The Flow: Episode 98 - Crafting the Perfect Podcast Intro & Outro
98 : The Flow: Episode 98 - Crafting the Perfect Podcast Intro & Outro
Ecamm Network
Podcasting, especially video podcasting, can be a great way to share your message with the world. There are so many things to learn and do, but it's hard to know where to start if you've never done it before.
Producing a podcast can initially seem daunting; it's easy to feel overwhelmed when starting something new. Using a Video First approach with Ecamm Live will make it much easier and save you lots of time.
The Flow is here to help. We'll take you step-by-step through creating a video podcast, from planning and production to promotion and monetization. You'll learn how to build an efficient workflow that will make your content shine, leaving you to focus on creating great content.
Looking to hook your audience from the first second and leave a lasting impression? In this episode of The Flow, we’re diving into the art of crafting the perfect podcast intro and outro. Learn how to create a compelling opening that grabs attention and an outro that keeps your listeners coming back for more.
We’ll cover:
✅ How to structure an effective podcast intro
✅ Tips for writing a strong call-to-action in your outro
✅ The role of music, tone, and branding
✅ Common mistakes to avoid
Whether you're starting a new podcast or leveling up your current show, this episode is packed with actionable tips to elevate your podcasting game.
If you haven't already, please consider signing up for our FREE podcasting course at
Welcome to The Flow. Created by Ecamm and hosted by Doc Rock and Katie Fawkes, this weekly show will take you step-by-step through the process of video podcasting. Our focus is on building efficient and effective workflows so that your content shines.
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Welcome to The Flow. Created by Ecamm and hosted by Doc Rock and Katie Fawkes, this weekly video podcast will take you step-by-step through the process of video podcasting.
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Ecamm Network
Copyright 2025 Ecamm Network
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<v Music>
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<v Doc>Aloha Flowriders and welcome to this edition of The Flow. I am Doc Rock along
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<v Doc>with my awesome co-host.
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<v Katie>Hey everyone, I'm Katie.
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<v Doc>I knew it. I knew it. So, Cates, we're going to talk about stuff today.
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<v Doc>And I know you had a whole game plan. So, Cates, tell the folks what we're going
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<v Doc>to talk about today and why.
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<v Katie>I have a game plan and you just nailed it. So, if you are joining us for this
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<v Katie>episode now or listening later, we are talking about intros and outros.
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<v Katie>What do you need to know? What shouldn't you do? What are some of the pro tips to being successful?
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<v Katie>And how can we convince me to do it better? Because I'm not rocking at it at
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<v Katie>the moment. And I know there's some improvements I can make.
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<v Katie>So intros and outros today, which is a huge part of any kind of show,
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<v Katie>whether it's podcasting or live streaming, or both like we do.
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<v Doc>Oh, there you go. Okay, so I really like this episode.
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<v Doc>And one of the things I like about this is you mentioned in the pre-show that,
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<v Doc>you know, there's tons of things that you think that you can do to improve.
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<v Doc>And the reason why I like the idea of this is because this is the curse.
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<v Doc>A lot of people set themselves up for, I need to improve all these things.
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<v Doc>And your brain kind of wants to fix them all at once. Yeah, making it too big.
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<v Doc>Imagine changing the floor and painting the wall and scraping the popcorn off
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<v Doc>the ceiling all simultaneously.
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<v Doc>It just doesn't work. You have to do them one at a time.
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<v Doc>And yeah, there should be an order, but tons and tons of people do it every week out of order.
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<v Doc>It really doesn't matter. But you really can only change them one at a time.
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<v Doc>And I think a good thing to keep in the back of your mind is to do them one at a time.
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<v Doc>And let them breathe so where i
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<v Doc>see i myself have made mistakes is change
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<v Doc>like five things at once and then you don't know
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<v Doc>which one actually did anything yeah and then
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<v Doc>if if it happens to slide backwards because it's a possibility your audience
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<v Doc>may not agree with the change that you made you don't know which of the five
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<v Doc>things set worked or didn't work yeah was that grandma set the apple cart no
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<v Doc>she said something something about the apple cart something
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<v Katie>About the apple cart.
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<v Doc>Um flipped or turned or yeah whatever something about the apples falling out
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<v Doc>the cart i don't know i'm not i'm not an old lady so there's
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<v Katie>Apples everywhere you guys.
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<v Doc>Right now let the apples hit the floor let the apples hit the floor sorry sorry
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<v Doc>um so yeah that that is a very cool thing but just please please please remember
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<v Doc>folks when you decide you want to do something.
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<v Doc>And I like the way Katie's doing it. We're having a plan. We're going to talk
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<v Doc>about it with you guys first.
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<v Doc>And then we can come up with a plan of action, then we can initiate the action,
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<v Doc>and then we can kind of see, right?
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<v Doc>But just don't get yourself psyched out because it is so easy.
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<v Doc>And I still do this to this very day to see somebody's show and then go,
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<v Doc>man, that'd be really cool if I did X, Y, Z.
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<v Doc>And it's like, yeah, but really, is it? And I think this is a huge problem in
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<v Doc>the community because the community is always people trying to add stuff to their show.
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<v Doc>And I'm like, your regular show ain't ready for you to add anything else yet.
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<v Doc>Yeah i've seen your regular show
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<v Katie>Here's what here's so here's how
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<v Katie>i want to frame this episode and um i can explain a
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<v Katie>little bit about sort of where i'm at because i think many of
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<v Katie>you are probably in the same boat as me keeping in mind everything doc said and
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<v Katie>the fact that doc and i are both in a simplify and streamline zone this year
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<v Katie>so so keep that in mind everything doc said 100 we are on board for that um
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<v Katie>i in my keeping things streamlined and simplified mode i I actually took this
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<v Katie>whole concept and idea from ChatGPT,
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<v Katie>and then I gave back to ChatGPT some of the questions that I had about this
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<v Katie>and got some additional information,
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<v Katie>which is, so again, we've talked about episode topics.
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<v Katie>This is what I am doing because of what I have learned. So...
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<v Katie>The things I really want to share, which I think really simplified it for me,
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<v Katie>is that so as we're thinking about intros and outros for any kind of show,
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<v Katie>for an intro, all you are trying to do is set a first impression.
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<v Katie>So you don't overthink it.
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<v Katie>All you're trying to do is welcome people into your episode and you're setting an impression.
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<v Katie>So it can be really simple. It can shift and change.
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<v Katie>You're welcoming and setting an impression. And then the outro at the end,
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<v Katie>you're leaving an impact, right?
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<v Katie>You want to say something that's going to be memorable.
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<v Katie>It might include getting people to take some kind of action. It might not.
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<v Katie>You're really just leaving an impact, right? A lasting impact.
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<v Katie>A first impression, a lasting impact.
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<v Katie>So I want all of us as we dive into this to remember that whatever you're doing
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<v Katie>right now might not be wrong, might need to be tweaked, might not need to be tweaked.
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<v Katie>You could make a decision now that you might want to change down the road.
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<v Katie>Your audience could dictate what some of it is.
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<v Katie>So our intro didn't always start off this way.
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<v Katie>And now it's become this somewhat silly thing where Doc does the official intro
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<v Katie>and I chime in a silly way.
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<v Katie>And then we have our flow writers out at the very end of our episode, right?
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<v Katie>That's not a call to action. That's a rally cry.
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<v Katie>But that came from spending time with all of you in our recording space and time.
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<v Katie>So again, if you take only one thing from this episode, take that in every episode
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<v Katie>that you do, you want to give people a great first impression,
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<v Katie>leave them with a lasting impact.
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<v Katie>Everything else that you do is okay.
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<v Doc>It's okay.
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<v Katie>It can be changeable. It's okay.
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<v Doc>I do agree. Like one thing that would be probably very beneficial.
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<v Doc>We just haven't done it yet is like, you know, the old school saying,
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<v Doc>tell them what you're going to say.
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<v Doc>Um, then say what you're going to say, then tell them again. I forgot.
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<v Doc>Again, my brain does not remember any of this old school stuff right now,
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<v Doc>but you know, you know what it is.
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<v Doc>So an advantage on that particular case, I think most people,
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<v Doc>When they think about intro outro, they think about like, you know,
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<v Doc>sort of the countdown and you know, my thoughts on that is we scrub them completely.
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<v Doc>I hate them, but in the podcast sense, it makes sense.
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<v Doc>Cause you're going to hear that when you hear the finished episode so
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<v Doc>in a way it's not that big a deal um we probably
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<v Doc>could shorten this one to 30-ish seconds
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<v Doc>maybe um if louise can find that
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<v Doc>cut if not i can make it um just because
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<v Doc>the whole concept the old school concept of we
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<v Doc>got to let people a chance to catch up yeah that's gone out
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<v Doc>the window and i still hear many creators say even creators
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<v Doc>of large large s is that the right word um
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<v Doc>they say oh well i'm doing it so that i
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<v Doc>can give people a chance to come in no you're not you're doing
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<v Doc>it for your ego like they're the people who want to
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<v Doc>be there will be there ahead of time flow riders are normally
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<v Doc>here ahead of time they're normally waiting for us so
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<v Doc>that part is out the window and it's still
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<v Doc>because that story was told so long and that
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<v Doc>story so well aligned with ego
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<v Doc>it's hard to tell people now that yeah
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<v Doc>the internet don't work like that no more homie the internet is quick
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<v Doc>like you really don't have to do that um yeah
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<v Doc>and and and zoom and youtube and all these other places have spent billions
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<v Doc>of dollars to make it so that when you fire it up it just goes and you're recording
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<v Doc>a podcast so it's going to be fine in the finished product anyway so yeah it's kind of unless
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<v Katie>I guess my so i've been thinking about this a lot because certainly like we
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<v Katie>as Ecamm do a ton of live streams and we have traditionally over the last however
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<v Katie>many years done countdown timers. We sell a countdown timer for this show.
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<v Katie>It's interesting with podcasts though because I do think that some of it,
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<v Katie>Like some of the, so the, and this is a kind of before what I would call an intro.
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<v Katie>So like an intro would be like what Doc just did, where it was like welcoming
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<v Katie>people to the show, saying like what the episode is about, kind of setting the tone for the show.
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<v Katie>But the kind of like before that I
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<v Katie>think like if if there
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<v Katie>is something that you can do at the beginning of
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<v Katie>the show that adds something then it might be worth adding in so I'll give you
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<v Katie>an example doc actually was huge huge in this for my personal show right so
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<v Katie>so I had this like epidemic sound music similar to what we have for the flow
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<v Katie>and that really wasn't doing a whole lot like it wasn't mine.
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<v Katie>It wasn't really all that special. It didn't really do anything.
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<v Katie>It was just a countdown timer. We were waiting for people to come on.
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<v Katie>And so there was nothing really like exciting or personal or community driven
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<v Katie>about that experience, right?
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<v Katie>It was just literally like waiting for the algorithms, which doesn't even matter anymore.
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<v Katie>But Doc being Doc, who is awesome, created an entire AI theme song for our show, right?
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<v Katie>That is like incredibly personal, Like, right. It's like, it's silly.
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<v Katie>It's fun. It's in kind of the like nineties boy band tone.
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<v Katie>It talks about me. It talks about my co-host.
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<v Doc>The Mosfets.
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<v Katie>The Mosfets, right. So it's, so it's, it's really personal. It's fun.
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<v Katie>And so, and it's beneficial for both are the like live audience who are reading
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<v Katie>like a fun fact that's scrolling by on screen.
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<v Katie>So like there is an interactivity to it while the theme song is playing,
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<v Katie>but the theme song is still really relevant to people who are just listening
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<v Katie>to the episode later. So in that kind of case, like,
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<v Katie>I might remove the countdown timer functionality. Maybe no one actually cares
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<v Katie>about that because they're just reading the fun fact and they're jumping on.
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<v Katie>And they know our theme song at this point. But I would say if there's a point
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<v Katie>to the music or if it's part of your brand or if you have done it with some
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<v Katie>kind of intention, then it's probably fine to keep that in.
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<v Katie>You just might want to think about what the actual experience is like. so
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<v Katie>like maybe at the beginning of the flow i've been
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<v Katie>wondering and thinking about like maybe as doc
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<v Katie>said we shortened down our our our like theme song
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<v Katie>that now is memorable to us and people know but maybe we put like some quite
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<v Katie>like some kind of thought-provoking questions to get our live audience excited
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<v Katie>which wouldn't take away from people who are listening but would be beneficial
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<v Katie>to our community so like there's things we could do in that kind of like moments
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<v Katie>before we jump on that helped to kind of,
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<v Katie>again, create a great first impression, right?
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<v Katie>It's an intro segment. So there's some options.
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<v Doc>First of all, Dana just said this in the chat. How are you, Dana?
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<v Doc>Hey, Dana. All the Canadians are coming through.
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<v Doc>What's really cool is like, all right, I'll pick on Dana because Dana was a hockey player, right?
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<v Doc>There's the sweeping lights and then the intro and the team comes on and that's
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<v Doc>just a rally cry. It gets everybody fired up as you skate out to the center and hit the...
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<v Doc>The one thing I can't do in skates is stop. I just crash into people,
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<v Doc>but I can skate really fast.
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<v Doc>So that's cool because that's the hype. That gets you ready to go when your
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<v Doc>goalie's over there like tack, tack, tack, and they're hitting all of the pads
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<v Doc>and hit the muscle pose and everybody screams, especially Oli the goalie was
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<v Doc>the best at firing up the crowd.
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<v Doc>So bringing that kind of fun hype element to your show is dope if that matches your show.
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<v Doc>And so I agree with a question of the day type of thing. That's something that
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<v Doc>we do on Creators Unstuck is we start out, tell them what we're going to say,
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<v Doc>and we hit them with the question of the day so that they can start to chime in in the chat.
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<v Doc>Another thing that would be cool for us for the flow would be to do some kind
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<v Doc>of like tip right out the gate because that brings value to the audience who's
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<v Doc>listening, but it also brings value to anyone who's watching on the replay.
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<v Doc>And so the thing that people need to remember is we leave our live recording
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<v Doc>up so that that replay is available.
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<v Doc>We do would love everybody to just wait and listen to the recorded episodes.
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<v Doc>But sometimes people know we record the day. They come late.
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<v Doc>They just want to back up and hear what they need because they need it right now.
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<v Doc>And so the advantage of slimlining the just countdown, which has zero value
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<v Doc>whatsoever at the end of the day, it has absolutely zero value to the retail, to the replay viewer.
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<v Doc>So that's the challenge of leaving the countdown.
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<v Doc>Down but i love the concept of let's coming in with some
00:13:01.346 --> 00:13:06.866
<v Doc>fire thing even if it's a recap of last week and like yo these were the poignant
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<v Doc>uh steps we got from last week i like highlighting a viewer a listener i like
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<v Doc>highlighting brian or or dana or you know uh steven and saying hey you know good to see you here um
00:13:21.771 --> 00:13:24.951
<v Doc>People, if you haven't heard already, check out Billy.
00:13:25.151 --> 00:13:29.991
<v Doc>Billy just released a new episode on, you know, his Billy the Dealmaker podcast.
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<v Doc>And it was really about the new thoughts on live selling for 2025.
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<v Doc>I want to highlight that before we start because it's something that's really cool.
00:13:40.291 --> 00:13:45.631
<v Doc>So now people are like, okay, I want to show up more because they're going to give me the shout out.
00:13:45.791 --> 00:13:48.971
<v Doc>But also that person will then in turn send people to your episode.
00:13:49.851 --> 00:13:53.671
<v Doc>So being a good community forward person. Yeah, lots you can do.
00:13:53.951 --> 00:13:57.031
<v Doc>Lots of ideas. So we're leaving it up to you guys. If you have something you
00:13:57.031 --> 00:13:59.211
<v Doc>want to see us do first, drop that in the chat.
00:13:59.611 --> 00:14:02.271
<v Doc>I mean, that's what we're here to do. We're here to build this show for you.
00:14:02.671 --> 00:14:05.811
<v Doc>It's not really about us. We get paid to be here left or right.
00:14:06.291 --> 00:14:11.031
<v Katie>I mean, hilariously, the other thing we could do, and certainly any of you could
00:14:11.031 --> 00:14:14.611
<v Katie>do as well, if it makes sense for your brand or what you want to do,
00:14:14.731 --> 00:14:17.731
<v Katie>is this show is really a lot about the process of podcasting.
00:14:17.731 --> 00:14:23.631
<v Katie>So we could also just, you know, put our, like, we all jump on early and do like our tech check.
00:14:23.791 --> 00:14:26.771
<v Katie>Like we could just tech check until we're ready to go and then go like,
00:14:26.871 --> 00:14:29.911
<v Katie>and then already be live and, and go and start our recording process.
00:14:30.631 --> 00:14:34.531
<v Katie>Yeah, I know. We'd have to talk Luis into swearing less, but just kidding.
00:14:35.391 --> 00:14:39.411
<v Doc>Cause that's what, that's what Lou and I do. We do the pre-show live and then
00:14:39.411 --> 00:14:42.191
<v Doc>we do the show and then we do a tiny little bit of after show.
00:14:43.051 --> 00:14:49.891
<v Doc>So it's, uh, yeah, it's, it's actually kind of cool. I like the idea of keeping
00:14:49.891 --> 00:14:55.511
<v Doc>it so raw because I think there's so many people that are still afraid of the process.
00:14:55.891 --> 00:14:58.671
<v Doc>And I'm like, the process is fun, bro. You just got to go in,
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<v Doc>you know? Yeah. Like, don't over thunk it.
00:15:01.688 --> 00:15:05.088
<v Katie>Yeah, it definitely is easier.
00:15:05.188 --> 00:15:09.948
<v Katie>And the cool thing about it, which we say, I think, often on this show is that it's all editable.
00:15:10.228 --> 00:15:12.708
<v Katie>And by that, I mean, like, you can decide something.
00:15:13.008 --> 00:15:15.248
<v Katie>And then in a couple weeks, you can be like, I didn't really care for that.
00:15:15.368 --> 00:15:17.168
<v Katie>I'm going to make a change to that. That's fine.
00:15:18.348 --> 00:15:22.008
<v Katie>It's your show. You're not going to break anything by, you know,
00:15:22.148 --> 00:15:25.528
<v Katie>by changing it up and seeing whether or not people like it or don't like it.
00:15:25.528 --> 00:15:30.888
<v Katie>But I do want to say, I guess, some like ground rules as we're thinking about
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<v Katie>like putting together intros.
00:15:33.228 --> 00:15:37.748
<v Katie>As Doc said, like you want it to be short. So you don't want to be going on
00:15:37.748 --> 00:15:39.688
<v Katie>and on regardless of what your intro is. Right.
00:15:39.928 --> 00:15:44.008
<v Katie>And that includes if you do like a kind of pre-intro, like if you do a theme
00:15:44.008 --> 00:15:48.928
<v Katie>song or music or a question of the day or whatever else that needs to be like quick, snappy.
00:15:49.108 --> 00:15:53.428
<v Katie>And then your intro itself needs to be quick, snappy, like no more than 30 seconds.
00:15:53.628 --> 00:15:56.348
<v Katie>Again, Doc's was perfect today. It's like, hey, I'm Doc Rock.
00:15:56.548 --> 00:15:58.148
<v Katie>This is the flow. Let's do it.
00:15:59.188 --> 00:16:02.488
<v Katie>You're getting into it because people who are with you every single time,
00:16:02.628 --> 00:16:05.308
<v Katie>they know what the show is. They're there.
00:16:05.548 --> 00:16:11.788
<v Katie>They're ready to listen to you. But it also builds consistency, brand recognition.
00:16:12.148 --> 00:16:15.088
<v Katie>And if new people are jumping on, it just immediately sets the tone.
00:16:15.188 --> 00:16:20.928
<v Katie>It's your first impression. So you want to be consistent with it and build it.
00:16:21.508 --> 00:16:24.628
<v Katie>And again, like, you know, some general best practices, right?
00:16:24.768 --> 00:16:28.628
<v Katie>Like it ideally in your intro, like includes the name of the podcast,
00:16:28.628 --> 00:16:32.968
<v Katie>what the episode or what the show is about, a quick tease.
00:16:33.148 --> 00:16:37.088
<v Katie>Like there are standards and things that you can do. You could certainly play with that.
00:16:37.268 --> 00:16:40.388
<v Katie>Like maybe it doesn't make sense to say the name of your podcast every single episode.
00:16:40.528 --> 00:16:44.808
<v Katie>That's fine. But there, you know, there are simple things that you can do that
00:16:44.808 --> 00:16:47.488
<v Katie>you can get then into the habit of doing every single week, right?
00:16:47.568 --> 00:16:50.168
<v Katie>You know, when you turn on the show, this is what you're going to say.
00:16:50.268 --> 00:16:51.628
<v Katie>And that's how you're going to get going.
00:16:51.868 --> 00:16:55.928
<v Katie>So I find intros to be a little bit easier than outros just because it feels
00:16:55.928 --> 00:16:59.388
<v Katie>like it makes more sense. I really struggle with outros.
00:17:01.202 --> 00:17:04.162
<v Doc>So Dana has a very, very good point.
00:17:04.562 --> 00:17:08.442
<v Doc>Dana said, I think people engage more when there's an expected structure,
00:17:08.442 --> 00:17:12.142
<v Doc>but then they also get the experience of something like sort of spontaneous,
00:17:12.142 --> 00:17:13.402
<v Doc>unexpected variations.
00:17:13.722 --> 00:17:19.622
<v Doc>And I really do like that concept. I will say the one advantage of sort of introducing
00:17:19.622 --> 00:17:23.342
<v Doc>your show, even though it's the same over and over again.
00:17:23.462 --> 00:17:26.662
<v Doc>And I find myself doing this on the shows that I listen to all the time.
00:17:26.662 --> 00:17:29.742
<v Doc>I do the intro with them like i legit say
00:17:29.742 --> 00:17:33.282
<v Doc>it out loud because i know exactly what they're going to say but
00:17:33.282 --> 00:17:36.102
<v Doc>i think one of the advantages of that is
00:17:36.102 --> 00:17:39.382
<v Doc>that also sort of segments in a little
00:17:39.382 --> 00:17:42.762
<v Doc>bit of that community feel but you are introducing yourself
00:17:42.762 --> 00:17:45.862
<v Doc>to somebody who may be brand new yep and it's
00:17:45.862 --> 00:17:48.842
<v Doc>almost like a welcoming gesture to the new person that
00:17:48.842 --> 00:17:51.762
<v Doc>just just coming in so they know exactly you know
00:17:51.762 --> 00:17:54.942
<v Doc>what's going to go and then i've even seen
00:17:54.942 --> 00:17:57.722
<v Doc>some podcasters be like okay new people we have a
00:17:57.722 --> 00:18:00.742
<v Doc>couple inside jokes around here uh you know well
00:18:00.742 --> 00:18:03.602
<v Doc>some of them will explain some of them we won't but you'll figure it out
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<v Doc>and just welcome to you know sort of the party um i
00:18:07.222 --> 00:18:10.222
<v Doc>know that my guys on true crime obsessed they definitely have
00:18:10.222 --> 00:18:13.602
<v Doc>their little weird inside jokes like they they
00:18:13.602 --> 00:18:16.482
<v Doc>have a bell that they ring for really crappy
00:18:16.482 --> 00:18:19.382
<v Doc>people it's the garbage bit the
00:18:19.382 --> 00:18:22.102
<v Doc>garbage person bell and then it took it took about
00:18:22.102 --> 00:18:25.282
<v Doc>three episodes to figure that bell out but once i did i felt
00:18:25.282 --> 00:18:28.382
<v Doc>like i discovered something and now i'm in so they
00:18:28.382 --> 00:18:32.442
<v Doc>never really explained it per se they just kept it going you totally figure
00:18:32.442 --> 00:18:36.062
<v Doc>it out it's like oh helen's gonna get a bell because oh my god i can't believe
00:18:36.062 --> 00:18:40.222
<v Doc>helen she she let she left the dad with those kids you know and you figure it
00:18:40.222 --> 00:18:43.182
<v Doc>out right away and now you're part of the team so i think there's some really
00:18:43.182 --> 00:18:47.662
<v Doc>cool nuanced ways to add a little bit of that community to it you know what i mean
00:18:48.419 --> 00:18:52.739
<v Katie>Yeah. And I think like everything you just said, you know, it goes down to being
00:18:52.739 --> 00:18:57.559
<v Katie>like consistent and thinking about what brand you are building.
00:18:57.719 --> 00:19:00.059
<v Katie>Whether or not you're being intentional about building a brand,
00:19:00.279 --> 00:19:02.439
<v Katie>you are still building a brand with your show, right?
00:19:02.619 --> 00:19:06.019
<v Katie>So there are going to be people that show up, you know, as Doc said,
00:19:06.059 --> 00:19:08.699
<v Katie>week after week and you need to pay attention to them.
00:19:08.879 --> 00:19:12.919
<v Katie>So I'm a big fan, as we've talked about a ton of times, the show Morbid,
00:19:13.039 --> 00:19:14.459
<v Katie>which again is a true crime show.
00:19:14.699 --> 00:19:16.639
<v Katie>Shout out to my Massachusetts girlies.
00:19:17.039 --> 00:19:22.439
<v Katie>But they are a wildly popular show. They've been around for years.
00:19:22.739 --> 00:19:27.479
<v Katie>And they, at one point, changed their theme song just for Halloween,
00:19:27.719 --> 00:19:31.639
<v Katie>like just to be like fun for Halloween. And their audience was like.
00:19:31.759 --> 00:19:33.059
<v Doc>What the hell?
00:19:33.299 --> 00:19:37.419
<v Katie>Like, where is your theme? So, and, you know, it ended up being like a funny thing.
00:19:37.539 --> 00:19:39.739
<v Katie>And they, you know, they immediately noticed and they were like,
00:19:39.799 --> 00:19:41.919
<v Katie>no, no, no, like we're just changing it for Halloween in it.
00:19:42.259 --> 00:19:43.359
<v Katie>And they put it back, right?
00:19:43.979 --> 00:19:49.499
<v Katie>So you can definitely test and play, as I said earlier, but you need to also
00:19:49.499 --> 00:19:53.819
<v Katie>be aware that you are building on what you've done before.
00:19:54.359 --> 00:19:59.139
<v Katie>And again, as we say all the time, really pay attention to what your community
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<v Katie>and what your people are saying, because there are parts that they may love,
00:20:02.819 --> 00:20:08.819
<v Katie>like the bell, or maybe it's your intro music maybe it's you know how ridiculous
00:20:08.819 --> 00:20:13.339
<v Katie>i am when i say hi everyone i'm katie like if you make some of those changes
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<v Katie>right like people might care and they might you know that might be if you it would break.
00:20:19.259 --> 00:20:24.279
<v Doc>Me because i'm expecting it so it's it's such a normal thing now for you know
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<v Doc>here it is like we're pushing 100 episodes like that would actually break me
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<v Doc>if you didn't say it i'd be like she good i'm like did she say something backstage what happened
00:20:33.039 --> 00:20:35.319
<v Katie>What happened Is she angry at me?
00:20:35.579 --> 00:20:39.099
<v Doc>Yeah, that's super funny. I really like that.
00:20:39.299 --> 00:20:42.859
<v Doc>You know, and we were talking about structure earlier this week.
00:20:42.859 --> 00:20:47.519
<v Doc>We were on a Zoom call with Brandon, Brandon Washington. Yeah. And then-
00:20:47.933 --> 00:20:50.733
<v Doc>like again for their show even if
00:20:50.733 --> 00:20:54.313
<v Doc>i show up late i can listen for about five minutes
00:20:54.313 --> 00:20:56.933
<v Doc>or so i know where we are in the show you know what i
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<v Doc>mean like there's an there's sort of a a very
00:20:59.773 --> 00:21:04.713
<v Doc>much expectation this sounds crazy to say it but it's similar to law and order
00:21:04.713 --> 00:21:12.473
<v Doc>like i i can tell like within the first 10 minutes like how exactly how it's
00:21:12.473 --> 00:21:15.673
<v Doc>going to flow right i'm like this person is going to be thought and then this
00:21:15.673 --> 00:21:17.053
<v Doc>person is going to get pushed.
00:21:17.153 --> 00:21:19.313
<v Doc>I'll tell you, you're kind of going to believe it's them, but it's not really them.
00:21:19.433 --> 00:21:21.953
<v Doc>And this is going to be the hang up. Like you kind of know the formula now.
00:21:22.573 --> 00:21:29.293
<v Doc>So I don't think it should be that formula, but it is, it is definitely something that is there.
00:21:29.473 --> 00:21:32.613
<v Doc>Okay. So if you're thinking about a segment, right?
00:21:32.853 --> 00:21:36.673
<v Doc>Uh, you know, we're talking about intros. Let's go. I think there's important
00:21:36.673 --> 00:21:38.953
<v Doc>to do a reset in the middle at times.
00:21:39.373 --> 00:21:46.933
<v Doc>And this is very key. If you are the person who thinks you want to have sponsors,
00:21:47.033 --> 00:21:53.533
<v Doc>I think it's important out the gate that you sponsor your show,
00:21:53.693 --> 00:21:57.153
<v Doc>even if your show is sponsored by you.
00:21:57.373 --> 00:21:57.993
<v Katie>Yep.
00:21:58.553 --> 00:22:04.293
<v Doc>Okay. I think you need to put an ad read in the middle. So here's something
00:22:04.293 --> 00:22:06.413
<v Doc>Rich mentioned last week. This is very cool.
00:22:06.913 --> 00:22:14.593
<v Doc>So Rich can go in the middle of his show and say, in order to do this podcast, we use Ecamm.
00:22:14.753 --> 00:22:18.933
<v Doc>Ecamm is a really effective tool that allows you to look good in Zoom,
00:22:19.513 --> 00:22:23.433
<v Doc>create, you know, specialized recordings for your brands, for your product,
00:22:23.553 --> 00:22:25.033
<v Doc>for your schoolwork, for your business.
00:22:25.053 --> 00:22:29.053
<v Doc>You can also use it to do live stream. It's a full video production suite on the desk.
00:22:29.233 --> 00:22:35.173
<v Doc>If you want to check us out, go to, you know, slash And he goes,
00:22:35.333 --> 00:22:36.333
<v Doc>all right, now back to the show.
00:22:36.453 --> 00:22:40.973
<v Doc>Now, that is an affiliate situation, but he builds in the ad read.
00:22:41.293 --> 00:22:45.573
<v Doc>Jared Spink did this extremely well, and there's a great example on YouTube.
00:22:45.573 --> 00:22:48.553
<v Doc>If you want to see how he did it, I can send you that link. And he's like,
00:22:49.670 --> 00:22:52.710
<v Doc>Hey, Rich just showed up in the chat. I didn't even know he was here.
00:22:52.930 --> 00:22:55.190
<v Doc>I didn't even know he was here. Sorry, Rich.
00:22:55.830 --> 00:23:00.310
<v Doc>But so that was a brilliant, brilliant statement, though, last week for Rich.
00:23:00.430 --> 00:23:06.210
<v Doc>Like, even if you're not sponsored yet, by putting in the behavior of having
00:23:06.210 --> 00:23:10.210
<v Doc>an ad read, even if it's an ad read for yourself, like in Creators Unstuck,
00:23:10.350 --> 00:23:12.310
<v Doc>we do an ad read for Doc Pops, right?
00:23:12.950 --> 00:23:17.690
<v Doc>We also do an ad read for Marshall's pod pack because we want to give back to
00:23:17.690 --> 00:23:20.510
<v Doc>Marshall because Marshall made this lovely thing for us. Right.
00:23:20.950 --> 00:23:26.910
<v Doc>So by doing that, somebody else is going to hear that. And then, you know, sure.
00:23:27.390 --> 00:23:31.410
<v Doc>Or Adobe podcast or somebody be like, hey, man, I was listening to your show. It's really good.
00:23:31.630 --> 00:23:35.610
<v Doc>I noticed that you have sponsors right now. But are you guys looking for new ones?
00:23:35.730 --> 00:23:39.910
<v Doc>And you'd be like, yeah, don't say, oh, no, they don't pay for those.
00:23:40.010 --> 00:23:42.830
<v Doc>That'll be real dumb. Okay. At that point, don't say that.
00:23:43.070 --> 00:23:47.830
<v Doc>But you can be like, yeah, we are. As a matter of fact, here's our media kit,
00:23:48.150 --> 00:23:49.990
<v Doc>you know, and let us know what you're thinking.
00:23:50.410 --> 00:23:55.150
<v Doc>So if you set the availability, you're more likely to get some reaction.
00:23:55.290 --> 00:23:57.970
<v Doc>There's no guarantee, but at least you're setting the intention.
00:23:58.470 --> 00:24:02.850
<v Doc>And the sooner you set the intention, the better. In my personal opinion.
00:24:04.810 --> 00:24:07.770
<v Katie>Absolutely segments are one of those things we should actually we should do an entire episode on
00:24:07.770 --> 00:24:10.910
<v Katie>segments because that's one of those things that um i think
00:24:10.910 --> 00:24:13.910
<v Katie>we could probably add more of that into this show
00:24:13.910 --> 00:24:19.090
<v Katie>and i think the structure of that is really cool um yeah i'd love to dive deeper
00:24:19.090 --> 00:24:26.730
<v Katie>on that one let's i want to dive into outros i so here's here's my here's my
00:24:26.730 --> 00:24:30.850
<v Katie>challenge that i have with outros and then let's talk it through because i i
00:24:30.850 --> 00:24:33.670
<v Katie>did research a bunch of like best practices on it that hopefully will help.
00:24:34.030 --> 00:24:39.170
<v Katie>I feel like, so intros again, I'm pretty good at because for the most part,
00:24:39.390 --> 00:24:40.550
<v Katie>it's welcoming to the show.
00:24:40.790 --> 00:24:45.970
<v Katie>I like, I I'm excited for the show. So I'm, I'm already in that headspace and I'm ready to get into it.
00:24:46.050 --> 00:24:50.310
<v Katie>But then you dive into the actual content of the show, you're there, et cetera.
00:24:50.590 --> 00:24:56.030
<v Katie>And I feel like I have a really hard time wrapping the show,
00:24:56.290 --> 00:25:04.970
<v Katie>and then once I ended the content, I'm not great at what is the best thing to say in an outro.
00:25:05.230 --> 00:25:07.790
<v Katie>I've learned from some of the best out there that.
00:25:08.720 --> 00:25:11.740
<v Katie>You shouldn't be giving, obviously, you know, 10 different...
00:25:11.740 --> 00:25:15.360
<v Katie>Your outro should not be... Thank you so much for watching the show.
00:25:15.720 --> 00:25:21.320
<v Katie>Please like, subscribe, follow, go back to my website, leave me a review and buy my t-shirts.
00:25:21.560 --> 00:25:25.020
<v Katie>We would really love to see... Like, it needs to be like one,
00:25:25.260 --> 00:25:28.800
<v Katie>you know, one call to action, one, you know, thing at the end.
00:25:29.160 --> 00:25:32.520
<v Katie>There's a number of different things. But I feel like I get frazzled in the,
00:25:32.700 --> 00:25:36.980
<v Katie>oh, shoot, we're actually like out of time and like either my guest or someone
00:25:36.980 --> 00:25:39.980
<v Katie>else actually needs to jump onto something else. So I'm trying to rap faster than I want to.
00:25:40.200 --> 00:25:44.120
<v Katie>And then I don't do a good kind of transition into what I need to say.
00:25:44.260 --> 00:25:47.740
<v Katie>And then I just sort of panic and we end up, you know, it's like, roll the credits.
00:25:48.300 --> 00:25:53.420
<v Katie>We're rapping. So I need to, I think, pick like what thing and figure out like when.
00:25:53.680 --> 00:25:56.860
<v Doc>Here's a good way out. Here's a really, really good way out, I think.
00:25:57.740 --> 00:26:01.580
<v Doc>Number one, you can't just do the Irish goodbye. Just leave.
00:26:01.800 --> 00:26:04.040
<v Doc>It's cool. I'm just kidding. I'm joking.
00:26:04.220 --> 00:26:04.680
<v Katie>And bye.
00:26:05.540 --> 00:26:11.980
<v Doc>Okay, gotta go. So I think that you can say, oh, my God, Kate,
00:26:12.100 --> 00:26:15.420
<v Doc>this was so good. And I want to be respectful of your time.
00:26:15.640 --> 00:26:18.820
<v Doc>We don't have much time left. But as you can tell, we didn't get finished this.
00:26:18.980 --> 00:26:24.360
<v Doc>I need to have you back. Can I at least get a, you know, a soft commitment that
00:26:24.360 --> 00:26:25.980
<v Doc>you'll come back so we can finish this up?
00:26:26.340 --> 00:26:29.060
<v Doc>And you're like, oh, yeah, sure. Let's try to get this on the counter.
00:26:29.240 --> 00:26:33.220
<v Doc>Now the audience is hooked, right? You're giving the audience a chance to know
00:26:33.220 --> 00:26:36.120
<v Doc>that this is going to keep going, especially when it's a really, really good episode.
00:26:36.740 --> 00:26:39.400
<v Doc>And they're like, sorry, we couldn't get to all your questions.
00:26:40.160 --> 00:26:43.580
<v Doc>However, if you want to get them ready for the next time case is on,
00:26:43.760 --> 00:26:47.480
<v Doc>here's how you submit your questions. For us, it's
00:26:47.680 --> 00:26:50.540
<v Doc>Go to the website, submit some questions right there.
00:26:50.720 --> 00:26:54.700
<v Doc>Now, the fact that you've given them a piece of homework, you cannot say the
00:26:54.700 --> 00:26:56.300
<v Doc>next call to action. You've given it.
00:26:56.900 --> 00:27:01.540
<v Doc>And I swear, you're dead solid right. Lots and lots and lots and lots of people
00:27:01.540 --> 00:27:04.300
<v Doc>give a whole bunch of call to actions. Right.
00:27:05.092 --> 00:27:12.392
<v Doc>If you are recording on YouTube and you're putting it at the end of the show, it's okay.
00:27:12.692 --> 00:27:20.912
<v Doc>But never, ever, ever put a leave YouTube call to action in the beginning of your show.
00:27:21.632 --> 00:27:25.732
<v Doc>Never. That is the absolute dumbest thing you can do.
00:27:25.752 --> 00:27:29.852
<v Doc>And most people don't realize it because they have been told by all these marketing
00:27:29.852 --> 00:27:35.652
<v Doc>people that you should always tell people you know, good call to action for your audience.
00:27:35.932 --> 00:27:40.872
<v Doc>But the problem is you're telling people to leave the place of business.
00:27:41.372 --> 00:27:45.992
<v Doc>Like you walked into the restaurant as a cheesecake factory and told everybody
00:27:45.992 --> 00:27:49.152
<v Doc>to go to Casa Maria because the burritos are better, which they are,
00:27:49.232 --> 00:27:52.152
<v Doc>but you can't, if you stand in the middle of the cheesecake factory and tell
00:27:52.152 --> 00:27:54.732
<v Doc>everybody to go to Casa Maria, they will tackle you.
00:27:55.052 --> 00:27:57.812
<v Doc>And then they will, they will beat you senseless.
00:27:58.452 --> 00:28:02.752
<v Doc>So you're to YouTube, you're becoming a bad citizen. So I think at the end,
00:28:02.912 --> 00:28:05.632
<v Doc>it's very cool to give those CTAs where you might send them somewhere.
00:28:05.732 --> 00:28:08.552
<v Doc>But even then, I don't want them to leave YouTube.
00:28:09.512 --> 00:28:15.012
<v Doc>So what I say is keep this in the back of your head, but there's going to be
00:28:15.012 --> 00:28:16.772
<v Doc>an additional video you should check out.
00:28:16.952 --> 00:28:21.392
<v Doc>There's going to be some another link. Here's even if you send someone to Taurus
00:28:21.392 --> 00:28:25.352
<v Doc>podcast or to what's that thing called building blocks.
00:28:26.052 --> 00:28:29.952
<v Doc>You guys were talking about design today. If you're brand new to designing for
00:28:29.952 --> 00:28:32.972
<v Doc>Ecamm, go and check out Honor and Fulgens on Building Blocks.
00:28:33.112 --> 00:28:35.952
<v Doc>We'll put a link right in the chat right now. There's a video.
00:28:36.192 --> 00:28:39.852
<v Doc>If you're on this mission and you want to keep going, go and watch this right
00:28:39.852 --> 00:28:42.852
<v Doc>now because this will solidify what we talked about today.
00:28:43.012 --> 00:28:46.492
<v Doc>And it'll give you the foundations so that you can build from here.
00:28:47.292 --> 00:28:52.152
<v Doc>Because now you have turned in what was an hour of listening to your show to
00:28:52.152 --> 00:28:54.212
<v Doc>another hour of listening to Honor and Fulgens.
00:28:54.212 --> 00:28:57.692
<v Doc>And then once they get over there and fall in love with Honest Laugh like we
00:28:57.692 --> 00:29:00.792
<v Doc>all do, they're going to watch two, three-hour Honest and Full Genes.
00:29:00.892 --> 00:29:02.632
<v Doc>You are a good citizen of YouTube.
00:29:03.032 --> 00:29:07.192
<v Doc>YouTube goes, I'm going to promote that show because they get people stuck in
00:29:07.192 --> 00:29:11.492
<v Doc>a five-hour bench, which means YouTube gets to serve 85 ads,
00:29:13.232 --> 00:29:16.372
<v Doc>Even if it's premium, because those ads are still served. We just don't see
00:29:16.372 --> 00:29:17.772
<v Doc>them, but we get paid for that as well.
00:29:18.652 --> 00:29:22.572
<v Doc>So this is where people are always like, oh, boom, boom, boom.
00:29:22.572 --> 00:29:26.512
<v Doc>And so Tor said, I see a lot of people clothing until next time.
00:29:26.672 --> 00:29:30.792
<v Doc>Watch this video up here for the more content. That's why I end all of my videos
00:29:30.792 --> 00:29:33.152
<v Doc>with the algorithm is going to show you another video that I think you should
00:29:33.152 --> 00:29:34.132
<v Doc>watch. And I agree with them.
00:29:34.552 --> 00:29:39.192
<v Doc>Now, when you do your end of YouTube, another mistake that many people make
00:29:39.192 --> 00:29:41.892
<v Doc>is you put two videos on the end.
00:29:42.912 --> 00:29:47.472
<v Doc>If you live with Karen, you can't give her choices. You got to give her one.
00:29:48.092 --> 00:29:50.792
<v Doc>She goes to In-N-Out Burger and looks at the menu like,
00:29:53.236 --> 00:29:56.476
<v Doc>So you give people one choice and then it makes it so much easier.
00:29:57.176 --> 00:30:00.816
<v Doc>That's why, that's why I just watched this really dope report about blind boxes.
00:30:01.136 --> 00:30:03.236
<v Doc>It's why blind boxes are so popular.
00:30:03.656 --> 00:30:07.416
<v Doc>No one has to decide, you know, those weebles, whatever you call it behind your head.
00:30:07.976 --> 00:30:08.776
<v Katie>Woobles. Yeah.
00:30:08.796 --> 00:30:12.256
<v Doc>Yeah. Woobles. Why? Weebles was a thing when we were kids. They wobble,
00:30:12.296 --> 00:30:12.656
<v Doc>but they don't fall down.
00:30:12.656 --> 00:30:14.336
<v Katie>Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. Yeah.
00:30:15.556 --> 00:30:19.156
<v Doc>So imagine like if they just came in a box and you don't know what's in there,
00:30:19.236 --> 00:30:20.956
<v Doc>you just got to pull it and then make it.
00:30:21.436 --> 00:30:25.076
<v Doc>Yeah. They would actually sell 10 times more than giving people exactly what
00:30:25.076 --> 00:30:28.736
<v Doc>they want because people get into the sort of hunt, the chase, sort of the gambling.
00:30:29.416 --> 00:30:33.056
<v Doc>And so, yeah, giving them the one option is also hella brilliant,
00:30:33.236 --> 00:30:34.456
<v Doc>bro. Super hella brilliant.
00:30:34.736 --> 00:30:41.076
<v Katie>Do you know what I'm thinking about implementing? And I would love to actually
00:30:41.076 --> 00:30:44.976
<v Katie>have him come on the show. So I will tease you all by saying that we will talk
00:30:44.976 --> 00:30:45.776
<v Katie>him into coming on the show.
00:30:46.436 --> 00:30:50.656
<v Katie>But one of our friends, Lou Mangiello, has an absolutely incredible podcast.
00:30:50.656 --> 00:30:56.036
<v Katie>He's been doing it for as long as Doc, basically, and just got added into the
00:30:56.036 --> 00:30:59.396
<v Katie>Podcast Hall of Fame. So huge out to Lou.
00:30:59.856 --> 00:31:04.376
<v Katie>He has a podcast all about Walt Disney World. It's literally called WDW,
00:31:04.616 --> 00:31:05.616
<v Katie>Walt Disney World Radio.
00:31:06.616 --> 00:31:09.996
<v Katie>But what he does, and he's incredible at building community,
00:31:10.196 --> 00:31:13.516
<v Katie>is he actually ends his show by asking a question.
00:31:14.036 --> 00:31:19.216
<v Katie>And the way that his community answers the question is to go back to his website.
00:31:19.216 --> 00:31:24.596
<v Katie>So he asks a question verbally on his podcast, and then you can grab the link
00:31:24.596 --> 00:31:28.716
<v Katie>from the show notes. I think he has a QR code as well for when he's visually showing it.
00:31:28.796 --> 00:31:31.096
<v Katie>So he has ways to be able to do that.
00:31:31.216 --> 00:31:34.836
<v Katie>So his call to action is actually a little bit less...
00:31:35.988 --> 00:31:40.268
<v Katie>Obvious, like obviously his goal is to get people back to his website and interacting
00:31:40.268 --> 00:31:42.308
<v Katie>with his content, right? Because they're back to the website.
00:31:42.768 --> 00:31:45.828
<v Katie>That's, you know, improving his website numbers. He's able to,
00:31:45.868 --> 00:31:48.248
<v Katie>you know, track them. He can probably place ads against that.
00:31:48.408 --> 00:31:50.928
<v Katie>He's getting the community to engage. So he's getting their feedback.
00:31:51.188 --> 00:31:55.348
<v Katie>And then he can actually start episodes with, you know, last week on the episode,
00:31:55.608 --> 00:31:57.668
<v Katie>at the end of the episode, we asked you did blah, blah, blah.
00:31:58.368 --> 00:32:02.948
<v Katie>86% of you said yes. And, you know, whatever he can, he has some like fun thing
00:32:02.948 --> 00:32:07.948
<v Katie>that he can actually use for both his intro and his outro that is really community focused.
00:32:08.068 --> 00:32:12.188
<v Katie>That is really a fun way to do that. So there's, I've been thinking more about that,
00:32:12.488 --> 00:32:16.628
<v Katie>particularly for the VHS club, because it could be something as simple as we
00:32:16.628 --> 00:32:18.728
<v Katie>ask people at the end of every single episode, what they like,
00:32:18.828 --> 00:32:22.648
<v Katie>what their rating was for that movie, if they had seen it or how much we had
00:32:22.648 --> 00:32:24.668
<v Katie>convinced them to watch it if they had not.
00:32:24.828 --> 00:32:28.988
<v Katie>And we just take the results from the actual live chat, but we could very simply
00:32:28.988 --> 00:32:34.268
<v Katie>also just have that as a, as a question for each episode that's on Spotify has
00:32:34.268 --> 00:32:37.688
<v Katie>a poll, for example, the website. So there's a ton of options there.
00:32:37.928 --> 00:32:42.828
<v Doc>Have them go to the website and submit their like Cisco and Ebert style review
00:32:42.828 --> 00:32:46.208
<v Doc>or, um, and Antoine Merriweather style review.
00:32:46.348 --> 00:32:48.548
<v Doc>It's two snaps up in the Z formation.
00:32:50.208 --> 00:32:55.088
<v Doc>Yeah. All the means. Uh, and then that way you read out the Josh review,
00:32:55.288 --> 00:32:59.888
<v Doc>the next show, or you read out the Paul's review or Valerie's review or whatever.
00:32:59.888 --> 00:33:04.848
<v Doc>There also should be a thing in the front put the gamble in now before we talk
00:33:04.848 --> 00:33:10.168
<v Doc>about this show how many people think that Valerie's seen this and how many
00:33:10.168 --> 00:33:13.288
<v Doc>people don't what is this game right
00:33:13.808 --> 00:33:17.888
<v Doc>they'll find out that Valerie's only seen like 1% of the movies ever made
00:33:19.228 --> 00:33:23.968
<v Doc>it's kind of a fun game but you're building into sort of your community speaking
00:33:23.968 --> 00:33:27.168
<v Doc>of building into community I'm watching the chat right now and I'm kind of cracking up
00:33:27.850 --> 00:33:34.930
<v Doc>We have all come accustomed to Ana is little a and a, but autocorrect always
00:33:34.930 --> 00:33:38.090
<v Doc>capitalizes it. And it does it for me too. And it drives me insane.
00:33:38.550 --> 00:33:42.370
<v Doc>And it's because we want to put a in a lowercase.
00:33:42.770 --> 00:33:46.950
<v Doc>And like that has become a thing of the community. And even like yesterday,
00:33:47.630 --> 00:33:51.830
<v Doc>you know, George wins something and I'm like, okay, now it's a running joke
00:33:51.830 --> 00:33:53.430
<v Doc>that George is always going to win something.
00:33:53.590 --> 00:33:56.690
<v Doc>So I'm like, yo, I'm going to tell Katie, I got to bring George to NAB.
00:33:56.690 --> 00:34:01.290
<v Doc>So after the conference we can we can win some win all the things we're just
00:34:01.290 --> 00:34:05.170
<v Doc>gonna go to the casino and they're like you guys see ecam yeah they're at the
00:34:05.170 --> 00:34:06.750
<v Doc>tables george is racking it up
00:34:08.490 --> 00:34:11.610
<v Doc>So but those those things that you
00:34:11.610 --> 00:34:14.410
<v Doc>do in your show that build your community the
00:34:14.410 --> 00:34:17.210
<v Doc>community all has these internal jokes within
00:34:17.210 --> 00:34:19.950
<v Doc>each other um i love it when they have a
00:34:19.950 --> 00:34:22.750
<v Doc>name right like you got taters right
00:34:22.750 --> 00:34:25.750
<v Doc>we got flow riders when you when you build a
00:34:25.750 --> 00:34:28.770
<v Doc>a name for it as well you're just
00:34:28.770 --> 00:34:31.790
<v Doc>really tying them in so even adding a segment like
00:34:31.790 --> 00:34:37.190
<v Doc>that to your outro that gives props like miss nancy right miss nancy had the
00:34:37.190 --> 00:34:42.150
<v Doc>little circle thing and she'd be like i see taisha and torah and louise and
00:34:42.150 --> 00:34:46.150
<v Doc>anna and you know that i mean from all the way back then that was the outro
00:34:46.150 --> 00:34:50.950
<v Doc>to the show But like I used to sit there like a little kid, wondering if she's going to call my name.
00:34:51.150 --> 00:34:55.110
<v Doc>And I was dumb enough to think she meant actually me, not like the random Sean.
00:34:55.670 --> 00:34:59.270
<v Doc>You know what I mean? I'm just sitting there like, Miss Nancy,
00:34:59.270 --> 00:35:00.810
<v Doc>say my name, Miss Nancy, say my name.
00:35:00.930 --> 00:35:04.970
<v Doc>And then like once every two weeks when she was saying, Mom, Mom, she saw me.
00:35:05.390 --> 00:35:09.170
<v Doc>Like it's funny, but you know, it really did, it does work.
00:35:10.242 --> 00:35:15.942
<v Katie>Yeah, it's absolutely awesome. So I have some good, I think I have some good ideas.
00:35:16.302 --> 00:35:22.902
<v Katie>And I'm going to say, and this is a little bit of perfectionism kicking in,
00:35:23.022 --> 00:35:27.702
<v Katie>but here is, if you are like me and you have perfectionism that's popping up
00:35:27.702 --> 00:35:29.102
<v Katie>that you're whack-a-mole-ing down,
00:35:29.682 --> 00:35:36.822
<v Katie>one thing that chat GPT actually suggested, which I am going to take to some level.
00:35:36.822 --> 00:35:42.462
<v Katie>So one of the points that, as ChatGPT was helping me with an outline for this
00:35:42.462 --> 00:35:46.762
<v Katie>episode, it suggested to batch record your intros and outros,
00:35:47.042 --> 00:35:48.062
<v Katie>which I am not going to do.
00:35:48.482 --> 00:35:49.222
<v Doc>I can't do it.
00:35:49.462 --> 00:35:53.842
<v Katie>But some of you might actually find that content helpful if you're recording
00:35:53.842 --> 00:35:57.042
<v Katie>episodes and not live streaming them, absolutely batch them.
00:35:57.042 --> 00:36:02.522
<v Katie>What I will take from that point though, because I still, what ends up happening is in the moment,
00:36:02.782 --> 00:36:08.342
<v Katie>my brain overthinks and panics and then shuts down so that I end up kind of
00:36:08.342 --> 00:36:12.282
<v Katie>choking over my words, particularly at the outro, and then I'm not happy with how it is at the end.
00:36:12.422 --> 00:36:16.582
<v Katie>And then it's kind of this spiral that I'm in. So to get out of that spiral,
00:36:16.902 --> 00:36:22.602
<v Katie>rather than batch record, I think what I'm actually going to do is record a
00:36:22.602 --> 00:36:26.662
<v Katie>bunch of the same outro for the next couple of weeks,
00:36:26.862 --> 00:36:30.802
<v Katie>like maybe before I do the episode, not use the recordings, but use that as
00:36:30.802 --> 00:36:32.242
<v Katie>an opportunity to practice.
00:36:32.562 --> 00:36:35.502
<v Katie>So if I get into the habit of like, okay, what is it that I actually want to
00:36:35.502 --> 00:36:42.922
<v Katie>say in the outro when I'm not flustered and whatever, record it so that you memorize it, right?
00:36:43.002 --> 00:36:45.862
<v Katie>Like your brain starts understanding what it is you want to say.
00:36:46.082 --> 00:36:48.742
<v Katie>You're in the same space that you're in. You're in the same kind of.
00:36:49.142 --> 00:36:51.882
<v Katie>You know, ecamp scenes are all around you.
00:36:51.962 --> 00:36:55.862
<v Katie>Like it looks and feels the same to use that as my kind of practice so that
00:36:55.862 --> 00:37:00.062
<v Katie>I'll, so that when I do get into those moments, muscle memory will kick in and
00:37:00.062 --> 00:37:01.542
<v Katie>I'll just be able to say what I have to say.
00:37:01.622 --> 00:37:05.842
<v Katie>So I will say that even though I'm not going to batch record the idea of practicing
00:37:05.842 --> 00:37:09.762
<v Katie>some of those things, once you have an idea of what you actually really want
00:37:09.762 --> 00:37:13.262
<v Katie>best case scenario to be, at least for me, I think is going to make a big difference.
00:37:13.262 --> 00:37:15.542
<v Katie>So I know what I want it to be.
00:37:15.682 --> 00:37:20.082
<v Katie>I just never pull it off. So if I could actually plan and get into that kind
00:37:20.082 --> 00:37:25.522
<v Katie>of muscle memory of just knowing how it's going to be, I think it'll be significantly easier.
00:37:25.642 --> 00:37:30.762
<v Doc>I think I kind of like that idea. Okay, because here's a simple question for you.
00:37:31.282 --> 00:37:37.122
<v Doc>What is it about doing the show, recording, or live?
00:37:37.642 --> 00:37:40.862
<v Doc>What is it that triggers the flustering?
00:37:41.582 --> 00:37:44.422
<v Doc>Is that the right word? Flustering. which triggers the flust
00:37:45.333 --> 00:37:49.413
<v Katie>I think what triggers the flust is, so for that particular show,
00:37:49.553 --> 00:37:50.473
<v Katie>it's a few different things.
00:37:50.733 --> 00:37:54.813
<v Katie>One, it's that I'm trying to be really respectful of my time and of Nat's time.
00:37:55.133 --> 00:37:58.933
<v Katie>And we do it late at night. So for me, it goes from nine to 10.
00:37:59.193 --> 00:38:03.353
<v Katie>And so I'm like, by 10 o'clock at night, I'm tired. I know Nat's tired.
00:38:03.673 --> 00:38:07.573
<v Katie>Like, we just need to wrap, right? So part of me is like, I'm having fun,
00:38:07.773 --> 00:38:10.933
<v Katie>but I also want to be sensitive to time and I want to close.
00:38:11.713 --> 00:38:16.733
<v Katie>The other thing is I am trying to like grow the show, but I do want it to be
00:38:16.733 --> 00:38:18.253
<v Katie>a fun experience for everyone.
00:38:18.433 --> 00:38:21.993
<v Katie>So I feel like because I haven't prepped it and I haven't done a good job planning
00:38:21.993 --> 00:38:26.753
<v Katie>it out, I'm like, okay, okay, Katie, in my mind, I'm like, we're at the end of the show.
00:38:27.333 --> 00:38:30.473
<v Katie>Let them know about the website. Oh, but let them know about next week's episode.
00:38:30.653 --> 00:38:35.393
<v Katie>Oh, but also let them know about. And so my mind is kind of just thinking too much.
00:38:35.773 --> 00:38:39.253
<v Katie>And then like, and then Nat will say something different because we haven't planned it.
00:38:39.493 --> 00:38:43.693
<v Katie>It's funny, Brandon said this incredible thing when you and I were on a call
00:38:43.693 --> 00:38:48.153
<v Katie>with him earlier this week, or I guess late last week, whatever it was.
00:38:48.353 --> 00:38:55.313
<v Katie>But he was saying that basically a lot of perfectionism lies in not actually
00:38:55.313 --> 00:38:57.893
<v Katie>having a good plan, like not doing the pre-production,
00:38:58.393 --> 00:39:03.653
<v Katie>work that you need to do so that then you end up flustered because you're winging it, right?
00:39:03.653 --> 00:39:09.313
<v Katie>So I think a lot of my flussed lies in, I know generally what I want to do,
00:39:09.453 --> 00:39:11.933
<v Katie>but I didn't formulate an exact plan.
00:39:12.093 --> 00:39:15.333
<v Katie>And so my brain is on overdrive while the show is going.
00:39:15.553 --> 00:39:19.373
<v Katie>So people are like responding and Nat's talking and my brain is like,
00:39:19.673 --> 00:39:22.373
<v Katie>what episode are we doing next week? Should you talk about that?
00:39:22.553 --> 00:39:25.153
<v Katie>Do you want people back to the website? Are you trying to grow the email list?
00:39:25.253 --> 00:39:27.153
<v Katie>Like, what's the best, most fun thing?
00:39:27.333 --> 00:39:30.433
<v Katie>And then I end up just being like, blah, we'll see you next week.
00:39:30.893 --> 00:39:33.773
<v Katie>Shut it down. and it doesn't come out the way I wanted to.
00:39:33.773 --> 00:39:36.113
<v Doc>Here's a cool plan of action for you for this.
00:39:36.880 --> 00:39:40.700
<v Doc>I want you to make a scene. Not like make a scene.
00:39:41.260 --> 00:39:45.300
<v Doc>Throw a scene. I want you to make a scene. And on that scene,
00:39:45.540 --> 00:39:49.480
<v Doc>all I want you to have is a two-up of you and Nat coming up next week.
00:39:50.140 --> 00:39:55.060
<v Doc>So when you're ready to wrap the show, the visual trigger of coming up next
00:39:55.060 --> 00:39:56.780
<v Doc>week, and it has nothing else.
00:39:56.940 --> 00:40:00.240
<v Doc>It's literally your face, Nat's face, and the terminology coming up next week.
00:40:00.340 --> 00:40:04.180
<v Doc>Be really cool if you could get it made in a bijou.
00:40:04.700 --> 00:40:05.020
<v Katie>Yeah.
00:40:05.580 --> 00:40:07.520
<v Doc>Oh, that'd be fun. I don't know the name.
00:40:07.560 --> 00:40:09.620
<v Katie>Like a movie bijou. I don't know. I think that's what it's called.
00:40:09.640 --> 00:40:12.860
<v Doc>I just call it a bijou. Like a marquee? Yeah. A marquee. That's the word.
00:40:13.320 --> 00:40:17.160
<v Doc>Yeah. A marquee. Brother marquee's the brother. Anyway, that's two live crew.
00:40:18.120 --> 00:40:23.940
<v Doc>But make a marquee coming up next week. And then that puts your brain into a
00:40:23.940 --> 00:40:28.840
<v Doc>pattern trigger of next week we're going to do this particular show.
00:40:28.980 --> 00:40:32.460
<v Doc>And actually, we're going to throw a curveball or we don't even know yet.
00:40:32.460 --> 00:40:35.320
<v Doc>We're still planning. it doesn't matter what you say but that
00:40:35.320 --> 00:40:42.180
<v Doc>puts you in a 15 to 20 second breakdown of coming up next week and then you
00:40:42.180 --> 00:40:46.640
<v Doc>can say we do have a running list you can leave it over there or please go to
00:40:46.640 --> 00:40:51.300
<v Doc>the website all it's going to do that individual scene of itself will trigger
00:40:51.300 --> 00:40:55.260
<v Doc>you so when we have to wrap up and i got to do the um
00:40:56.316 --> 00:41:03.896
<v Doc>The ad reads or whatever. All Luis has to do is bring up the screen.
00:41:03.896 --> 00:41:06.136
<v Doc>I know what to do. My brain just goes into pattern.
00:41:06.256 --> 00:41:06.376
<v Katie>Yeah.
00:41:07.096 --> 00:41:11.916
<v Doc>Because that's a pattern. And so what you do in your practice game is you build
00:41:11.916 --> 00:41:13.136
<v Doc>your coming up next week scene.
00:41:13.276 --> 00:41:18.576
<v Doc>And then you just practice, turn the scene on and then go into your physical countdown.
00:41:18.876 --> 00:41:19.216
<v Katie>Right.
00:41:19.596 --> 00:41:24.316
<v Doc>It's kind of like in school or it's even better at work because you know where you are.
00:41:24.316 --> 00:41:29.716
<v Doc>When you hear the bell you know exactly what to do right did they do one at
00:41:29.716 --> 00:41:33.636
<v Doc>amsbury recently like yeah you got to do the fire thing and you walk downstairs
00:41:33.636 --> 00:41:38.176
<v Doc>you got to go across the street yeah right right so you know that already you
00:41:38.176 --> 00:41:41.116
<v Doc>know exactly what to do right if there was a uh
00:41:41.736 --> 00:41:44.476
<v Doc>if there was a a siren or something from the war
00:41:44.476 --> 00:41:47.756
<v Doc>like we used to practice these things so just just have that ready
00:41:47.756 --> 00:41:50.636
<v Doc>you're good to go and then that way you don't have to think about
00:41:50.636 --> 00:41:53.736
<v Doc>what to say you know exactly what to do because we also
00:41:53.736 --> 00:41:56.456
<v Doc>know it's very possible that in the middle of a
00:41:56.456 --> 00:41:59.656
<v Doc>show something could come up and then either
00:41:59.656 --> 00:42:03.436
<v Doc>you or nat will have to go you know what i mean kieran falls
00:42:03.436 --> 00:42:06.736
<v Doc>down the steps or yeah scarlet's standing
00:42:06.736 --> 00:42:10.736
<v Doc>there with the smile on her face like i don't know what happened mom yeah
00:42:10.736 --> 00:42:13.676
<v Doc>i i just heard this crazy noise we gotta go but
00:42:13.676 --> 00:42:17.336
<v Doc>coming up next week and then your brain will shut the show down yeah that's
00:42:17.336 --> 00:42:20.316
<v Doc>i think i think that alone would just make your job
00:42:20.316 --> 00:42:26.616
<v Doc>so much easier and then you could even have on your desktop like a little picture
00:42:26.616 --> 00:42:31.516
<v Doc>or a thing that basically breaks it down what you're going to say yeah so you
00:42:31.516 --> 00:42:35.936
<v Doc>know to go down that checklist but yeah i think that that one little visual
00:42:35.936 --> 00:42:37.396
<v Doc>trigger will set you straight
00:42:38.033 --> 00:42:40.913
<v Katie>Yeah. And hilariously, you win.
00:42:41.213 --> 00:42:44.533
<v Katie>We should have a you win, Doc was right sound effect for the show.
00:42:44.693 --> 00:42:49.173
<v Katie>But in the outline, it says, remember that visual elements make a big difference
00:42:49.173 --> 00:42:54.033
<v Katie>incorporating dynamic overlays, animations, or lower thirds to make your intro
00:42:54.033 --> 00:42:55.513
<v Katie>or outro visually appealing.
00:42:55.753 --> 00:43:00.093
<v Katie>So that's a really smart one, having that. And all of you stream deck people
00:43:00.093 --> 00:43:04.253
<v Katie>out there who love, you know, having a stream deck button, having like a stream
00:43:04.253 --> 00:43:09.273
<v Katie>deck button for intro and outro graphics to be visual reminders would be awesome.
00:43:09.673 --> 00:43:14.853
<v Doc>Dude, the minute that the show is over and I hear the on-air 4Gin,
00:43:14.933 --> 00:43:18.553
<v Doc>I just, I like, I know it's coming.
00:43:18.713 --> 00:43:22.613
<v Doc>And I like wait for that because the DJ in me thinks it's funny that 4Gin has
00:43:22.613 --> 00:43:25.393
<v Doc>made that because like I know exactly where it comes from.
00:43:25.393 --> 00:43:30.473
<v Doc>But like i literally wait for the yeah and it's like you know just like we wait
00:43:30.473 --> 00:43:35.573
<v Doc>for the bong bong same thing like yeah it legit is the same thing and that sort
00:43:35.573 --> 00:43:39.313
<v Doc>of uh winds people up all right well speaking of outro yeah
00:43:39.313 --> 00:43:43.033
<v Katie>I think we're there should we we should scroll through quickly here i'm just
00:43:43.033 --> 00:43:46.353
<v Katie>going to scroll to make sure we haven't missed any questions i think you were
00:43:46.353 --> 00:43:48.113
<v Katie>generally answering them as we're going through but.
00:43:48.113 --> 00:43:53.533
<v Doc>Jeremy said that uh honor and fortune's music rattles the whole studio.
00:43:54.493 --> 00:43:56.013
<v Katie>Jeremy's got it cranked. I love it.
00:43:56.113 --> 00:44:00.373
<v Doc>I live for that noise because I don't know, it's just something that fires me up.
00:44:01.373 --> 00:44:05.893
<v Doc>I also like the way that they end by putting in so many comments.
00:44:06.193 --> 00:44:09.253
<v Doc>I think it's good because that's a feature in Ecamm that a lot of people don't
00:44:09.253 --> 00:44:11.973
<v Doc>realize you can do. I love the fact that they do that.
00:44:12.333 --> 00:44:15.593
<v Doc>Ken and Glenn also do the same thing. They just put in this barrage of comments
00:44:15.593 --> 00:44:17.893
<v Doc>from everybody. I think it's a good way to wrap up the show.
00:44:18.733 --> 00:44:23.153
<v Katie>It is. I am seeing a couple of people that are saying, so Tora says that she
00:44:23.153 --> 00:44:24.153
<v Katie>loves Gretchen's outro.
00:44:24.453 --> 00:44:28.573
<v Katie>So a bunch of you actually have really awesome intros and outros and are probably
00:44:28.573 --> 00:44:30.253
<v Katie>far better at it than I am.
00:44:30.413 --> 00:44:35.673
<v Katie>So please, like, here's my one call to action from this show as we wrap it up.
00:44:35.773 --> 00:44:39.893
<v Katie>I would love to see those and I'm sure it would be really helpful for everyone
00:44:39.893 --> 00:44:42.113
<v Katie>else within the Ecamm community to see some of these as well.
00:44:42.253 --> 00:44:50.753
<v Katie>So this is my permission for you all to drop a short clip of video into the
00:44:50.753 --> 00:44:53.073
<v Katie>community, whether that's on Facebook or in Discord,
00:44:53.393 --> 00:44:58.233
<v Katie>do us all and Paul a favor and put, you know, this is an example of my show
00:44:58.233 --> 00:45:01.973
<v Katie>intro or my show outro so that everyone can see what it looks like.
00:45:02.073 --> 00:45:04.753
<v Katie>You can put that I gave you permission to do it. But I think it would be great
00:45:04.753 --> 00:45:08.713
<v Katie>for us all to kind of see what everyone else is doing and what people like and
00:45:08.713 --> 00:45:10.433
<v Katie>don't like to just to generate some ideas.
00:45:10.613 --> 00:45:16.213
<v Katie>So yeah, I'll have to take a look at them. But definitely feel free to go ahead and share those in.
00:45:16.353 --> 00:45:18.693
<v Katie>Just make sure you put in the description so we know what it is and that you're
00:45:18.693 --> 00:45:22.813
<v Katie>not just randomly posting who knows what into the community and we don't want
00:45:22.813 --> 00:45:24.053
<v Katie>to click through links that we don't know.
00:45:24.193 --> 00:45:28.193
<v Doc>And you know what's funny? I mentioned this to somebody recently.
00:45:29.157 --> 00:45:32.417
<v Doc>So Diary of a CEO, Stephen Barlett, he does something that's really cool.
00:45:32.577 --> 00:45:35.637
<v Doc>He has the current guest ask a question for the next guest.
00:45:36.357 --> 00:45:39.217
<v Doc>And they have no idea what the question is going to be. They don't even know
00:45:39.217 --> 00:45:40.357
<v Doc>who the other guest is going to be.
00:45:40.597 --> 00:45:43.737
<v Doc>It's just, they just ask a random, it's one of these like sort of provocative,
00:45:43.997 --> 00:45:46.597
<v Doc>life-oriented questions. I just think that stuff is brilliant.
00:45:46.817 --> 00:45:49.857
<v Doc>It works so well. It really does work so well.
00:45:50.397 --> 00:45:54.457
<v Katie>Well, there you go. Luis is helping me. So yeah, hashtag flow challenge.
00:45:54.557 --> 00:45:57.297
<v Katie>That will be your, that's your authorization code.
00:45:57.937 --> 00:46:00.997
<v Katie>Please feel free to drop that into the community again if
00:46:00.997 --> 00:46:04.677
<v Katie>you want the community link it is slash
00:46:04.677 --> 00:46:07.517
<v Katie>community that will give you the link to both our discord and to our facebook
00:46:07.517 --> 00:46:11.517
<v Katie>group feel free to share those intros and outros or if you haven't made one
00:46:11.517 --> 00:46:15.977
<v Katie>yet share like what you want to put in your intro or outro just so that we can
00:46:15.977 --> 00:46:19.677
<v Katie>all support each other and see what everyone is up to love to see how everyone's
00:46:19.677 --> 00:46:21.557
<v Katie>creating their creating their shows.
00:46:21.557 --> 00:46:24.777
<v Doc>For visual triggers people these are things that are easily done
00:46:24.777 --> 00:46:28.557
<v Doc>in canva or adobe express um i
00:46:28.557 --> 00:46:31.397
<v Doc>made mine in final cut i have a video on my channel about it but
00:46:31.397 --> 00:46:34.177
<v Doc>if you ask me i'll show y'all i'll maybe i'll do another one
00:46:34.177 --> 00:46:38.177
<v Doc>live like i might re-update mine but the last time i tried to change it sammy
00:46:38.177 --> 00:46:43.217
<v Doc>had a cow just like you said it's like you can't change that like that's the
00:46:43.217 --> 00:46:46.357
<v Doc>thing and i'm like but i just wanted to he's like no put it back i was like
00:46:46.357 --> 00:46:51.377
<v Doc>yes sammy i got yelled at by at that time a 17 year old kid yeah and i was like
00:46:51.377 --> 00:46:53.057
<v Doc>your community I'll put it back.
00:46:53.737 --> 00:46:57.677
<v Doc>So you got to be careful. All right, gang, you know what it is.
00:46:57.877 --> 00:47:02.277
<v Doc>If you have anything you want to say to us or you just want to figure out how
00:47:02.277 --> 00:47:06.637
<v Doc>to see the show, make sure you go and check out
00:47:06.777 --> 00:47:10.337
<v Doc>That's F-L-O-W dot E-C-A-M-M dot com.
00:47:10.517 --> 00:47:15.417
<v Doc>And that will allow you to leave us a message, leave us a review and subscribe
00:47:15.417 --> 00:47:18.737
<v Doc>to the podcast wherever your podcast getting is got.
00:47:19.817 --> 00:47:23.357
<v Doc>And what's the next one? I forgot. Luis Chase's graphic.
00:47:24.617 --> 00:47:28.977
<v Doc>Visual cues. There we go. Why my brain is broke? I have no idea.
00:47:29.457 --> 00:47:33.017
<v Doc>We got to give a shout out to Captivate. That's
00:47:33.197 --> 00:47:35.677
<v Doc>That is exactly where we host the show.
00:47:35.877 --> 00:47:40.837
<v Doc>It is one of my favorite platforms for the simple reason that they have a growth mindset.
00:47:41.117 --> 00:47:47.317
<v Doc>So if you're looking for a place to host your podcast, go and check out
00:47:47.597 --> 00:47:49.997
<v Doc>I have no idea why that just didn't work.
00:47:51.537 --> 00:47:54.157
<v Katie>You're just trying to make me feel better stop trying to make me.
00:47:54.157 --> 00:48:00.117
<v Doc>Feel better doc I have said that no less than 98 plus times and today my brain
00:48:00.117 --> 00:48:07.217
<v Doc>just went freeze music please I blame Anna it's her fault she's here and now I'm giggling
00:48:10.377 --> 00:48:16.277
<v Doc>alright guys you know what it is flow writers out bye everyone
00:48:17.200 --> 00:48:39.433
<v Music>