35.328

<v Katie>space right so they like there's just a higher level,

00:43:36.128 --> 00:43:38.968

<v Katie>intentionality right where there's like they're they're spending.

00:43:38.968 --> 00:43:41.728

<v Doc>More money right don't tell

00:43:41.728 --> 00:43:44.528

<v Doc>him i said this i hate to agree with marshall but if i

00:43:44.528 --> 00:43:48.268

<v Doc>was david i would definitely swap out the fake plants for real friends for some

00:43:48.268 --> 00:43:52.448

<v Doc>reason with this exact lighting i can fully tell that they're fake and i would

00:43:52.448 --> 00:43:55.968

<v Doc>just get real plants and those kind of succulents like the one in the back they're

00:43:55.968 --> 00:44:00.148

<v Doc>next to impossible to kill the big snake plant that he has that's a fake plant

00:44:00.148 --> 00:44:02.348

<v Doc>also next to impossible oh yeah i

00:44:02.348 --> 00:44:04.708

<v Katie>Have one so if i have one anyone can have.

00:44:04.708 --> 00:44:09.728

<v Doc>One yeah i would rather see and again that's a good idea people if you're going

00:44:09.728 --> 00:44:13.988

<v Doc>to put them and it's in focus enough that you can tell that they're fake because

00:44:13.988 --> 00:44:17.968

<v Doc>i used to have the what i used to call the effing ficus behind me and i just

00:44:17.968 --> 00:44:23.628

<v Doc>got rid of it because it just looked dumb and it's also collect dust and stuff really bad for the,

00:44:23.708 --> 00:44:25.808

<v Doc>unless you're the type of person who's going to go wipe all your leaves,

00:44:25.928 --> 00:44:27.168

<v Doc>they easily collect dust.

00:44:27.168 --> 00:44:29.708

<v Doc>So I was just like, I'm over it. So the ones we have in Amesbury,

00:44:30.309 --> 00:44:33.689

<v Doc>The big sucking thing that me and Kim kept moving from room to room,

00:44:34.189 --> 00:44:36.009

<v Doc>like, it's a fig tree, I think.

00:44:36.409 --> 00:44:40.989

<v Doc>Like, that thing is beautiful. And something about that little extra piece of

00:44:40.989 --> 00:44:42.689

<v Doc>life adds something to the studio.

00:44:42.969 --> 00:44:47.629

<v Doc>So go to Home Depot or Michael's or wherever you go. I don't know if Michael

00:44:47.629 --> 00:44:48.789

<v Doc>sells plants. I'm not from there.

00:44:48.949 --> 00:44:53.169

<v Doc>I just tell them I need something that you can't kill that's green.

00:44:53.509 --> 00:44:58.449

<v Doc>And they will hook you up with some plants that, you know, basically won't die.

00:44:58.449 --> 00:45:02.549

<v Doc>And all you need to do is hit them with a spritz like every six months and they're good.

00:45:03.049 --> 00:45:06.249

<v Doc>So yeah, I think it's very, very, very important.

00:45:06.469 --> 00:45:10.669

<v Doc>And like you said, honestly, if I'm looking at his studio right now and I know

00:45:10.669 --> 00:45:14.049

<v Doc>that there's a Rodecaster Pro, I know that there is a Mac Mini and I know that

00:45:14.049 --> 00:45:17.709

<v Doc>there's two SMBs and a couple of light stands, this is under two grand.

00:45:18.449 --> 00:45:20.309

<v Doc>So yeah, that's fair.

00:45:20.489 --> 00:45:24.989

<v Katie>I guess it depends on, so it seems to me like if they're doing this show on

00:45:24.989 --> 00:45:28.969

<v Katie>a regular basis, they actually have guests that are physically coming into their

00:45:28.969 --> 00:45:31.209

<v Katie>space, that means that it's probably not in their home, right?

00:45:31.389 --> 00:45:32.929

<v Katie>And also, if you're using- Oh.

00:45:32.929 --> 00:45:33.189

<v Doc>It's not. It's in his office.

00:45:33.429 --> 00:45:39.229

<v Katie>Right? And if you're using a sofa like that, which I am more and more a giant fan of, right?

00:45:39.629 --> 00:45:46.249

<v Katie>It's A, it's not a cheap sofa. And B, it means that that sofa is likely not

00:45:46.249 --> 00:45:49.789

<v Katie>used for anything else other than these shots, right?

00:45:49.909 --> 00:45:53.349

<v Katie>Because you're not going to be constantly moving all of that gear out of the

00:45:53.349 --> 00:45:55.249

<v Katie>way so that you can enjoy that to watch the game, right?

00:45:55.349 --> 00:45:59.449

<v Katie>Like, that's not happening. So that is incurring additional cost,

00:45:59.509 --> 00:46:00.889

<v Katie>right? Because it's not a shared space.

00:46:01.009 --> 00:46:05.389

<v Katie>Whereas like, I could probably set up a, you know, on the sofa that I have in

00:46:05.389 --> 00:46:09.789

<v Katie>here, a camera angle, it would take up some of my room, but I could probably

00:46:09.789 --> 00:46:12.469

<v Katie>still use that to like lounge or read or whatever else.

00:46:12.549 --> 00:46:15.389

<v Katie>But I wouldn't do that down in my library because we're in that space all the

00:46:15.389 --> 00:46:17.329

<v Katie>time as a family, we're inviting people in.

00:46:17.509 --> 00:46:23.429

<v Katie>So like it, there are costs that are incurred with where your set is and,

00:46:23.789 --> 00:46:27.849

<v Katie>you know, and you really should be thinking about trying to keep it stuff out of the way.

00:46:28.069 --> 00:46:32.029

<v Katie>Like, right. So it like in that you don't want to be constantly messing with

00:46:32.029 --> 00:46:33.429

<v Katie>your gear and moving it all around.

00:46:33.629 --> 00:46:38.129

<v Katie>Ideally it's, it's in a place where you can just leave it or it folds away like

00:46:38.129 --> 00:46:41.569

<v Katie>quickly and you can pop it back up quickly, but it's still in the same space.

00:46:41.709 --> 00:46:44.989

<v Katie>So I think that's where the, it, in my mind, it's more of an,

00:46:45.469 --> 00:46:48.069

<v Katie>it's more of an investment to create a defined space like that.

00:46:48.189 --> 00:46:51.589

<v Katie>If you're welcoming people in, because it's likely not in your home and you're

00:46:51.589 --> 00:46:56.329

<v Katie>monopolizing that entire space for just this particular purpose.

00:46:56.349 --> 00:46:59.489

<v Katie>You're not using all of that furniture for more than one thing.

00:47:00.289 --> 00:47:04.429

<v Doc>Yeah, very good. All right, let's go to the next. I like this.

00:47:07.912 --> 00:47:12.772

<v Doc>And again, that means you guys don't forget to drop your questions in. That was it.

00:47:12.992 --> 00:47:14.712

<v Katie>I was going to say, we might be at the last one.

00:47:15.452 --> 00:47:19.392

<v Doc>The only thing I have is DJ Rob's photo, which I'll put up right now.

00:47:19.812 --> 00:47:20.212

<v Katie>Okay, great.

00:47:20.412 --> 00:47:22.632

<v Doc>Awesome. Yeah, I was going to say, let's show Rob's.

00:47:25.112 --> 00:47:28.672

<v Katie>So, I mean, we've covered a lot, and I know we're nearing the end of this episode

00:47:28.672 --> 00:47:33.592

<v Katie>anyway, but it is, again, important just as a summary to remember that there's

00:47:33.592 --> 00:47:35.172

<v Katie>no wrong when it comes to podcast sets.

00:47:35.392 --> 00:47:38.732

<v Katie>There are a ton of different options available to you. You can be as simple

00:47:38.732 --> 00:47:47.832

<v Katie>as just a simple background or as complicated as building out an entire defined studio space.

00:47:47.832 --> 00:47:51.652

<v Katie>But what you really want to be thinking about is whether or not you have guests

00:47:51.652 --> 00:47:55.572

<v Katie>that are coming physically in and out of your space. Are you calling people in?

00:47:55.672 --> 00:47:58.232

<v Katie>Is it just you on camera? Are you standing or sitting?

00:47:58.752 --> 00:48:01.392

<v Katie>How are you sharing? These are the things that you need to be thinking about

00:48:01.392 --> 00:48:04.872

<v Katie>when it comes to your set and how you're recording video.

00:48:05.072 --> 00:48:10.692

<v Katie>I love this. of raw like it's a vibe right like he's got a whole vibe it's.

00:48:10.692 --> 00:48:14.112

<v Doc>Rob so it has to be a vibe let's just start but it should be like

00:48:14.112 --> 00:48:20.452

<v Katie>He's not he's not scared by incorporating his personality into this space and

00:48:20.452 --> 00:48:24.952

<v Katie>it's really done well with the use of like lights and light and color it like

00:48:24.952 --> 00:48:31.432

<v Katie>it creates an experience right and this experience cannot be faked with a virtual background right,

00:48:32.112 --> 00:48:33.852

<v Katie>And very intentional.

00:48:33.912 --> 00:48:39.052

<v Doc>By the way. So when Rob was planning his space out, I'm going to speak out of

00:48:39.052 --> 00:48:41.392

<v Doc>turn. Rob, if I say anything wrong, you can fix it in the comments.

00:48:41.732 --> 00:48:42.172

<v Katie>Correct us.

00:48:42.352 --> 00:48:48.012

<v Doc>Rob was in the Facebook group for a couple of months collecting thoughts and

00:48:48.012 --> 00:48:52.612

<v Doc>ideas and trying different things until he's like, okay, I'm ready.

00:48:52.772 --> 00:48:54.312

<v Doc>And then he built the studio.

00:48:54.492 --> 00:48:59.632

<v Doc>So everything in here has a full intention and a full purpose.

00:48:59.632 --> 00:49:05.312

<v Doc>And you can tell that by the studio it is borderline

00:49:05.312 --> 00:49:06.272

<v Katie>Perfect yeah.

00:49:06.272 --> 00:49:10.392

<v Doc>I don't want to give him that much credit because he's my friend but it also

00:49:10.392 --> 00:49:12.212

<v Doc>wasn't borderline perfect

00:49:12.212 --> 00:49:18.552

<v Katie>It also wasn't overnight so again hear that but also here it he was months in

00:49:18.552 --> 00:49:24.532

<v Katie>the facebook group sharing updates asking for feedback like it so it's never

00:49:24.532 --> 00:49:28.652

<v Katie>it's probably never done it's okay to start at any point,

00:49:28.912 --> 00:49:32.252

<v Katie>it's okay to continue to make tweaks and changes throughout.

00:49:32.492 --> 00:49:39.132

<v Katie>So this is an art form. This is not like a spreadsheet.

00:49:39.332 --> 00:49:43.452

<v Katie>This is a work of art right behind you. This is not something where you're like, I'm all done.

00:49:44.012 --> 00:49:47.032

<v Katie>It's something that is going to grow and change and you're going to realize

00:49:47.032 --> 00:49:51.772

<v Katie>that something is working or not working or you see another idea that might

00:49:51.772 --> 00:49:53.772

<v Katie>make more sense for you than what you have right now.

00:49:53.912 --> 00:50:01.532

<v Katie>So don't overthink it, but always be playing with it. Like always be creative in this space.

00:50:01.712 --> 00:50:04.432

<v Katie>Like this is half the fun is giving a personality to your content.

00:50:06.283 --> 00:50:15.823

<v Doc>Yo, this is so good. Listen, I just want to say the level of dope that this is, is just incredible.

00:50:16.003 --> 00:50:19.783

<v Doc>And again, so much attention to detail, so much things. And again,

00:50:19.903 --> 00:50:22.743

<v Doc>as you add things, you can add things, you can take away things.

00:50:22.963 --> 00:50:26.543

<v Doc>I love one thing that's super unique, and I want you to notice this.

00:50:26.843 --> 00:50:30.523

<v Doc>He's using what you guys might consider a non-traditional mic,

00:50:30.683 --> 00:50:35.383

<v Doc>but from this audiophilia, we know what it is.

00:50:35.383 --> 00:50:39.563

<v Doc>But for the general population, that's going to be something that catches their

00:50:39.563 --> 00:50:43.843

<v Doc>eye because everybody's used to SM7B or an MV7 or some other weird thing.

00:50:44.103 --> 00:50:46.663

<v Doc>But, you know, he has his mic there.

00:50:47.223 --> 00:50:50.763

<v Doc>The lava lamp goes to show that we are DJs of a certain vintage.

00:50:50.983 --> 00:50:52.723

<v Doc>Thank you for representing Rob.

00:50:53.303 --> 00:50:58.503

<v Doc>I love the lava lamp. And again, Jeremy, so you'll notice, like I said, Rob and I are similar.

00:50:58.803 --> 00:51:03.183

<v Doc>We are the perfect shade of high yellow that warm tones would look weird on us.

00:51:03.283 --> 00:51:06.323

<v Doc>It will almost make us look sick. so we lean into

00:51:06.323 --> 00:51:09.283

<v Doc>the to the cool tones and again that's

00:51:09.283 --> 00:51:12.003

<v Doc>just something you figure out and listen you know

00:51:12.003 --> 00:51:14.763

<v Doc>how i know these things because i asked my friend who's a

00:51:14.763 --> 00:51:17.423

<v Doc>makeup artist and she told me and then

00:51:17.423 --> 00:51:20.823

<v Doc>she was like yeah you should do it this way so ask her

00:51:20.823 --> 00:51:23.583

<v Doc>you know people in your area that know something about

00:51:23.583 --> 00:51:26.303

<v Doc>makeup and lighting and skin and you know you could you

00:51:26.303 --> 00:51:29.623

<v Doc>have resources people you absolutely have resources and

00:51:29.623 --> 00:51:32.343

<v Doc>we katie and i were struggling in the

00:51:32.343 --> 00:51:35.023

<v Doc>office trying to make everything cute and then

00:51:35.023 --> 00:51:38.763

<v Doc>it's like oh we have a interior designer

00:51:38.763 --> 00:51:42.383

<v Doc>in our midst why are we struggling when

00:51:42.383 --> 00:51:48.363

<v Doc>we have a professional that's like the other end of the dining room table so

00:51:48.363 --> 00:51:53.103

<v Doc>you have to use the resources you have if there's something that comes up and

00:51:53.103 --> 00:51:57.623

<v Doc>it requires some engineering uh why would we sit there and fake it when we have

00:51:57.623 --> 00:51:58.903

<v Doc>an engineer in the family

00:51:59.563 --> 00:52:03.643

<v Doc>Right so use those resources that

00:52:03.643 --> 00:52:06.903

<v Doc>are available to you in if possible

00:52:06.903 --> 00:52:10.263

<v Doc>and one last thing that i would throw in that

00:52:10.263 --> 00:52:15.543

<v Doc>if you are in your area and i want you to hear this because we met a bunch of

00:52:15.543 --> 00:52:21.663

<v Doc>people at pod fest who do this um i met a lovely couple and i'll never forget

00:52:21.663 --> 00:52:24.383

<v Doc>the guy's name is botter because it's almost like water but what would it be

00:52:24.383 --> 00:52:27.303

<v Doc>uh him and his wife and a wife named Blythe,

00:52:27.903 --> 00:52:29.643

<v Doc>nicest people ever.

00:52:29.883 --> 00:52:34.763

<v Doc>They started a, a, uh, Jack's podcasters for Jacksonville podcasters.

00:52:35.023 --> 00:52:39.663

<v Doc>And so now that they know all of the people they could, this is a Hawaii word

00:52:39.663 --> 00:52:42.823

<v Doc>who eat together means like team up or like make like a co-op,

00:52:43.023 --> 00:52:46.983

<v Doc>like, like, you know, the, the people do for the farms out there,

00:52:46.983 --> 00:52:51.343

<v Doc>you can find a spot and maybe put it together as a co-op.

00:52:51.443 --> 00:52:55.103

<v Doc>And in fact, you can write to your chamber comments in your local area and possibly

00:52:55.103 --> 00:52:59.663

<v Doc>get to grant because there are some places who need studios

00:53:00.531 --> 00:53:04.571

<v Doc>legal offices, hospitals, whatever. But they're never going to build one because

00:53:04.571 --> 00:53:06.631

<v Doc>they don't have anybody on staff that will build one.

00:53:06.811 --> 00:53:09.411

<v Doc>And then you can maybe say, here I'll do.

00:53:09.731 --> 00:53:13.991

<v Doc>I'll take this room that you're using as a closet and I'll build it into a studio

00:53:13.991 --> 00:53:17.111

<v Doc>that we can use for the community to come and podcast.

00:53:17.271 --> 00:53:21.031

<v Doc>But it's going to be great for you as a business. When you guys need to do high

00:53:21.031 --> 00:53:26.691

<v Doc>level Zoom calls, you have a nice, beautiful setup studio and we'll help maintain it.

00:53:28.531 --> 00:53:32.491

<v Doc>And if this works because that's how we started our first co-working space before

00:53:32.491 --> 00:53:33.851

<v Doc>I had a physical co-working space.

00:53:34.011 --> 00:53:39.091

<v Doc>We literally started in the basement of a hospital in an old records room because

00:53:39.091 --> 00:53:41.071

<v Doc>they had fast internet. That's the only reason why we went there.

00:53:41.371 --> 00:53:45.811

<v Doc>And that room was empty doing Jack. And they're like, yeah, and we need to do

00:53:45.811 --> 00:53:49.151

<v Doc>videos here and there to do remote consultations.

00:53:49.331 --> 00:53:53.511

<v Doc>And so we solved their IT struggles and then they solved our space struggles.

00:53:53.671 --> 00:53:56.351

<v Doc>So get creative you know if you can't do

00:53:56.351 --> 00:54:00.891

<v Doc>this in your home get creative and if you're doing something for a non-profit

00:54:00.891 --> 00:54:05.171

<v Doc>or you have a thing that you're working on there's so many grants out there

00:54:05.171 --> 00:54:09.071

<v Doc>you know the dude with the question mark suit martin matthew lesko whatever

00:54:09.071 --> 00:54:13.591

<v Doc>the heck his name is you could ask chat gbt can i get a grant that helps people

00:54:13.591 --> 00:54:16.251

<v Doc>learn about old frying pans and then you might be surprised

00:54:17.923 --> 00:54:18.543

<v Katie>Awesome.

00:54:18.863 --> 00:54:21.383

<v Doc>I got one question. Let's get this taken care of real quick.

00:54:21.843 --> 00:54:26.503

<v Doc>Ed wants to know, when using a landscape format, how do you make them in the

00:54:26.503 --> 00:54:31.523

<v Doc>vertical clips when sending them to Opus Clips? Opus does it automatically.

00:54:31.983 --> 00:54:34.063

<v Doc>So in Ecamm, you can just send it.

00:54:34.543 --> 00:54:38.163

<v Katie>This is actually a really good question though. And I have been thinking about this a lot.

00:54:38.403 --> 00:54:41.783

<v Katie>So in this current setup, because we've been making a bunch of updates to the

00:54:41.783 --> 00:54:45.083

<v Katie>flow, but in this current scene that you're looking at, right,

00:54:45.083 --> 00:54:49.663

<v Katie>We have a pretty chunky background image around us, and we have our names on

00:54:49.663 --> 00:54:53.223

<v Katie>it, and we have a lot of visual elements in this scene, right?

00:54:53.343 --> 00:54:59.523

<v Katie>So when Opus does its Opus thing and smooshes us into a vertical and stacks

00:54:59.523 --> 00:55:04.043

<v Katie>us, there's all these graphic elements around us that Opus doesn't really know

00:55:04.043 --> 00:55:07.643

<v Katie>what to do with and candidly doesn't do a great job of dealing with, right?

00:55:07.783 --> 00:55:10.943

<v Katie>Opus just really wants us to be a simple side-by-side video.

00:55:11.163 --> 00:55:15.503

<v Katie>So, Ed, you are absolutely right. I would say that I've been thinking more and

00:55:15.503 --> 00:55:21.103

<v Katie>more about actually simplifying this layout to remove our names,

00:55:21.503 --> 00:55:26.583

<v Katie>to maybe make this background a little less chunky, so that A,

00:55:26.703 --> 00:55:31.583

<v Katie>it's just cleaner and a little bit more focused for people who are watching, and B.

00:55:32.123 --> 00:55:33.883

<v Katie>It'll make it a lot easier to repurpose.

00:55:33.883 --> 00:55:39.503

<v Katie>So you are right in this landscape format. I actually think we are overdoing

00:55:39.503 --> 00:55:40.883

<v Katie>it a little bit on the branding.

00:55:41.043 --> 00:55:43.523

<v Katie>Like we were trying to show like all the cool things that Ecamm can do.

00:55:43.783 --> 00:55:48.423

<v Katie>But I think more and more like this, the content of this podcast is really meant

00:55:48.423 --> 00:55:52.383

<v Katie>to be conversational, community driven, informative.

00:55:52.663 --> 00:55:55.383

<v Katie>And so I do actually think in this case, it's probably a little bit of a distraction.

00:55:55.383 --> 00:55:58.463

<v Katie>So it would both, I think, make the content better, make the show better,

00:55:58.463 --> 00:56:01.563

<v Katie>and then also make it way easier to use tools like Opus Clip.

00:56:01.563 --> 00:56:06.443

<v Katie>So that's my answer as I've been having those same thoughts on actually like

00:56:06.443 --> 00:56:11.383

<v Katie>where by overproducing it in the recording, we're making it a little bit more

00:56:11.383 --> 00:56:14.363

<v Katie>complicated for us to repurpose it without it looking a little bit bonkers.

00:56:15.682 --> 00:56:22.502

<v Doc>And so my counterpoint to that is on short form clips, it's the content.

00:56:22.782 --> 00:56:24.502

<v Doc>Nobody gives a damn what it looks like. True.

00:56:24.862 --> 00:56:31.462

<v Doc>Have you seen TikTok and wrinkle cam and like 75 million views on a crusty?

00:56:31.602 --> 00:56:37.882

<v Doc>I took the video with my thumbprint on the FaceTime camera, 75 million views.

00:56:38.282 --> 00:56:42.942

<v Doc>True. We are telling ourselves lies so that we don't have to create content.

00:56:43.582 --> 00:56:46.762

<v Doc>I can't get it perfect, so I'm not going to put it out there.

00:56:47.662 --> 00:56:51.302

<v Doc>Nobody cares because half the time they're going to listen to it on the captions

00:56:51.302 --> 00:56:58.522

<v Doc>only because they can't have the volume up because they're in the doctor's office or it's 30 seconds.

00:56:58.682 --> 00:57:02.882

<v Doc>And we're telling them how if you were to go to this particular thing right

00:57:02.882 --> 00:57:09.162

<v Doc>now, you would increase your success rate by 25 percent. It's going to require these steps.

00:57:09.362 --> 00:57:13.382

<v Doc>Step A, step B, step C. If you do that, I guarantee you, you're going to make

00:57:13.382 --> 00:57:15.402

<v Doc>$10,000 as soon as this video is over.

00:57:15.622 --> 00:57:18.302

<v Doc>You know what? You don't care if the video looked like this.

00:57:19.802 --> 00:57:20.242

<v Katie>True.

00:57:20.702 --> 00:57:23.962

<v Doc>I'm just saying, like, so you're not wrong at all, Katie.

00:57:24.182 --> 00:57:29.002

<v Doc>From a visual perspective, yes, it would be prettier without. But...

00:57:29.429 --> 00:57:35.109

<v Doc>If anything we learned about short form video, it do not have to be cute at

00:57:35.109 --> 00:57:37.569

<v Doc>all. But yes, this is a bad layout for Opus.

00:57:37.989 --> 00:57:41.749

<v Doc>So they're both to be cute. Now, we shoot ISOs.

00:57:42.009 --> 00:57:46.669

<v Doc>So it would take more work, but we already have the ISOs. You can just throw

00:57:46.669 --> 00:57:48.609

<v Doc>the ISOs at Opus and that's fine.

00:57:48.849 --> 00:57:53.369

<v Doc>And then in an upcoming release, we are going to make it so that you can have

00:57:53.369 --> 00:57:54.989

<v Doc>a separate vertical recording.

00:57:55.069 --> 00:57:58.449

<v Katie>Yeah, exactly. So there are lots of solutions.

00:57:58.449 --> 00:58:01.269

<v Katie>But I just wanted to just point

00:58:01.269 --> 00:58:03.909

<v Katie>out that like these are all absolutely things that we should all be

00:58:03.909 --> 00:58:07.109

<v Katie>thinking about and there's nothing stopping us from testing

00:58:07.109 --> 00:58:11.829

<v Katie>it and making tweaks and changes so like you're you are right it's a great question

00:58:11.829 --> 00:58:15.169

<v Katie>and it's something that we should all be kind of considering like how as doc

00:58:15.169 --> 00:58:20.549

<v Katie>said how important are those clips is it wasting time to try to make them perfect

00:58:20.549 --> 00:58:23.589

<v Katie>or do they need to be perfect like all of these things are things we should

00:58:23.589 --> 00:58:24.989

<v Katie>be testing and I would produce.

00:58:24.989 --> 00:58:28.009

<v Doc>10 messy ones as opposed to one perfect one

00:58:28.009 --> 00:58:32.229

<v Doc>now the other thing that nobody seems to get through their head you do not have

00:58:32.229 --> 00:58:37.049

<v Doc>to make it vertical you can for what we're doing which is talking heads there

00:58:37.049 --> 00:58:43.129

<v Doc>is no detail being shown on screen put the entirety Paul 16 by 9 in the middle

00:58:43.129 --> 00:58:46.029

<v Doc>and put the caption in the space underneath

00:58:46.029 --> 00:58:46.969

<v Katie>Yep and.

00:58:46.969 --> 00:58:53.209

<v Doc>Put a backup element in the top. That is the best way to do it because we're not doing you.

00:58:53.349 --> 00:58:57.889

<v Doc>I'm not over here showing you how to put the super glue on this one little piece right here.

00:58:58.209 --> 00:58:58.969

<v Katie>No one's following along.

00:58:59.269 --> 00:59:04.389

<v Doc>Katie and I having a conversation. So put the entirety of the thing there.

00:59:04.909 --> 00:59:09.009

<v Doc>That is it. Everybody is over complicated. And if you, uh, you know who does

00:59:09.009 --> 00:59:10.149

<v Doc>this really well? Zaley.

00:59:11.289 --> 00:59:16.109

<v Doc>So put the nine, the 16 by nine here and another picture at the top caption

00:59:16.109 --> 00:59:18.949

<v Doc>at the bottom, a whole bunch of people do it, but hers just came to mind.

00:59:19.209 --> 00:59:20.409

<v Doc>That's the best way to do it.

00:59:22.119 --> 00:59:25.619

<v Doc>Unless you're trying to show off how to put together a lens or something,

00:59:25.619 --> 00:59:29.519

<v Doc>you don't need to push it. As a matter of fact, it's probably better if you don't push it.

00:59:30.319 --> 00:59:35.139

<v Katie>That's very, very true. Awesome. We did it. We learned a ton about podcast sets.

00:59:36.279 --> 00:59:39.119

<v Doc>Yo. In there like a show. Man, we nailed it again. All right,

00:59:39.179 --> 00:59:40.339

<v Doc>people. Here's the rules.

00:59:40.539 --> 00:59:45.239

<v Doc>All you got to do is go over to flow.ekm.com and you can find out everything

00:59:45.239 --> 00:59:46.639

<v Doc>you need to know about the flow.

00:59:46.839 --> 00:59:52.199

<v Doc>You can leave us reviews. You can leave us questions. You can ask to be a guest on the show.

00:59:52.359 --> 00:59:56.439

<v Doc>You can do whatever you want. Just come over there to flow.ecam.com and make

00:59:56.439 --> 00:59:59.759

<v Doc>sure you leave a couple hundred bucks in the corner. I'm joking.

01:00:00.899 --> 01:00:05.119

<v Doc>This show is brought to you by Shure, Shure. Listen, people,

01:00:05.319 --> 01:00:07.059

<v Doc>I love my Shure products.

01:00:07.279 --> 01:00:11.379

<v Doc>I could talk about this forever, but this podcast would be 35 hours long if

01:00:11.379 --> 01:00:13.559

<v Doc>I told you how much I love Shure products.

01:00:13.699 --> 01:00:17.619

<v Doc>So if you're looking for a good microphone, you know what? It's the industry

01:00:17.619 --> 01:00:20.959

<v Doc>standard. You'll find things cheaper, but you won't find things better.

01:00:21.139 --> 01:00:24.759

<v Doc>And Shure is about to announce their 100th anniversary.

01:00:24.899 --> 01:00:29.759

<v Doc>So you know you're dealing with professionalism. You know you're dealing with quality.

01:00:30.139 --> 01:00:33.859

<v Doc>They even test their microphones with liquid sweat to make sure that they will

01:00:33.859 --> 01:00:35.199

<v Doc>survive just about anything.

01:00:35.399 --> 01:00:39.579

<v Doc>So go and check out Shure at Shure.com and tell them that Ecamm sent you.

01:00:39.699 --> 01:00:43.199

<v Doc>We got a link in the comments and there'll be a link in the show notes. Yay!

01:00:44.159 --> 01:00:47.619

<v Doc>This was an awesome episode, Kate. It was really cool. And I can't believe we

01:00:47.619 --> 01:00:48.739

<v Doc>made it through a hundred shows.

01:00:49.059 --> 01:00:53.319

<v Katie>Happy 100. And thank you so much to all of our Flowriders for being with us

01:00:53.319 --> 01:00:54.719

<v Katie>through the last hundred episodes.

01:00:54.899 --> 01:01:00.179

<v Katie>It's your great questions and ideas and just general awesomeness that keeps

01:01:00.179 --> 01:01:02.819

<v Katie>us motivated and excited. So huge thank you to all of you.

01:01:02.919 --> 01:01:04.819

<v Doc>And thank you to Smart Jeremy.

01:01:05.299 --> 01:01:08.959

<v Katie>Thank you to Smart Jeremy. Huge thank you to Luis, our incredible producer,

01:01:09.419 --> 01:01:11.179

<v Katie>and Paul and Caleb and the whole team.

01:01:11.539 --> 01:01:16.019

<v Katie>We really appreciate it. And as Doc said, like, really, we are always open to

01:01:16.019 --> 01:01:18.979

<v Katie>hearing questions and ideas for future episodes.

01:01:19.419 --> 01:01:22.599

<v Katie>But we have some fun things coming up in the next few weeks for you.

01:01:22.699 --> 01:01:24.079

<v Katie>So definitely be sure to check us out.

01:01:25.519 --> 01:01:29.359

<v Doc>There you go. There you go. I was just letting Rob know we're coming to NAB.

01:01:30.699 --> 01:01:33.619

<v Doc>So he's going to have to sneak out of his house this time. Come and visit.

01:01:33.819 --> 01:01:38.599

<v Doc>And me and Paul are going to be there. So one for us and one for the old guy.

01:01:38.799 --> 01:01:42.439

<v Doc>Come hang out. Anyway, love you guys. We're going to say this like we always do.

01:01:42.719 --> 01:01:45.719

<v Doc>Flo Riders, for the 100th time, out!

01:01:46.339 --> 01:01:49.559

<v Katie>Out! Bye, everyone.

01:01:50.800 --> 01:02:12.966

<v Music>