The Flow: Episode 87 - Easy Podcast Editing with Scenery
87 : The Flow: Episode 87 - Easy Podcast Editing with Scenery
Ecamm Network
Podcasting, especially video podcasting, can be a great way to share your message with the world. There are so many things to learn and do, but it's hard to know where to start if you've never done it before.
Producing a podcast can initially seem daunting; it's easy to feel overwhelmed when starting something new. Using a Video First approach with Ecamm Live will make it much easier and save you lots of time.
The Flow is here to help. We'll take you step-by-step through creating a video podcast, from planning and production to promotion and monetization. You'll learn how to build an efficient workflow that will make your content shine, leaving you to focus on creating great content.
This week on The Flow, Doc is joined by Liza Kraff to talk all about how to edit your podcast easily with help from Scenery. Scenery is a collaborative video editing workspace for asset management, editing, and review — with AI assisted workflows. With Scenery, you can create video transcripts, quick edit video clips for promotion, and collaborate on videos with your team so you can get feedback and work together on editing.
You can learn more about Scenery and try it for yourself at
Welcome to The Flow. Created by Ecamm and hosted by Doc Rock and Katie Fawkes, this weekly show will take you step-by-step through the process of video podcasting. Our focus is on building efficient and effective workflows so that your content shines.
Welcome to The Flow. Created by Ecamm and hosted by Doc Rock and Katie Fawkes, this weekly video podcast will take you step-by-step through the process of video podcasting.
Want to see behind-the-scenes? Join the studio audience of our live recordings every Tuesday at 12 pm Eastern on YouTube.
This video podcast is powered by Ecamm. With Ecamm, you can plan, produce, and record your podcast, bring on co-hosts and interview guests, add graphics and animations, and much more. Ecamm makes podcasting easy. Try it today for free at
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Ecamm Network
Copyright 2024 Ecamm Network
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Aloha Flow Riders and welcome to the flow today we are going to be talking about scenery,
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so i had to bring Liza along hi Liza hi doc
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how's it going good good all right for the uninitiated real quick how would
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you describe scenery in a handful of words so you want the you want the elevator
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pitch or the staircase pitch oh wait hold on i like elevator my knees hurt,
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We'll go with the elevator pitch.
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So how do I describe scenery? Well, scenery is a web-based collaborative video editor.
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And at its core, we have your traditional nonlinear editor that you would see
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in other professional video editing tools.
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But we've layered AI workflows on top of scenery to make your life a little
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bit simpler and easier when it comes to video editing.
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So we are trying to make the editing process more enjoyable for you.
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Yes, you did. You absolutely did layer in the AI video editing, and it is so good.
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People, let me explain to you something. It is crazy good.
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Okay, so what we're going to do today is a couple of while back,
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you see now I sound like my granddad.
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A while ago, we integrated scenery with Ecamm so that when you're doing a podcast,
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this is the secret sauce for podcasters.
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When you're doing a podcast and you finish your session like we are today,
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there will be a button that says, do you want to open the file?
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Do you want to send it to YouTube? And one of the options there is to send it
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to scenery. Well, actually, three of the options there is to send it to scenery.
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Right. So currently you would probably go and hit like custom edit,
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which will send it up to the sky.
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But you could also just say, hey, generate me some shorts out of this before you even edit it good.
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You can have it generate you some shorts so you can start promoting the show
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while you're editing it so that when you release it, say a couple of days later,
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a week later, whatever your your cadence is, you've already been promoting it.
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So that's what's so cool about it. As soon as you're done, you just press a
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button and it's gone. on and it has to have those sound effects when you do your demo.
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Yeah, you must. You can import them into scenery too.
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I should add my own vocal sound effects because I'm forever making little weird
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interface noises. I have no idea why I do that.
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I don't even know where it started, but it's a habit now. I'm clicking on stuff, I'm like .
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That pop sounded like a, you know, one of those sound effects.
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Yeah. So I think I used to do it in editing as a reminder to go back and put them.
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But then if you're doing it live, you just leave it. That counts.
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That's just as good. It works probably better than the fake ones now because
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everyone uses the fake ones. So super interesting.
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Let's dive into scenery and show some of the folks basically how this would work.
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Awesome. So as I mentioned, Scenery at its core has your traditional NLE.
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So you could see here, you've got your timeline editor.
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We actually went ahead and imported a few episodes from the flow.
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So this is going to be pretty meta because we're, you know, on the flow talking
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about the flow and we're editing a video from the flow.
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So what I did here is I imported this piece of media and I actually imported
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directly from your YouTube page.
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So what's cool is if you're going from Ecamm and you're just directly publishing
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to YouTube, you could take that YouTube link as well and just pop it in and
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boom, scenery will transcribe that for you, as you can see here.
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And I will take you through the process of how I created these AI shorts.
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But what you'll notice in scenery now is you'll have this AI shorts tab here
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that will generate a bunch of different AI shorts for you to then say,
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okay, these are really cool talking about how AI is revolutionizing.
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Let me just extend this out podcast production
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so this is katie and doc talking about ai revolutionizing
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podcast production if we want to watch it we could absolutely
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play it play it back if we're like all
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right well this subtitle is kind of covering doc's face i can go ahead and fine-tune
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that and edit it further yes you know what's funny is we were talking pre-show
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about how whenever you catch someone on the pause screen you always catch it
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with the dumbest look on their face and you just had me over there with the whole mouth wide open.
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That's hilarious. Well, so obviously, this was already done.
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So I've already generated these AI shorts, and I'll show you how I go about that.
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But you saw you see how quick this is, this is a really nice quick 47 second
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cut down that I can now fine tune and change and maybe have it catered to my colors if I wanted to,
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or perhaps we could do a fun purple or blue for the for the flow.
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But let's kind of backtrack here and show you how I went about this process.
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And, Doc, feel free to stop me with any questions as I take you through this workflow.
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The first thing I want everyone to notice, especially you, Robin.
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No, I'm just saying hi, Robin.
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The one thing I want you to notice, what makes this so good and why I fell out
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of my chair when I first got the message that this was going to happen,
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is because in many of the other situations where you're going to do this,
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you got to run it through the AI.
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The AI is going to spit out something and they might have some cute editing
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tools, which is like, I'm going to give you a scissor, a masking tape and a
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screwdriver and tell you to fix something.
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Whereas scenery is an actual editor. So you have the entire home depot down there.
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So if you need to edit that clip, everything you need to edit it properly is there.
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And that's what makes this excel well it's not excel at scenery but you know what i mean.
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Yes so all right we're gonna just i'm gonna
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jump back into the scene here so you can see as if we were starting
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from scratch here so we've got two episodes that we've imported from youtube
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as i mentioned this one's about an hour long now again let's just say maybe
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we don't want to listen to the full episode and we just want to you know create
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those shorts maybe you're coming back a a week later and you decide you want
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to create some shorts. So.
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You don't remember what the whole episode was about. Well, what we've got for
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you here is the opportunity for you to take this one hour video and generate
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10 different shorts that you could then fine tune.
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So I'm going to go ahead, I selected this asset here.
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We've already transcribed that if your footage is not transcribed,
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totally fine. We'll also do that for you automatically.
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I'm going to select a assist here. And you're what you're going to get is this
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nice modal that gives you a few different AI options.
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You've got AI cut down, which was previously in Siri.
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You might have already used that, where you can then again specify what exact
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moment you want from your cut down, from your transcript to create that cut down.
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So you could do a social teaser, you could do key takeaways,
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you could specify that duration.
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But now we've incorporated AI shorts.
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And what that's gonna give you again, are those 10 different clips that I previously just showed.
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Now here we can specify a keyword. So again, in that flow episode,
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Doc and Katie, you guys are talking about AI tools.
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So I can specify like Claude or whatever you were talking about there,
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Captivate, or I can just let AI Shorts do its thing.
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And I also have the opportunity to add my subtitle style.
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So I already went ahead and saved some of these subtitles to my brand kit,
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which I'll show you how I went about that.
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You can, of course, choose your own style, or you could choose one of the scenery
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presets that we've got here. So let's just go with word highlight.
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And I will also call it like with cut down, you can specify your duration.
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So we'll go 30 to 60 seconds.
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When I click generate, that's going to get added to this little panel over here.
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So what's great is you could start doing your own thing while it's transcribing,
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while it's analyzing, while it's auto reframing.
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We've already done it once, so it's going to only simply analyze.
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But you can start doing other stuff while this is happening in the background.
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So that's almost done here.
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That is so handy. I was doing something the other day and I started an export.
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And then once I started the export, I was exporting a clip. And then I was like,
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hey, I want to go and make some shorts.
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So I started making the shorts and I'm like, two seconds in,
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I was like, wait, I don't have to wait for this. I can do this now.
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It is cool that you can like, you know, maybe you're sending out one for Facebook
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and you You send out a different one for Tik TOK and you send out a different
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one, say for YouTube, you can actually have them cranking in the background
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while you're doing something completely different, which is absolutely rad.
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Yes, exactly. So like this one here, it's already transcribed as well.
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But we haven't run on AI Shorts on this one yet. So let's go ahead and do it for this one too.
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Again, I'll try to do a different subtitle here. Let's go with the word by word
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and I'll click generate.
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So again, that's now analyzing, it's going to get the auto reframe.
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As that's going, let's take a look at our other results for the other episode.
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So we have this AI Shorts tab now. So anytime you generate an AI shorts,
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you'll get a new collection.
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So this was our latest one here. And again, we pulled, when I showed you the
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initial results, it pulled from that same episode.
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So here we go. We've got another set of eight this time, and you see the description.
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And I want to call out a few things with our AI shorts. So we,
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you'll notice a score of one to a hundred here, and we are giving you a score
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based on how we believe your audience will engage with this clip.
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So you could see this one got a score of 85, this one got 85,
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this one got 80, and so on and so forth.
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So we're giving you a scale of 1 to 100, what we believe will be an engaging
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clip or short, I should say, for your audience.
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Now, I will call out again, you can preview this and let's go ahead and preview this out.
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We're going to talk today about doing some AI.
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So I guess production for your podcast. Captcha.
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So, okay, we could totally just click export from here. We could reject it.
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Let's say we don't like this one.
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When I click reject, it'll get minimized here.
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Let's not reject it though, because let's just say we want to edit this one out.
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I'm going to click edit because these subtitles are not in the spot that I want them to be.
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So I'm going to click edit. When I click edit, that's going to get added as
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another scene to your project. So let's go back to my project panel here just
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so you could see what happened.
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So previously I clicked edit when I initially showed you the results of AI shorts,
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and now I've got another one.
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This is the same, clearly it's the same clip it pulled. So let's go ahead,
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let's pull a different one just so you could see the difference here.
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So I'm going to click edit on this one.
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And now a new, this exact short was added to my timeline.
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I'm going to go back to my project and now you'll see there's a third added
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there. So now we've got one, two, and three. And now we're in this one.
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And let's go ahead and minimize this while that's auto reframing.
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Again, it's analyzing the second episode right now.
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And great, we've got a short ready. We could go ahead.
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We could, as I said, publish this directly in export, or maybe we want to adjust.
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So I'm going to go ahead and fine tune some of these subtitles here.
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I'm going to turn on my safety overlays. This is really great for if you know what.
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Can I ask you about that? This is the best, this is the best safety overlays.
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And here's another one that's really cool, guys.
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Where, like, my name is even going to be underneath this, probably Instagram you selected, yes?
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Yes, most likely. Yes. So we can adjust if even if if we're spitting this off
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for Instagram and I know that my name is going to be underneath all of that stuff.
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What's really cool about scenery is I'm able to raise the clip higher,
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maybe put a rectangle underneath my clip.
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So that way, you know, that becomes a solid color or something. Right.
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So it just it doesn't distract from people trying to read through the thing.
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Like the thing it doesn't distract from
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people trying to read through the interface let me put it that way um also
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a big one for me i have the world's
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hugest melon uh in comparison to liza i wear a legit size eight raiders hat
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so she wears probably a six and five eight bears hat like yeah it's not going
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to work so what's really cool is that you can resize these elements you can
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adjust us, you can make it look cute.
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Maybe you want to attract attention by making your clip slightly catawampus.
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That's a Hawaii word for tilted.
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Just because it's different, nobody's doing tilted. You can try things to attract
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and engage attention that nobody else can do. Your branding can go down there.
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There's so much things that you can do that makes this way cooler and other
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people just don't have this that's why it's sick to me yeah and exactly that
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doc right as you're talking i was starting to um assemble your name and then
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in another spot over here i was minimizing.
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Your your asset your clip here and i added a shape background that way we could
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easily maybe we cater it to the the branded purple that you've got there so
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i'm just going to go ahead and select from my, here we go.
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So now it actually looks like it's actually pretty in sync with the look and
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feel, obviously this one's a little bit lower.
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So we could go ahead, copy those those attributes and paste them onto this clip if we wanted.
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And now we can readjust all these other clips quickly for you, Doc.
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And boom, there we go there. It's ready for YouTube or whatever platform it needs to go to.
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This is so close. And again, people, if you just signed up, if you just joined
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today, we're talking with Liza from scenery and we're showing you scenery is new.
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AI cut down to aka, oh, Barrett had a word. I forgot the word.
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Don't be mad, Barrett. What is the word?
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AI shorts. Or AI shorts.
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AI shorts. Why did I? Never mind. It's early. Hi, guys.
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Anyway, we just got here. Come and check it out. So, yes. And Daryl,
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if you notice, Daryl was asking if you can copy and paste the attributes to
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all the clips in the timeline. She just did that.
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So that's really, really sick
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is that she copied it from the of work when you're pasting it to the rest.
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Correct. Yeah, you just click copy and then you can paste the same attributes
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of the position of them here as well.
00:15:47.914 --> 00:15:52.554
Obviously, this one's good to go, but we could go ahead and go back to our project,
00:15:52.774 --> 00:15:58.754
back to our AI Shorts and start working on another one while that one's getting exported.
00:15:59.334 --> 00:16:02.934
I could go ahead, I could edit this one about with Katie in frame.
00:16:02.934 --> 00:16:09.154
And again, let's say Katie's, you know, not exactly where we want her to be
00:16:09.154 --> 00:16:12.534
with her name. And I can adjust these over here.
00:16:13.034 --> 00:16:17.554
And let's just say this isn't the subtitle that's catered to our brand.
00:16:17.894 --> 00:16:20.674
I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to do some tweaking here. I'm going to go ahead
00:16:20.674 --> 00:16:24.254
and make it, you know, the fun flow colors here.
00:16:24.774 --> 00:16:30.194
It's kind of can't really see it that well. Actually, let's go back to a pop of yellow. Hello.
00:16:30.734 --> 00:16:37.794
Let's add a nice, cool, opaque background, though. And maybe we want to make that the color of.
00:16:39.514 --> 00:16:44.254
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I'm always putting a red background back there,
00:16:44.314 --> 00:16:46.774
but I forgot that you can do an opaque window.
00:16:47.454 --> 00:16:52.814
Yeah, you can make it fun like you would on other tools. Like I can make it more radius.
00:16:53.274 --> 00:16:57.174
And then now, obviously, we've got this weird black background.
00:16:57.174 --> 00:17:02.394
Background so once again what i did with docs clip before i went to my shapes
00:17:02.394 --> 00:17:08.834
i went to background and i'm going to simply drag that here,
00:17:10.934 --> 00:17:19.994
and i can one more time i said amazon is bringing you a package oh amazon you
00:17:19.994 --> 00:17:21.314
heard that knocking at my door?
00:17:21.694 --> 00:17:25.514
Uh-oh. Yeah. Someone's knocking at my door.
00:17:25.734 --> 00:17:30.554
They'll come back at another time. I'll tell them to come back.
00:17:31.214 --> 00:17:34.914
Uh-oh. There we go. Give me one second here.
00:17:37.985 --> 00:17:43.045
Yeah. So, guys, here's the other thing that's really fantastic about this is
00:17:43.045 --> 00:17:49.525
not only do you have the ability to, again, go and edit these clips and have
00:17:49.525 --> 00:17:51.465
real full functional edits.
00:17:51.805 --> 00:17:58.385
When you finish a clip and say you've done your overlay based on IG in the timeline,
00:17:58.705 --> 00:18:01.145
I'm sorry, in the canvas, which is down there on the bottom,
00:18:01.205 --> 00:18:03.585
you'll see the word timeline. and right next to it, there's the word canvas.
00:18:03.865 --> 00:18:09.785
You can click on the word canvas, duplicate that edit and go in and name that
00:18:09.785 --> 00:18:14.565
one, say TikTok and slide the assets around to make it fit TikTok.
00:18:14.865 --> 00:18:18.425
But you're not really have to re-edit the clip. You're just gonna adjust where
00:18:18.425 --> 00:18:21.425
the interfaces get in the way of each other, right?
00:18:21.505 --> 00:18:27.305
So in other words, in the Instagram overlay, their UI or buttons you press is
00:18:27.305 --> 00:18:28.605
a little different from TikTok.
00:18:28.785 --> 00:18:33.005
So this is why when people just take their clip from TikTok and download it
00:18:33.005 --> 00:18:35.205
and re-upload it to IG, it looks so horrible.
00:18:35.525 --> 00:18:39.885
It's because the things are lined up in different places, but without any work
00:18:39.885 --> 00:18:44.705
on your computer, without your computer being slow, you can just duplicate that
00:18:44.705 --> 00:18:47.985
canvas and then readjust the assets,
00:18:48.325 --> 00:18:53.165
which is going to take you seconds as opposed to having to re-edit the entire
00:18:53.165 --> 00:18:55.745
clip to make it fit the various platforms.
00:18:55.925 --> 00:18:59.445
So again, massive time freaking saver.
00:19:00.245 --> 00:19:03.545
Yeah. I want to call out the canvas. Thanks doc.
00:19:03.765 --> 00:19:08.465
Um, so yeah, you could see here, I've got all my different that goes unspoken.
00:19:08.505 --> 00:19:13.425
This is my legit favorite feature because I often have kind of,
00:19:13.445 --> 00:19:16.005
um, AB split tweaks on reels too.
00:19:16.105 --> 00:19:21.225
Like I'll let a reel run one way and then I'll re spit out a similar reel, um,
00:19:21.365 --> 00:19:24.665
with just a little change up and see which one does better and this is how you
00:19:24.665 --> 00:19:29.365
can do it and yeah it just works yeah it's pretty cool because you could just
00:19:29.365 --> 00:19:32.785
if you're somebody who's like a visual learner like me um you could quickly
00:19:32.785 --> 00:19:36.265
just scan and see your scene so all these scenes are living in your timeline
00:19:36.265 --> 00:19:40.545
as well um so just to for reference here i go back to my timeline,
00:19:42.000 --> 00:19:45.780
And I'm going to click my project. And you're going to see those same four scenes
00:19:45.780 --> 00:19:49.100
are over here. Let's clean this up, though, because we've got a few dupes.
00:19:49.400 --> 00:19:53.660
Yes, Tora. Tora's mind is blown. You can go ahead and sweep it up off the ground now.
00:19:56.620 --> 00:20:00.300
And I mean, like, as simple as it is, right?
00:20:00.400 --> 00:20:06.200
We took this one hour with this one hour episode here. We selected AI assist.
00:20:06.660 --> 00:20:12.040
We clicked AI shorts. we specified what we wanted for our subtitle look feel
00:20:12.040 --> 00:20:18.640
same with that duration we click generate and then what you get is a shorts
00:20:18.640 --> 00:20:21.860
tab up here and you get your results in your,
00:20:22.720 --> 00:20:31.240
shorts panel and I will also call out doc as I went ahead and I adjusted those
00:20:31.240 --> 00:20:32.420
subtitles let's Let's go back
00:20:32.420 --> 00:20:38.340
to over here because I didn't get to finish the process of my edit here.
00:20:38.480 --> 00:20:41.760
I had a knock at the door, so I apologize for that.
00:20:41.940 --> 00:20:47.100
But let's say this is like where we want exactly our subtitles.
00:20:47.980 --> 00:20:53.140
Subtitles. I could go ahead and I can save this, save this brand style as,
00:20:53.200 --> 00:21:02.660
you know, whatever it may be, Ecamm, the flow, purple background or whatever it is.
00:21:02.940 --> 00:21:06.200
And now that gets saved to my brand kit.
00:21:06.320 --> 00:21:11.940
And I can use that ongoing for ongoing edit. So if I were to go back to this AI shorts.
00:21:12.340 --> 00:21:16.400
I go back to this collection. I see what I've added. You can see that check
00:21:16.400 --> 00:21:18.480
box to see what's been added to my project.
00:21:18.840 --> 00:21:21.120
Let's go with this one. Edit.
00:21:28.000 --> 00:21:29.360
I just saved.
00:21:39.138 --> 00:21:39.778
Over and over.
00:21:45.298 --> 00:21:48.938
I'm laughing at Tora. Tora says, shut the front door. This is amazing.
00:21:49.758 --> 00:21:53.798
That's good, Tora. That's very good. Keep it coming.
00:21:54.318 --> 00:21:57.058
Okay. Well, I could blow your mind a little bit more here.
00:21:57.218 --> 00:22:01.798
So with that brand kit, you also have the opportunity to save like logos and
00:22:01.798 --> 00:22:04.458
cool animations to your brand kit as well.
00:22:04.518 --> 00:22:07.718
So let me go home here just so you could see where all that
00:22:07.718 --> 00:22:13.178
fun stuff live so I'm gonna go home to my home various projects
00:22:13.178 --> 00:22:15.938
that I have within my team and then I also have a
00:22:15.938 --> 00:22:18.898
brand kit tab over here
00:22:18.898 --> 00:22:22.318
where I could then click brand styles and this
00:22:22.318 --> 00:22:25.898
is where you'll save all your colors your fonts those subtitles that we just
00:22:25.898 --> 00:22:31.418
saved here they are we could delete them if we wanted and readjust and then
00:22:31.418 --> 00:22:35.958
within the brand assets here you have the opportunity to save some maybe an
00:22:35.958 --> 00:22:40.498
intro card an outro whatever it may be lower third an animation,
00:22:41.058 --> 00:22:43.798
wipe so things like that that maybe you've already created an
00:22:43.798 --> 00:22:46.718
ecamm you could save to scenery so that way when
00:22:46.718 --> 00:22:49.538
you're in that post-production process you can
00:22:49.538 --> 00:22:52.638
edit and fine-tune and um you
00:22:52.638 --> 00:22:55.918
know make those a little bit more accessible
00:22:55.918 --> 00:22:58.798
in any project which would super legit
00:22:58.798 --> 00:23:03.638
i think i think one of the big things that's so legit about this and I really
00:23:03.638 --> 00:23:08.118
I hope people let this sink in their head the thing that makes it so good is
00:23:08.118 --> 00:23:11.938
again once you spit out your shorts if you want to make any tweaks to it you
00:23:11.938 --> 00:23:17.738
can't uh the other thing that this would allow you to do um because of the way.
00:23:19.243 --> 00:23:23.663
It is all put together on the timeline. You could take a bunch of assets from
00:23:23.663 --> 00:23:27.803
a bunch of different shows and put together like a highlight reel, right?
00:23:27.903 --> 00:23:35.263
You can probably go and find three, four minute landscape clips to use as highlight reels.
00:23:35.423 --> 00:23:42.483
So if you watch some of the bigger channels, prime example, the news, right?
00:23:42.583 --> 00:23:45.483
The news in your town or whatever station you watch, whatever they do,
00:23:45.583 --> 00:23:49.683
they run an hour long news program, but they'll cut the individual stories up
00:23:49.683 --> 00:23:52.243
into two and three minute segments.
00:23:52.663 --> 00:23:58.723
So if you are doing, um, like for the other day, we were talking about various
00:23:58.723 --> 00:24:03.563
shore microphones and there's just a section where we were talking about how
00:24:03.563 --> 00:24:05.163
to use the shore motive app.
00:24:05.643 --> 00:24:15.383
I can take just that piece, which is about four minutes and spit it out as its own separate clip.
00:24:15.603 --> 00:24:20.043
It's already on the browser. I can just press YouTube. And the other thing that
00:24:20.043 --> 00:24:23.943
I completely forgot about, and I'm kind of laughing at myself now because I've
00:24:23.943 --> 00:24:26.003
been using scenery for quite a long time.
00:24:26.663 --> 00:24:29.923
I totally forgot that you can just ingest it from YouTube.
00:24:30.303 --> 00:24:35.003
As a matter of fact, one of the last shorts thing I did, I downloaded my video
00:24:35.003 --> 00:24:38.283
from YouTube using something that we're not supposed to talk about on YouTube
00:24:38.283 --> 00:24:40.763
and then uploaded it to Cineway.
00:24:40.903 --> 00:24:43.263
And then when you were showing that just now, I was like, you stupid.
00:24:44.503 --> 00:24:47.703
And the button is right there. It's right next to I drag it in.
00:24:47.823 --> 00:24:51.603
So it's really dumb. And I don't know why I didn't think of that as much quicker.
00:24:52.343 --> 00:24:58.003
So yeah, super amazing. Yeah, so I'm now back in my project.
00:24:58.103 --> 00:25:00.003
I don't know if you can see my screen.
00:25:00.943 --> 00:25:06.803
Did you hear the part where I said, send me an invite so that way I can show
00:25:06.803 --> 00:25:09.603
them the sharing or the collab?
00:25:09.903 --> 00:25:12.503
Yeah, let me send you an invite right now.
00:25:14.083 --> 00:25:19.463
I'm probably already in. DocRock at Gmail. I don't know if you're in this one.
00:25:19.623 --> 00:25:22.003
Is it DocRock at Gmail? Yeah.
00:25:23.051 --> 00:25:30.291
So you can see obviously doc has his own uh scenery account but i'm gonna invite
00:25:30.291 --> 00:25:37.111
him to this specific project so i'm gonna click share so now doc could come in here with me.
00:25:38.291 --> 00:25:43.151
So it's really cool is i'll be able to see what she's done but i can also leave
00:25:43.151 --> 00:25:50.071
um comments and be like hey you know here's this is really good or can we add
00:25:50.071 --> 00:25:52.651
this clip oh this other person just
00:25:52.731 --> 00:25:56.411
sent a logo or, you know, sure was really helpful in this.
00:25:56.511 --> 00:25:59.991
So if you look at the timeline in a second, you'll see my cursor,
00:26:00.091 --> 00:26:02.351
like where I'm moving around in there.
00:26:02.371 --> 00:26:05.371
And there it is. There's a little green me. Look at that. Not cool.
00:26:05.651 --> 00:26:09.871
So I'm not going to mess with editing at the same time as her,
00:26:09.931 --> 00:26:13.991
but I can easily leave her comments and she can react upon those comments.
00:26:14.171 --> 00:26:16.591
And so it's really, really cool.
00:26:17.391 --> 00:26:20.311
Doc, you want me to put you on the spot here? I was going to app message
00:26:20.311 --> 00:26:23.951
you or you're typing cool so you could see that doc's typing and
00:26:23.951 --> 00:26:27.751
you can app message liza and i'll get an email notification so
00:26:27.751 --> 00:26:34.291
he just wrote my face looks stupid no it doesn't doc but what i can do is if
00:26:34.291 --> 00:26:39.111
i wanted to actually have you make an edit here and for to see the real-time
00:26:39.111 --> 00:26:43.211
magic of this where are you you're not popping up in my team i think because
00:26:43.211 --> 00:26:44.451
you're a guest that's That's why.
00:26:44.531 --> 00:26:49.291
But if you wanted, you could app message your teammates and have them change
00:26:49.291 --> 00:26:51.151
something in real time right away.
00:26:53.416 --> 00:26:58.536
Yeah, to me, it's one of my, again, one of my favorite features because it's
00:26:58.536 --> 00:27:02.416
something that if you are, you know, hosting with someone or you just want to
00:27:02.416 --> 00:27:05.096
send the person who was your guest,
00:27:05.216 --> 00:27:07.996
if you want to send them the clips and have them look at it before you embarrass
00:27:07.996 --> 00:27:09.316
them on the Internet or something,
00:27:09.516 --> 00:27:11.816
it's something that you can do that doesn't require,
00:27:12.196 --> 00:27:14.276
you know, you can make those edits on the fly.
00:27:14.276 --> 00:27:17.316
They can see them right there you don't have to like fix it
00:27:17.316 --> 00:27:20.736
send it fix it send it fix it yeah that that rigmarole takes
00:27:20.736 --> 00:27:24.056
way too long so i just wanted to make sure we covered that before i
00:27:24.056 --> 00:27:27.556
forget but to me it's one of the clutch
00:27:27.556 --> 00:27:33.096
features of scenery yeah and you can see there obviously i changed like okay
00:27:33.096 --> 00:27:37.996
let's go ahead and change this background back to like that cool blue here and
00:27:37.996 --> 00:27:42.616
if i go back to my scene review doc will see that on his end change as well
00:27:42.616 --> 00:27:47.096
like you're not You don't have to render and export over and over again. That's there.
00:27:47.676 --> 00:27:51.476
I basically see it almost in real time. It's only a couple seconds off.
00:27:52.816 --> 00:27:57.276
Yeah, and it could also be the delay of us recording and sharing my screen,
00:27:57.356 --> 00:27:58.456
but it should be instant.
00:27:58.756 --> 00:28:04.716
So definitely test it out with your guests, with potentially other editors helping you out.
00:28:05.156 --> 00:28:10.196
It's a really great feature to jump in and collaborate with others.
00:28:11.636 --> 00:28:17.396
So, Doc, how about, do you want me to take you through the AI Shorts workflow?
00:28:18.976 --> 00:28:23.576
Again, for those who are jumping in for the first time, do we want to show some
00:28:23.576 --> 00:28:29.196
other scenery functionality and features in terms of asset management and organizing your media?
00:28:29.976 --> 00:28:35.496
Where do you think? I think one of the goals would be is when we go to AI Shorts,
00:28:35.496 --> 00:28:37.816
let's put in like a keyword,
00:28:39.049 --> 00:28:43.229
In order to show them how you can focus around something. So if you look on
00:28:43.229 --> 00:28:45.349
the one where we're talking about MV6.
00:28:46.829 --> 00:28:49.889
The shirt. The shirt. Yeah. Conversation. The first one.
00:28:50.609 --> 00:28:52.429
Yeah. So we generate shorts off
00:28:52.429 --> 00:29:00.649
of that and we can put in MV6 or popper stopper and see what it pulls up.
00:29:00.749 --> 00:29:07.769
So you can refine your shorts to like find what you're talking about, which is also clutch.
00:29:08.529 --> 00:29:13.209
Yeah. And as you can see here in the info panel, once it's transcribed,
00:29:13.469 --> 00:29:19.709
you could see that we've given the clip, the episode here, a summary.
00:29:19.869 --> 00:29:23.689
So you can utilize this summary to your advantage as well if you want to just
00:29:23.689 --> 00:29:26.609
quickly understand what the topic was about.
00:29:26.749 --> 00:29:29.089
OK, so they introduced the MV6.
00:29:29.289 --> 00:29:33.189
So let's just type in MV6. As you said, Doc, we're going to click on the episode.
00:29:33.209 --> 00:29:37.129
It's about 49 minutes long here. Let me just clear this queue.
00:29:37.569 --> 00:29:42.469
If your AI Shorts fails, hopefully it shouldn't. You could always regenerate
00:29:42.469 --> 00:29:45.409
it again. But I'm going to click AI Assist here.
00:29:46.089 --> 00:29:49.769
And I'm going to click AI Shorts. I'm going to type in MV6.
00:29:50.289 --> 00:29:55.069
And I'm going to do, let's do the Ecamm. Now we've got the subtitle saved.
00:29:55.529 --> 00:30:02.409
Let's do 30 to 60 seconds. And let's see how many times the MV6 was talked about
00:30:02.409 --> 00:30:04.569
and see if we can create some shorts from it.
00:30:04.609 --> 00:30:08.689
So it's analyzing again, we've already done it once we've already transcribed,
00:30:08.789 --> 00:30:10.289
we've already auto reframe.
00:30:10.349 --> 00:30:15.349
So now the last step is just analyzing the whole episode here.
00:30:15.429 --> 00:30:16.849
So it shouldn't take much longer.
00:30:17.009 --> 00:30:22.849
But if you didn't want to wait, you can always edit and do other things as well. Okay, success.
00:30:23.049 --> 00:30:26.189
So we've got it successfully uploaded, you'll
00:30:26.189 --> 00:30:29.969
also get an email once that AI shorts is finalized
00:30:29.969 --> 00:30:32.729
and produced so doc is in this edit with me
00:30:32.729 --> 00:30:36.089
he can absolutely go to his own panel with AI
00:30:36.089 --> 00:30:40.849
shorts and see those results as well and when
00:30:40.849 --> 00:30:46.769
we jump in here it should just filter it in just a second here it's probably
00:30:46.769 --> 00:30:52.149
just taking some time to it's sweet time to load so we'll let it load in just
00:30:52.149 --> 00:30:58.769
a moment here we did get a successful output so So we should see it pop up here in just a second.
00:31:01.041 --> 00:31:07.461
One of the things that I absolutely love to do is, so you're editing and you're
00:31:07.461 --> 00:31:11.141
done and you stop to go get a coffee or you take a drink of water or something.
00:31:11.241 --> 00:31:15.241
You come back and it says, hey, we updated scenery, refresh the page.
00:31:15.401 --> 00:31:19.541
It doesn't bother your editor or anything, but that lets you know that they're working.
00:31:19.861 --> 00:31:22.981
It lets you know that they're constantly doing something to make it better.
00:31:23.261 --> 00:31:26.801
So I absolutely love that, too. I love when I'm up in the middle of the night
00:31:26.801 --> 00:31:29.541
doing something and it's like, oh, yeah, we just updated scenery.
00:31:29.541 --> 00:31:32.501
And I'm like, wait a minute, you guys are still awake. Go to bed.
00:31:36.241 --> 00:31:39.701
We're always innovating. We're adding new features all the time.
00:31:39.841 --> 00:31:41.901
Okay, there it is. It's 11. You've got 11.
00:31:42.221 --> 00:31:45.381
So it was just taking its time to think for a minute.
00:31:45.501 --> 00:31:51.241
But here we go. We've got a 92 ranking about Doc talking about the MV6 Game
00:31:51.241 --> 00:31:55.321
Changer 2, Game Changer 4 content creator.
00:31:55.501 --> 00:32:00.661
So cool. We've got that one. Then here's another one, a beginner-friendly mic with pro features.
00:32:01.841 --> 00:32:06.601
Let's see, the ultimate game-changing mic, a gaming mic, excuse me.
00:32:06.961 --> 00:32:12.161
And then here's another one, the MV6. So it's got a really a lot of great high
00:32:12.161 --> 00:32:13.841
hits here talking about it.
00:32:13.921 --> 00:32:16.661
So this one's 75. So let's go with the 92 ranked one.
00:32:17.341 --> 00:32:21.161
And I'm going to click edit so that way Doc and I can jump in this one together.
00:32:21.841 --> 00:32:26.841
And here we go. We've got Katie. Then it cuts to, it should cut to Doc.
00:32:26.841 --> 00:32:30.941
And you'll notice that we do the automatic reframe.
00:32:31.101 --> 00:32:34.461
And for those who are like, okay, well, what if I wanted AI shorts for that
00:32:34.461 --> 00:32:38.501
16-bit by 9, and I don't want it just for that 9 by 16?
00:32:39.041 --> 00:32:44.901
We're going to be adding the capability for you to create AI shorts for your
00:32:44.901 --> 00:32:47.381
16 by 9 and other aspect ratios as well.
00:32:48.361 --> 00:32:53.041
So don't think that you're confined and stuck with the 9 by 16s, but that's coming.
00:32:53.921 --> 00:32:56.761
That's brilliant because while you were gone i was saying one of the things that'd be really cool
00:32:56.761 --> 00:32:59.641
is being able to take a bunch of shirts that you made but
00:32:59.641 --> 00:33:02.561
then go back and turn that into a clip that lives on youtube
00:33:02.561 --> 00:33:08.261
that's the regular frame so yeah it's actually super rare yeah and you can manually
00:33:08.261 --> 00:33:12.501
do that right now too if you wanted so like we added this one entire project
00:33:12.501 --> 00:33:18.741
and i can easily duplicate this you know call this game change changer for content
00:33:18.741 --> 00:33:21.041
creators right um and i I could just call this,
00:33:21.161 --> 00:33:23.381
you know, maybe we rename it and we call it YouTube.
00:33:23.581 --> 00:33:28.601
I could change it to 16 by nine and then, Oh, that was kind of funky.
00:33:28.761 --> 00:33:34.401
It clearly moved to the frame out here, but we could easily just reset to have
00:33:34.401 --> 00:33:36.761
it be, you know, the position be zero and zero.
00:33:37.081 --> 00:33:42.281
But as I mentioned, we will be adding, uh, the feature for you to just do it
00:33:42.281 --> 00:33:46.481
with the click of a button and choose your aspect ratio and then your future.
00:33:47.121 --> 00:33:49.201
So here you go. Here's your YouTube version.
00:33:50.158 --> 00:33:54.818
So good. It's so good. Like the thing that I really want you to do,
00:33:54.838 --> 00:33:57.218
people, if you haven't done so already, first of all, going,
00:33:57.298 --> 00:34:00.198
uh, Paul gave you the link. You can get your, uh, CME trial.
00:34:00.298 --> 00:34:04.998
We have a promo code and, um, you're going to get a month of free to mess around with this.
00:34:05.158 --> 00:34:11.038
What you really want to do is get in and start trying to cut some stuff down, like see where you are.
00:34:11.178 --> 00:34:17.538
The reason for that is, is it's easier than you think. And I know a lot of people's fear of editing.
00:34:17.678 --> 00:34:21.958
I get where it comes from. I came from editing with actual tapes and two big
00:34:21.958 --> 00:34:23.878
knobs and yeah, painting the butt.
00:34:24.378 --> 00:34:29.558
So when you hear everyone else talk about how much they don't like editing,
00:34:29.758 --> 00:34:33.518
that's because, you know, whatever reason, whatever program they're using,
00:34:33.578 --> 00:34:37.338
that has a tendency to make everybody approach editing from a scared standpoint.
00:34:37.538 --> 00:34:39.898
It's actually not that hard. And number two, it's actually a lot of fun.
00:34:40.678 --> 00:34:46.678
I've been editor for since I was a little wee kid and Liza's edited for major to television.
00:34:46.978 --> 00:34:50.298
So like, trust me, once you start editing, you'll like it.
00:34:50.538 --> 00:34:53.058
Like just don't let everybody else tell you to be scared of something.
00:34:53.138 --> 00:34:56.058
It's like people that say broccoli is delicious. Those people are stupid.
00:34:56.838 --> 00:35:01.358
It could be fun. I promise it is. And thanks for saying that,
00:35:01.398 --> 00:35:03.978
Zach, because I just, I do want to call it something about the editor itself.
00:35:04.678 --> 00:35:07.738
So you'll notice by default, we have this ripple mode turned on,
00:35:07.838 --> 00:35:13.018
but if you're somebody who wants to do some fine tuning, you could easily turn this ripple mode off.
00:35:13.418 --> 00:35:19.178
And what that'll allow you to do is start to trim and, and do things like manually
00:35:19.178 --> 00:35:21.558
here as I am in this in this video.
00:35:22.458 --> 00:35:27.358
So maybe I'm trimming here. And I want to call this out because you can see
00:35:27.358 --> 00:35:29.418
how I'm creating these little gaps here.
00:35:29.498 --> 00:35:32.678
So you're getting these little blank gaps.
00:35:33.018 --> 00:35:40.338
So if I were to turn this ripple mode on, those gaps are now inserted with like
00:35:40.338 --> 00:35:46.578
these little placeholders where I can then and delete, and then things start to ripple together.
00:35:46.838 --> 00:35:51.018
And when I say ripple, just the clips are merging together, so to speak.
00:35:51.218 --> 00:35:55.838
So this is a new feature that we've enabled in our products to make your lives
00:35:55.838 --> 00:35:58.638
a little bit easier when it comes to that fast-paced editing.
00:35:58.798 --> 00:36:01.938
So let's go to this 9 by 16 so you can see what I mean here.
00:36:02.358 --> 00:36:06.818
And Doc, I'm curious, have you started to play around with this on and off switch of the toggle mode?
00:36:07.784 --> 00:36:13.784
No, I did not. And it's funny. It would have came in handy the other day when I was doing something.
00:36:13.984 --> 00:36:20.864
But my only thing that messes me up is I have my tab change connected to the
00:36:20.864 --> 00:36:23.284
tiny little scroll wheel on the side of my mouse.
00:36:23.284 --> 00:36:26.004
Because you know you have the regular scroll wheel but this
00:36:26.004 --> 00:36:28.984
fancy Logitech has this which I normally
00:36:28.984 --> 00:36:31.844
move the timeline and what it does in
00:36:31.844 --> 00:36:34.664
Chrome is it changes tabs so I'm going to
00:36:34.664 --> 00:36:37.324
edit I get my mouse precisely where I want it and I go
00:36:37.324 --> 00:36:40.384
split it is like boom now you're looking at buying iPhones
00:36:40.384 --> 00:36:45.144
what wait other than
00:36:45.144 --> 00:36:48.044
that if the workflow is so easy it's easy to adjust to
00:36:48.044 --> 00:36:52.124
and yeah it's kind of crazy and same
00:36:52.124 --> 00:36:55.044
thing here you could see i'm expanding my timeline and
00:36:55.044 --> 00:36:58.464
minimizing it so it's a way for you to zoom in on your
00:36:58.464 --> 00:37:01.484
timeline same with the the vertical zoom
00:37:01.484 --> 00:37:05.944
you could see i'm minimizing by just simply clicking we do have hot keys as
00:37:05.944 --> 00:37:09.204
well so if i wanted to do that with my keyboard i could hold down shift minus
00:37:09.204 --> 00:37:14.104
shift plus and you could see the the timeline's getting vertically larger and
00:37:14.104 --> 00:37:19.544
smaller in terms of keyboard shortcuts i'll call out that we have them all listed here.
00:37:19.664 --> 00:37:22.504
So if you ever get lost and you want to know, well, how do I split?
00:37:22.724 --> 00:37:23.984
You could search for split.
00:37:24.244 --> 00:37:28.904
How do I create a freeze frame? You can search freeze and there it is shift F.
00:37:29.084 --> 00:37:35.964
So if we really like this as our first frame, let's get Katie smiling here. There she is.
00:37:36.304 --> 00:37:42.124
Okay, cool. And we could click shift F and now that should have generated.
00:37:42.224 --> 00:37:45.744
Oh, here we go. We have to actually be on the clip itself shift f
00:37:45.744 --> 00:37:48.904
and there we go it's getting added that frame
00:37:48.904 --> 00:37:55.824
here of the three um subjects are now getting added as that you know freeze
00:37:55.824 --> 00:38:04.044
frame for youtube if we wanted to put that in youtube oh that's so good we got
00:38:04.044 --> 00:38:05.804
various form of freeze face face.
00:38:08.244 --> 00:38:14.184
Again, the speed is absolutely incredible because it's all this is happening on their server.
00:38:14.284 --> 00:38:17.744
You don't really have to worry about if your computer is slow or whatever.
00:38:17.964 --> 00:38:21.784
This is great. This is excellent for editing in a hotel. Trust me,
00:38:21.824 --> 00:38:23.444
I'm in a hotel all the damn time.
00:38:24.664 --> 00:38:27.824
It's you guys, everybody's coming to camp. You get to play around.
00:38:27.964 --> 00:38:32.504
But I have two questions that I want to cover, Linda wants to know is,
00:38:32.644 --> 00:38:35.164
will you be adding some more formatting shapes?
00:38:37.344 --> 00:38:42.344
Yeah. I meant to ask you, can we combine shapes yet? That's so big.
00:38:42.344 --> 00:38:44.704
We make any shape is combining shape.
00:38:45.837 --> 00:38:50.917
Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you say more formatting shapes, you can,
00:38:51.117 --> 00:38:55.157
I mean, in terms of actual shapes, you can absolutely start to.
00:38:55.637 --> 00:39:00.037
I know what she's talking about. She's talking about, well, Linda,
00:39:00.077 --> 00:39:02.217
you just messed this up. Can we talk about these shapes?
00:39:02.297 --> 00:39:09.577
Are you talking about 16 by 9, 1 by 1, 2.16 by 1? What do you mean?
00:39:09.977 --> 00:39:13.257
Now, I have to wait for her answer because that was confusing.
00:39:13.937 --> 00:39:16.897
I think I know what you're talking about, like the aspect ratios.
00:39:17.077 --> 00:39:19.617
Yeah, that to your point, we
00:39:19.617 --> 00:39:23.597
will be adding the ability from AI Shorts to change those aspect ratios.
00:39:23.777 --> 00:39:27.437
But as I mentioned, you could absolutely do it manually here.
00:39:27.517 --> 00:39:30.557
You could modify those scene settings, change that format as well.
00:39:31.397 --> 00:39:34.597
You see people, this is why I'm telling you guys, nomenclature matters.
00:39:34.897 --> 00:39:39.037
Aspect ratio is not shapes. So this is why my brain was like, what?
00:39:39.877 --> 00:39:43.417
When you say shapes, I'm thinking like when I was in school and I put the triangle
00:39:43.417 --> 00:39:45.057
into the circle hole. Yeah, that was me.
00:39:47.117 --> 00:39:51.797
So Stephen had this way back in the beginning and I want to cover it because it's so simple.
00:39:52.097 --> 00:39:57.317
Stephen said like, does Ecamm have a workflow from Ecamm to scenery to like
00:39:57.317 --> 00:39:59.457
capture or captivate, whatever order makes sense.
00:39:59.457 --> 00:40:05.217
And yeah, we do have a workflow from eCamp to scenery, but what's dope is once
00:40:05.217 --> 00:40:11.157
it's in scenery, like it's, you have a clip that you can download and send it
00:40:11.157 --> 00:40:13.417
to wherever you want, right? And,
00:40:14.609 --> 00:40:17.469
i think that's the part that's so cool because what i've been
00:40:17.469 --> 00:40:20.789
doing in the past is i used to have to make my
00:40:20.789 --> 00:40:26.369
file and then i have to export this audio but now while i'm done editing the
00:40:26.369 --> 00:40:32.849
video i hit export audio right away and then i do export to video so while it's
00:40:32.849 --> 00:40:36.829
generating that audio clip i just take the audio clip and throw it to authentic
00:40:36.829 --> 00:40:39.329
and authentic sends it to captivate for me.
00:40:39.509 --> 00:40:42.909
So, um, yeah, it's, it's a simple workflow.
00:40:43.029 --> 00:40:46.869
It's not very hard, but I really love the fact that while you're exporting something,
00:40:46.989 --> 00:40:50.249
say you're exporting a video clip and you want to start tweaking on something
00:40:50.249 --> 00:40:52.009
else you can't. Oh, speaking of
00:40:52.009 --> 00:40:55.969
which, let's show them how to beautify the audio on the bottom timeline.
00:40:56.169 --> 00:40:59.789
Oh yeah. Thanks for calling that out. So as you can see here,
00:40:59.849 --> 00:41:02.389
we've got some audio, um, on my main track.
00:41:02.649 --> 00:41:06.609
I can easily just lower and raise that audio bar.
00:41:06.609 --> 00:41:09.709
You'll see in our audio panel over here
00:41:09.709 --> 00:41:12.709
you could clean that audio we could also raise that
00:41:12.709 --> 00:41:15.809
bar and lower it manually by shifting the
00:41:15.809 --> 00:41:18.889
slider now let's say there's a moment where it peaks
00:41:18.889 --> 00:41:22.489
and when I say peak that you could see how these wave
00:41:22.489 --> 00:41:26.909
these wavelengths here are kind of a little
00:41:26.909 --> 00:41:29.809
bit higher than over here let's say we wanted to
00:41:29.809 --> 00:41:33.169
make those a little bit lower and keep the audio
00:41:33.169 --> 00:41:36.769
on the other part of this clip that same level well
00:41:36.769 --> 00:41:43.469
I can easily select option which will bring me into a keyframe mode for those
00:41:43.469 --> 00:41:47.329
who know are familiar with other editing tools this will allow you to create
00:41:47.329 --> 00:41:52.449
an audio keyframe we also have this button here called audio keyframe that allows
00:41:52.449 --> 00:41:56.649
you to enter this audio keyframe mode where I could then click.
00:41:57.703 --> 00:42:00.883
A few times on this panel on
00:42:00.883 --> 00:42:03.783
this audio bar here and what I'm going to do I'm going to go click v now
00:42:03.783 --> 00:42:07.723
back to my selector and you could see I'm raising
00:42:07.723 --> 00:42:11.003
and lowering just that section here so
00:42:11.003 --> 00:42:13.943
I can maintain this volume level
00:42:13.943 --> 00:42:16.723
to be at that level while this one I
00:42:16.723 --> 00:42:19.523
can lower or raise as well so there's a
00:42:19.523 --> 00:42:22.363
bunch of audio options for you as I
00:42:22.363 --> 00:42:25.063
mentioned cleaning audio so if you wanted to get rid of
00:42:25.063 --> 00:42:27.923
that ambient noise you can easily click that and
00:42:27.923 --> 00:42:31.123
that'll get rid of that ambient noise as well yeah
00:42:31.123 --> 00:42:34.203
that's really really helpful because um also
00:42:34.203 --> 00:42:37.223
you know in some of the social media platforms you
00:42:37.223 --> 00:42:41.943
want to start with the weird little ai thing uh this is when she walked into
00:42:41.943 --> 00:42:47.263
walmart right so you can purposely drop that portion of the clip so that it
00:42:47.263 --> 00:42:52.283
doesn't fight the little you know ai thing that you throw in at the front and
00:42:52.283 --> 00:42:55.083
then so this is how you do that you can cut a little space for that,
00:42:55.183 --> 00:42:58.903
or you want to, you know, let the music impact or you have sound effects or
00:42:58.903 --> 00:43:00.343
something that you want to impact there.
00:43:00.483 --> 00:43:04.943
The other thing that's really cool is inside scenery.
00:43:05.123 --> 00:43:10.783
If you go up on stock media, if you need to grab a clip from a stock media place
00:43:10.783 --> 00:43:15.863
in order to add some B roll or a little spice to it, you have a couple of different
00:43:15.863 --> 00:43:19.343
options in there as well. So awesome.
00:43:22.743 --> 00:43:25.823
I'm searching out beat music I could preview it
00:43:25.823 --> 00:43:28.723
by selecting the clip here
00:43:28.723 --> 00:43:34.323
previewing it out and add it to my project boom there it is and then we could
00:43:34.323 --> 00:43:37.403
add once that's queued up and uploaded we could just pop that in the beginning
00:43:37.403 --> 00:43:41.243
I also added a fade at the beginning of this video too so you'll notice that
00:43:41.243 --> 00:43:47.843
you have the option to fade your audio at the front end as well so if you wanted to have it,
00:43:48.584 --> 00:43:53.264
naturally fade in, you could do that too. Something else I want to call out,
00:43:53.304 --> 00:43:56.824
Doc, in this view, which we already called out the safety overlays,
00:43:56.904 --> 00:43:59.644
which is pretty sweet. That's one of my favorite features as well.
00:43:59.984 --> 00:44:04.664
You could change the overlays here. You also can show beyond the edges.
00:44:05.164 --> 00:44:10.684
And what that will do is just show you the actual raw video itself too.
00:44:10.784 --> 00:44:15.644
So you could see beyond the edges. If I want to adjust Doc to be in frame here,
00:44:15.784 --> 00:44:18.124
you could see that too. I didn't know that.
00:44:18.644 --> 00:44:23.404
Oh my God. Oh my God. See this, do this stuff, people. I didn't know that.
00:44:23.444 --> 00:44:25.684
And I use this tool freaking every dang day.
00:44:25.884 --> 00:44:28.624
I didn't know that. Oh my God, it's so good.
00:44:29.044 --> 00:44:33.244
And do you know this little trick, Doc? If I hold down, I'm hovering over the
00:44:33.244 --> 00:44:36.284
center of my preview player. I thought we was friends.
00:44:39.184 --> 00:44:44.764
Sorry, I'm just pulling out all the trick. So if I hover over the center here
00:44:44.764 --> 00:44:49.204
and I click minus, you're going to see that that view, the zoom level gets zoomed
00:44:49.204 --> 00:44:52.064
in and zoom out. I'm clicking minus and plus now and I'm adjusting.
00:44:52.444 --> 00:44:55.384
Obviously you could manually do that here too, to zoom to fit,
00:44:55.484 --> 00:44:59.484
but it is nice if you hover and you click minus, you could easily play around
00:44:59.484 --> 00:45:00.604
with the zoom level as well.
00:45:01.304 --> 00:45:04.824
Oh, that's good. Oh, that's faster. Yeah.
00:45:05.824 --> 00:45:09.204
It's nice, right? I had to have you come on and do these things.
00:45:09.424 --> 00:45:14.284
Y'all are in trouble, man. Listen, y'all gonna see unnecessary cuts coming out of me now.
00:45:16.584 --> 00:45:22.564
And at the end of it, I've been doing this with me and...
00:45:26.618 --> 00:45:30.058
This is so good, people.
00:45:30.278 --> 00:45:37.658
I really want you to go and play with scenery. I'm telling you, it is a game changer.
00:45:37.898 --> 00:45:41.778
It is a time saver. It makes your life so much easier.
00:45:42.138 --> 00:45:49.538
And it kind of takes away some of the excuses that most people have when it comes to producing.
00:45:49.678 --> 00:45:52.338
And I think many people can shoot a video all day.
00:45:52.518 --> 00:45:57.258
I think when most people panic is when it comes time to edit and scenery just
00:45:57.258 --> 00:45:59.998
makes it shmood just like the silica.
00:46:02.238 --> 00:46:07.598
It we do really um amplify the process of video editing and we make it fun that's
00:46:07.598 --> 00:46:12.438
the goal right we want to make this process enjoyable and a lot of um some of
00:46:12.438 --> 00:46:17.378
our ecamm users right now um i will call out if i go back home here they're
00:46:17.378 --> 00:46:21.358
using scenery as a platform for all their hosting all their media and their assets.
00:46:21.658 --> 00:46:26.698
So you can easily, you know, get organized with all of your different shows
00:46:26.698 --> 00:46:28.958
or your episodes with our team collections.
00:46:29.438 --> 00:46:34.938
And what that will let you do is, you know, just stay on brand and also just stay organized.
00:46:35.078 --> 00:46:41.118
So here you've got scenery in 60 seconds, a bunch of episodes that I've started to import here.
00:46:41.258 --> 00:46:44.358
I could go into any project and access these.
00:46:44.518 --> 00:46:48.918
I also called up before I've got a brand kit. So you could save those styles as well.
00:46:48.918 --> 00:46:51.858
But let's just say I've got my scenery
00:46:51.858 --> 00:46:55.238
logos bugs things like that title cards let's
00:46:55.238 --> 00:46:58.378
say in this video here that we were working on I want to
00:46:58.378 --> 00:47:03.158
add an intro card well I've already saved it to my brand kit so I could easily
00:47:03.158 --> 00:47:07.938
navigate to the beginning of this video here and let's just go command up so
00:47:07.938 --> 00:47:10.738
I take it to the beginning of this you can see that play heads at the beginning
00:47:10.738 --> 00:47:15.578
here I'm gonna click brand kit and I'm gonna click scenery and I've already
00:47:15.578 --> 00:47:17.698
nicely I've nicely assembled all my assets here,
00:47:17.818 --> 00:47:20.218
title card. Let's say we want the scenery.
00:47:20.518 --> 00:47:23.298
Well, this is our own card, but let's say we want it at the beginning here.
00:47:23.738 --> 00:47:27.418
I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna insert this at the play head.
00:47:28.743 --> 00:47:33.383
And boom, there it is. Obviously, let's turn off those YouTube shorts.
00:47:33.703 --> 00:47:37.583
Maybe we want to zoom in here too. So boom, there's that scenery logo.
00:47:38.063 --> 00:47:40.403
And now we've got a cool little intro.
00:47:41.023 --> 00:47:43.783
Obviously, it's kind of long. I'm going to just start to trim that.
00:47:43.823 --> 00:47:46.003
As I trim that, notice what's happening on my timeline.
00:47:46.543 --> 00:47:49.663
Everything's moving with me. It's because we got that ripple mode on.
00:47:49.903 --> 00:47:53.363
So it's dragging everything with me. So I don't have to do the manual process
00:47:53.363 --> 00:47:56.103
of deleting and bringing it back in.
00:47:56.103 --> 00:47:58.883
That you could see here um let's just
00:47:58.883 --> 00:48:02.003
show not be on the edges here's that
00:48:02.003 --> 00:48:04.943
scenery logo and then it goes into the flow obviously that's
00:48:04.943 --> 00:48:08.363
not on on par with the the
00:48:08.363 --> 00:48:11.223
episode here but if you had that flow intro we could easily add
00:48:11.223 --> 00:48:14.083
that add that in as well but still smart i can
00:48:14.083 --> 00:48:17.283
see a time coming where um brands will
00:48:17.283 --> 00:48:22.203
be sponsoring people's clips because clips get so much more traction so much
00:48:22.203 --> 00:48:26.743
more eyeballs and even if it is a bumper at the end of a clip they'll be like
00:48:26.743 --> 00:48:29.903
what was that what was that what was that people are nosy they can't help themselves
00:48:29.903 --> 00:48:33.003
they want to go look at it so i can see it coming because they do it in news
00:48:33.003 --> 00:48:35.843
now when we get our mini clips from the news here,
00:48:36.383 --> 00:48:40.523
it's always sponsored by long's drugs and i was like oh yeah i forgot my prescription.
00:48:42.863 --> 00:48:47.023
So it works i mean it totally works like it totally remembers me remembers me
00:48:47.023 --> 00:48:50.863
reminds me me, I need to go to the drugstore to grab something real quick,
00:48:51.003 --> 00:48:53.123
but yeah, so I can see it coming.
00:48:54.003 --> 00:48:58.323
You can also import other things like this animated transition that I've got here.
00:48:58.703 --> 00:49:02.223
So if you've already got, again, as I said, assets saved in Ecamm,
00:49:02.323 --> 00:49:07.063
we could just plop some of these cool ones in and there's this one just going.
00:49:08.524 --> 00:49:11.484
Across the screen here um but we could like make that
00:49:11.484 --> 00:49:14.544
bigger so that way it's a cool transition from you know
00:49:14.544 --> 00:49:18.084
katie to whoever it may be in the in the
00:49:18.084 --> 00:49:21.044
video see that's also smart because
00:49:21.044 --> 00:49:24.444
i've done that before i've made um assets you
00:49:24.444 --> 00:49:27.364
know using uh motion or after effects
00:49:27.364 --> 00:49:30.364
and i've used them in ecam but um
00:49:30.364 --> 00:49:33.504
yeah my actual end card and
00:49:33.504 --> 00:49:36.564
my outro they're they're animations
00:49:36.564 --> 00:49:40.484
which i can save with alpha channel and then bring
00:49:40.484 --> 00:49:43.824
them in the scenery and it should work right yeah exactly
00:49:43.824 --> 00:49:46.524
we support yeah we support alpha so if you're
00:49:46.524 --> 00:49:49.544
making an apple motion or after effects or just simply
00:49:49.544 --> 00:49:52.424
you know if you've got a green screen um you
00:49:52.424 --> 00:49:55.484
could also keyframe that green screen out by um
00:49:55.484 --> 00:49:59.304
simply selecting from our transitions effects and
00:49:59.304 --> 00:50:02.124
animations and you can click green screen
00:50:02.124 --> 00:50:04.884
filter and drag that on obviously this isn't a green screen
00:50:04.884 --> 00:50:07.584
but if you had a cool green screen like animation you could
00:50:07.584 --> 00:50:10.884
easily key that out oh listen
00:50:10.884 --> 00:50:14.124
listen here i'm gonna throw something in the project assets it's
00:50:14.124 --> 00:50:17.324
uploading it's done uploading it's gonna transcode and then
00:50:17.324 --> 00:50:21.584
you can actually show them so now you can see why collaborating is dope i just
00:50:21.584 --> 00:50:30.004
sent her a green screen thing this is so cool that is awesome okay so we got
00:50:30.004 --> 00:50:34.484
the squirrels let's go ahead this is from my community because i'm always squirreling
00:50:34.484 --> 00:50:36.124
in the middle of doing what we're supposed to be.
00:50:36.204 --> 00:50:45.084
Doing so i love it bro that's awesome some squirrels just floating across the
00:50:45.084 --> 00:50:49.344
screen here we could obviously scale those up if we want to make them a little bit larger,
00:50:50.700 --> 00:50:53.720
See, that's funny. So if you're in the middle of your clip and you start saying
00:50:53.720 --> 00:50:56.640
something stupid, it has nothing to do with what you're doing.
00:50:58.020 --> 00:51:01.200
Just roll across the screen. Oh,
00:51:01.200 --> 00:51:05.000
God. I hope Gretchen is here to see that because this is all her fault.
00:51:06.360 --> 00:51:09.320
That's amazing. And you could add that, fade those in and out.
00:51:10.000 --> 00:51:13.780
Come back, dude. Come back. Now you're starting to talk about something that
00:51:13.780 --> 00:51:14.620
has nothing to do with this.
00:51:17.260 --> 00:51:22.260
That's great. and you could modify that animation, the effect as well.
00:51:22.360 --> 00:51:28.640
So I just simply select the effect here and I can adjust and fine tune and do all that fun stuff.
00:51:28.940 --> 00:51:35.920
So back to the top here, Doc, as you could clearly see the AI shorts is pretty
00:51:35.920 --> 00:51:41.400
easy to do and you could always fine tune and edit further,
00:51:41.680 --> 00:51:44.620
but the AI shorts feature really just gets you
00:51:44.620 --> 00:51:47.600
going on your edit it that much quicker and
00:51:47.600 --> 00:51:50.800
faster especially when it comes to producing uh social
00:51:50.800 --> 00:51:54.640
shorts for other channels yeah 100
00:51:54.640 --> 00:52:00.300
look gang uh this is absolutely the best so um as we round this out liza what
00:52:00.300 --> 00:52:06.320
is the best way to uh for people to find you or to bother you well besides at
00:52:06.320 --> 00:52:11.840
camp and we're at camp we're doing team purple stuff do not bother my teammate okay not the same.
00:52:14.440 --> 00:52:19.300
Yeah i'll i'll be at camp and i'm pumped i'm so excited to be part of team purple
00:52:19.300 --> 00:52:24.380
but yes i'm here to help i'm not just designated for team purple i'll be i'll be,
00:52:25.422 --> 00:52:28.262
Helping out whenever you need me.
00:52:28.302 --> 00:52:35.062
But when it comes to general scenery inquiries and help, we do have a scenery help center.
00:52:35.182 --> 00:52:40.422
We also have the ability for you to book custom onboarding calls with me.
00:52:40.482 --> 00:52:44.482
So you could always jump in with me and we could do a quick session with whatever
00:52:44.482 --> 00:52:47.022
you're running into, whatever questions you have.
00:52:47.222 --> 00:52:52.462
But when you jump into scenery for the first time, we will give you the opportunity
00:52:52.462 --> 00:52:55.942
to try out scenery for a trial period.
00:52:56.262 --> 00:53:00.242
And I think, Doc, you have the EcammFam code.
00:53:00.602 --> 00:53:06.762
If you type in EcammFam at checkout, we'll give you a month free of scenery as well to test it out.
00:53:07.762 --> 00:53:13.722
Oh, 100%. Now, listen, gang, I want to make sure that this is super important.
00:53:13.842 --> 00:53:17.562
I want you to hear me, hear me clearly. I am an ex-fruit farm employee.
00:53:18.162 --> 00:53:23.942
Steve Jobs was my boss. I used to walk across the yard and look at the window
00:53:23.942 --> 00:53:25.962
on the fourth floor to see if he was up there,
00:53:26.062 --> 00:53:29.462
because sometimes he would just look at us in the courtyard and I just like
00:53:29.462 --> 00:53:34.882
best 20 to 83. Please go to the fourth floor. You're fired.
00:53:35.982 --> 00:53:40.262
I used to be like, you know, walking. So, yeah, even as an employee,
00:53:40.462 --> 00:53:43.882
I was there when their editor came out.
00:53:44.142 --> 00:53:49.422
I am a certified instructor for the editor and I still use CineReap probably more than that.
00:53:49.622 --> 00:53:55.642
For the very simple reason that when I go in there, I will tweak, okay?
00:53:55.782 --> 00:53:58.242
Because I have all of these things that I can do.
00:53:58.602 --> 00:54:01.902
We were talking about this in our class the other day. Sometimes when you're
00:54:01.902 --> 00:54:05.562
coming home from work and you're super tired or whatever, there is nothing better
00:54:05.562 --> 00:54:07.542
than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
00:54:08.382 --> 00:54:12.702
Sometimes all the art is in the limitations, right? Right.
00:54:13.143 --> 00:54:16.863
The funny thing is, Cineway's gotten so good since I used to say that all the
00:54:16.863 --> 00:54:19.743
time, most of those limitations are still missing.
00:54:20.063 --> 00:54:24.903
So, I mean, at this point in time, it is on par with what everyone else is telling
00:54:24.903 --> 00:54:26.603
you to edit with, but they're crazy.
00:54:26.803 --> 00:54:30.603
This is easy. I can teach my grandmother to do this.
00:54:30.723 --> 00:54:34.163
There'll be lots of swearing and lots of pinching, but my grandmother could
00:54:34.163 --> 00:54:36.003
do this. Like it is really that simple.
00:54:36.323 --> 00:54:40.323
So it has what you need to get the work you need to get done.
00:54:40.343 --> 00:54:44.683
It doesn't have a bunch of unnecessary stuff that's designed for,
00:54:44.763 --> 00:54:47.143
you know, trying to get to the film world.
00:54:47.243 --> 00:54:50.123
We're not trying to do that. We're trying to create content for social media
00:54:50.123 --> 00:54:51.103
and things of that nature.
00:54:51.303 --> 00:54:58.343
So just know it's not, it's not really training wheels, but it's training wheels.
00:54:58.523 --> 00:55:01.063
I don't know. I don't know a better way to say it. I think those bikes they
00:55:01.063 --> 00:55:02.703
got now, no training world. You just kick them.
00:55:03.203 --> 00:55:07.683
It's like that. Uh, so please go in and try it for yourself.
00:55:07.903 --> 00:55:09.623
It has become my favorite editor.
00:55:09.843 --> 00:55:13.363
There's no better place I would rather be. And I tried doing dumb stuff like,
00:55:13.463 --> 00:55:15.723
oh, you can edit this in Canva. No, you can't.
00:55:16.003 --> 00:55:21.183
No, you can't. Like this is literally the best thing out. Cedric is one of our favorite partners.
00:55:21.703 --> 00:55:25.163
And they're always willing to have fun. We're like, hey guys, we'll do something fun.
00:55:25.563 --> 00:55:31.123
And they're like, yeah, how? Okay, let's go. So that is also the reason why we love you guys so much.
00:55:31.363 --> 00:55:34.723
So yeah, let's get out of here, people.
00:55:35.243 --> 00:55:41.083
I want to remind you that this was brought to you. Well, I said that backwards.
00:55:41.243 --> 00:55:46.123
This is a man, listen, podcast people. If you want to find out more about the
00:55:46.123 --> 00:55:48.663
flow, you can go to
00:55:48.703 --> 00:55:52.463
00:55:52.843 --> 00:55:56.363
And this will allow you to connect to all your favorite podcasting places.
00:55:56.783 --> 00:56:01.063
That's your YouTube, Apple podcast, Spotify, wherever your podcast getting is got.
00:56:01.263 --> 00:56:05.903
And we also give you the opportunity to leave us a voicemail.
00:56:05.963 --> 00:56:08.523
You can leave us some feedback, leave us a review. Of course,
00:56:08.543 --> 00:56:09.223
that's always beautiful.
00:56:09.503 --> 00:56:13.523
Any of those things can happen over at
00:56:13.643 --> 00:56:17.903
And we use Captivate as our hosting platform.
00:56:18.623 --> 00:56:24.983
Captivate is really cool in the fact that it allows you to have a growth mindset with your podcast.
00:56:25.183 --> 00:56:29.763
There's a lot of places to put your podcast, but Captivate helps you put it
00:56:29.763 --> 00:56:32.043
and then push it out to wherever it needs to go.
00:56:32.163 --> 00:56:36.563
Learn how to grow your podcast and more at
00:56:36.803 --> 00:56:41.663
And as of last week, we talked about it. I know, sponsor! Scenery!
00:56:42.643 --> 00:56:46.203
We actually planned to do this before this, but I just wanted to let you know
00:56:46.203 --> 00:56:47.203
that scenery is the way to go.
00:56:47.263 --> 00:56:51.883
And if you don't know that, just rewind for the last 58 minutes and you'll find out why.
00:56:52.163 --> 00:56:58.303
Because it's just literally the bee's knees hall of fame hashtag Diana Gladney. So check out scenery.
00:56:58.423 --> 00:57:02.003
You can find them at that's
00:57:02.263 --> 00:57:04.183
And then tell them Liza sent you.
00:57:07.212 --> 00:57:10.152
Thanks doc love the plug i'm here
00:57:10.152 --> 00:57:13.052
to help them always oh my god
00:57:13.052 --> 00:57:16.532
it is literally the best thing ever so
00:57:16.532 --> 00:57:19.552
people going to get the scenery on um and
00:57:19.552 --> 00:57:22.972
then wait i make sure i'm not confusing myself did
00:57:22.972 --> 00:57:25.912
you guys just start um or are
00:57:25.912 --> 00:57:30.372
you starting affiliate at any time soon yeah we have an affiliate program if
00:57:30.372 --> 00:57:35.452
you go to backslash affiliate you could sign Sign up to be an
00:57:35.452 --> 00:57:38.172
affiliate with us and you can
00:57:38.172 --> 00:57:43.912
start to send other people to scenery and we all can benefit from that.
00:57:44.852 --> 00:57:48.252
You see? So there you go. For those of you guys who have your own communities
00:57:48.252 --> 00:57:50.132
and you're doing your thing, start messing around with scenery.
00:57:50.312 --> 00:57:53.072
Then after you fall in love with it, go tell everybody else and then you're good.
00:57:53.672 --> 00:57:56.432
You know what I mean? We need as many people playing scenery as possible so
00:57:56.432 --> 00:57:58.512
we can keep having fun. That's all I'm saying.
00:57:59.532 --> 00:58:07.132
So thank you. This is amazing. and if there's any way for you to send an Italian
00:58:07.132 --> 00:58:09.692
beef sandwich to Hawaii, I'm pretty sure.
00:58:10.632 --> 00:58:15.252
Cool. Actually, I just discovered one of the conferences is in Chicago and I
00:58:15.252 --> 00:58:18.612
told Katie, I was like, I don't care. We can't even say we're going.
00:58:18.852 --> 00:58:22.752
If we have to just like mute you, we're going because she's like,
00:58:22.852 --> 00:58:23.592
I'm going to go to Chicago.
00:58:23.832 --> 00:58:27.772
I'm like, we're going. So I forgot which conference it is. I think it's Podcast
00:58:27.772 --> 00:58:31.432
Evolutions, but we're coming to Chicago.
00:58:32.352 --> 00:58:40.132
Awesome. I'll be there, but I'll see you first in Boston. Go Team Purple, but I'm here to help.
00:58:40.372 --> 00:58:44.632
So I'm not exclusive just to Team Purple.
00:58:44.792 --> 00:58:48.672
I will be helping out at the camp. I'm excited.
00:58:49.192 --> 00:58:52.892
Look, speaking of Team Purple, what up, Yolanda? Yolanda has made it.
00:58:53.192 --> 00:58:56.232
Team Purple is in the building. Okay, fam, I appreciate you guys.
00:58:56.572 --> 00:59:01.392
We will see you next week. Same bad time, same bad channel on the flow.
00:59:01.532 --> 00:59:04.452
Thank you, Liza. You have been amazing.
00:59:04.792 --> 00:59:08.532
I don't really see any questions left over.
00:59:09.092 --> 00:59:12.312
Um, let me double check. I think we got everything.
00:59:12.732 --> 00:59:17.152
Yeah, we got everything. We're gravy. Okay. So Louise, you can play the cue
00:59:17.152 --> 00:59:19.212
music. We'll see y'all next week. Peace out.
00:59:19.312 --> 00:59:22.372
A-Town Stump. Flo Riders! Out!
00:59:23.760 --> 00:59:45.866